CHAPTER 25 ... Tricky

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"No. Step back and let him come to you and when he does, then do the unexpected and shove the shield as hard as possible towards his face." Tobor suggested. "Then follow through and cut the tendons to the side of the knee." She blocked the shield before it hit her face and felt the wooden sword - a Balkan – slash her to the side of her knee. "Good. Again."

They had been at it the whole day. The day before as well as the previous three days. Tobor had to admit that Katya was a force to be reckoned with. Still lacking in the finer details, she was, never-the-less, damned good with the Balkan. They did not spar with real swords as Tobor was afraid not only of serious damage but after testing the sword that Wyatt had given to Katya on a metal post, she was more afraid for her own swords.

"Tomorrow is the last day of The Month of Reckoning," Tobor said as she stepped back from the swiftly descending Balkan. Off balance, Katya swept by in a rush, and ducked Tobor's blade that swept towards her chest. She turned swiftly, the Balkan blade knocking Tobor's own blade aside and upwards. Stepping as swiftly past Tobor, her Balkan slid down 'Tobor's blade to slice across her lower stomach. Tobor gasped and stumbled backwards, dropping her own sword and falling to her knees in pain.

"Are you all right?" Katya asked as she stepped closer and helped the gasping warrior to her feet.

"You sneaky bitch," gasped Tobor. "Where did that come from?"

"It was something I've been working on in my mind for some time now. What do think?"

"Let me get my breath back and then show me that move again. Are there any other tricks up your sleeve?"

" I have one or two. I am thinking of keeping a knife I found stuck in one of those buggers back at the village. Any help would be welcome."

"Good idea." Tobor turned her head and searched the sky. "That sounds like a flitter. Grab your sword and be ready."

Both dumped their Balkans and ran off to pick up their swords on the table. "The buggers could have decided that waiting for us is not in their make-up and have come looking."

"They know where we are?" asked Katya as the familiar whining sound of the flitter got louder and louder.

"Our familiar would have kept the Empire in the loop. It's what they do." She glared at the silent Polrob hovering in the air some way off.

"Here it comes," said Katya as the flitter came into view and its landing automatics kicked in and it sank towards the clearing.

As the flitter settled on its landing skids, the bay door opened almost immediately and two warrior woman dressed similarly to Tobor and with swords drawn, stepped leisurely off the walkway and surveyed their surroundings. They stepped towards the two waiting women and sank to their knees in front of Tobor. "Princep. We were notified by Sigal Earp that you will have use of our abilities."

"And what else did Sigal Earp tell you?"

"Nothing Princeps. We came immediately upon hearing from him."

"The Sigal is in Signature?" she asked, surprised.

"Yes, Princeps. There is a woman with him in a Medco-floater. Word is that she is his wife. He said to notify you that Princeps Margareta is gathering the clans for ... the first hundred?" The last part ended as a question but the woman still did not look up.

"I'm impressed. Whist?"

"Pauline Comrad, Princeps, of clan Aqua's."

"Joan de Ark, Princeps, clan Perimeter," the other warrior declared.

"Aqua's and Perimeter? Only three of us selected for the Month of Reckoning?" she shook her head in wonder. "Rise warriors, for there is much to do and only a few hours in which to do it."

Katya had been watching the two warriors who were completely different from each other in looks and size. Whereas Pauline Comrad, a beautiful brunette with a body any woman would kill for, stood tall and muscled, Joan de Ark was short and almost pudgy with short, spiky black hair and the usual brown eyes that seemed to be the norm. Joan de Ark would not look out of place in a kitchen with a bunch of kids hanging on to her apron strings.

"This young lady beside me is your future Emperor."

They turned and stared at Katya inquisitively. "This is the reason we three will swear Blood-oath tomorrow when she defeats the last Contenders for the crown."

"Blood-oath?" the surprise was palpable as the two warriors looked at each other and then at Katya with new respect.

"Blood-oath," confirmed Tobor and then dropped the bomb. "Tonight you relinquish your clans for another. Tonight you become the first members of a new clan, a Warrior clan. I am War Princeps Tobor of the Warrior clan Centurion and she," Tobor pointed at Katya beside her, "is your reason for Blood-oath. Katya Berotivich, meet the first of your bodyguards. "

Katya nodded and smiled shyly at them.

"Blood-oath?" the two warriors asked again, gazing from Katya to their new Princeps. "We accept the honor, Princeps." Joan de Ark said, and they both bowed their heads.

Tobor nodded. "For two hours you will spar with her. Balkans only, for she is tricky, do not be bluffed by her youth. You may proceed when ready." Tobor threw the Balkan at the short pudgy warrior, and it was whisked out of the air as if by magic. The woman advanced threateningly towards a back-peddling Katya.


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