CHAPTER 7 ... Weakness

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"Yes?" The Cyborg commander looked up from where it was fiddling with an augmentation of its right arm.

"We have information received from our scout units near the Rainbow Bridge," its advisor said. "There is also more on Old Earth. It has been uploaded for your perusal."

The commander turned from his advisor, lifted its right arm and pointed it down the passage. A soft 'click', a silent blur of something small moving with astronomical speed. "Good." It turned its Grayvite skull towards the advisor, eye orbs glowing red in the gloom of the shadowed workshop. "Then let us proceed and find out what there is to know."

Behind them, the workshop rocked and vibrated with a resounding explosion.

Report: Quadrant: 15#9 Rainbow Bridge

1530907//2 Time:6573=19sec and recording.

Commander; at 6497=03sec precisely, a count of six million Einherjar and one million Valkyrie appeared from all directions from this unit and dispersed into space. It was noted that the Einherjar dispersal covered every direction in an ever widening circle that expanded at an ever increasing rate. Clearly the Einherjar and the Valkyrie are seeking something.

It must be noted that at no time was the precise location of the Rainbow Bridge determined.

This unit remained and still remains unobserved.

Karlin Beautrix out.

The Commander pressed a button on its console and the next report came up;

Report: Quadrant: 15#5 Earth

1530907//2 Time:6761=51sec and recording.

Commander; at 6317=09sec, a count of 1, 300,702 Einherjar and 14, 624 Valkyrie passed within the vicinity of this unit in an ever widening circle. The reason for this is unknown.

Unit reports that it has been discovered by the Valkyrie and termination of this unit is thankfully a matter of seconds. This unit ...

The Commander looked up at the advisor. "How many did we lose?"

The advisor scratched its Grayvite skull in an unexpectedly human fashion. "That is the surprising part of this entire situation Commander, only eleven outposts have been discovered by the Valkyrie. None have survived. As you will see, some sent messages while others have failed to report in. The m.i.a's*, we surmise, are also destroyed."

"I agree that this is considerably fewer than we expected. Send word that none are to retaliate. Information as to the speed, quadrants reached, and overall dispositions of these abominations are of paramount importance. The further they travel, the less likely they are in discovering anything. It is the Einherjar where the problem lies. The Valkyrie can be destroyed."

Commander; at 4110=06sec.

The Earth armada was joined from the outer planets with three more battleships, nine destroyers with full complement, seventeen mine sweepers and at 3136=57sec precisely, what is termed a 'Goliath' battle cruiser. From Earth itself, at 2992=15sec, one battle cruiser and two hospital ships were launched. Military maneuvers have commenced all over the planet in unpopulated areas. Preparations for military invasion of the Empire is well underway.

This unit reports that Valkyrie to the total of five, are keeping watch. None have interfered or approached Earth or unfortunately, this unit.

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