CHAPTER 27 ... The Sky Arena. Signature, Overlord

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Today would be one of the few times in its illustrious history that the Sky Arena was bursting at the seams.

Hucksters plied their shoddy goods to everyone. Pickpockets did a roaring trade, not to mention the prostitutes. Families brought their children for the event. This was a day of joy. A day of sadness and a day of hope for the future. A thick air of excitement enveloped the Arena. Excitement had stirred the thousands of expectant spectators when a single flitter, accompanied by a Polrob, landed in the center of the well-maintained, sizable lawn. Speakers blared and huge comp screens alerted the crowd that the last Contender for the crown had arrived.

The Arena erupted into a loud and prolonged noise of clapping and cheering. A few meters away from the flitter stood the last of the Contenders watching the hovering Polrobs and the sealed bay doors of the flitter. Every move they made was broadcasted to every comp screen throughout the Empire.

The three men stood close, whispering to each other. Two were lean, well-proportioned and athletic but overshadowed by the hulking figure of the third man. Low brows. Close, mean eyes. He ignored the cheering All three were shirtless and women gasped in wonder at the large man's suntanned, rippling muscles. A few men compared their own physique.

The three Contenders whispered between themselves.

The flitter's bay doors swished back into their receptacles.

A hush fell over the Arena as the three Contenders spread out, calling encouragement to each other.

The slight figure that jumped out of the flitter caught everybody by surprise.

A woman spectator staring up at the huge comp screen screamed and fainted. A man chewing on a hot dog suddenly choked to death. Children screamed or laughed depending on their age. A collective gasp of astonishment surged through the crowd as Katya approached the three men.

Katya stared at them. Sword held loosely in her hand. To her left stood a mountain of a man with a long sword. Centre and to her right were two men that she knew in her heart would be the death of her should she show the slightest sign of weakness.

"A fucking woman," said the one on her left. "All this for a woman? Gerry, get the bitch!"

Gerry charged with his long sword held high. He covered two meters when a long blade knife cut through his neck. He came to sudden stop. Darting to the left and changing the sword to her right hand, Katya met the second attacker and deflected his sword. The third Contender stood his ground, watching her like a hawk.


"What the hell," shouted Tobor, staring at the man on the ground as he managed to pull the long knife from his throat. He tried to stem the spray of blood with his large hands but it forced its way between thick, sausage-like fingers.

He stopped moving as more and more blood pumped from his wounds.

"I taught her that," said Pauline in a satisfied voice. "She's a fast learner, although I must admit she had been trained to throw knives from somebody who knew what they were doing."

"You taught her?"

"She couldn't sleep, Princeps," said Pauline unrepentantly. "So, instead of allowing matters go to waste, Joan and I gave her extra lessons. Lessons not normally taught by any self-respecting Sensei."

"Well good for you both, I believe we are off to a perfect start." Her attention turned to the clashing swords. "Tricky. Tricky," she mumbled. Behind her, the two warriors grinned and gave each other a high-five.

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