#8. Scooby Dooby Doo

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"Yeah, you do have a point." I heard someone say beside me. I was finally coming back to my senses, slowly waking up from my sleep. I shifted and tried to sit up, everyone was sitting on the huge bed, forming a circle, and discussing something.

"Evara, you're up. How do you feel now?" Brooke asked me.

"I feel better, thank you." I smiled at her. "Who has a point and what exactly is it?" I asked.

"We were all just discussing, about everything that has been happening." Chad started.

"Go on." I said.

"So if we go through the series of events. Technically, if your parents have not been around for the past two years, why would someone leave you that note threatening you to not go looking for them?" He said, and I nodded in agreement, my eyes widening slightly due to the realization.

"I have a theory." Isaac started, and everyone looked at him with full concentration.

"So Evara lost her parents two years ago, but maybe, maybe they're alive. The same thing happened with Maddie, Evara's family was told that she's dead, but she was actually here all this while. Isn't it a little strange?" I love this boy, he is making complete sense to me, and to everyone else.

"Oh, and maybe Evara found that out right before the accident, hence that guy knew exactly where she was and left that note." Kian said, jumping a little in excitement.

"What if..." Brooke started and trailed off looking somewhere with her eyes wide.

"What if what, Brooke?" Maddie asked her.

"What if the accident was a deliberate attempt to try to get rid of Evara, because she found out the truth." Brooke said, and everyone around gasped.

My heart rate increased, "Yeah, because Kian said I looked at the car approaching me and I stopped driving, and trust me when I say this, I'd never try to run away from my problems by trying to get myself killed. I must've seen something, that shocked me to the extent that I just couldn't move. Something, or someone." I said. Everything was starting to make so much more sense now.

"Kian, do you, by any chance, remember anything about the person driving?" Chad asked.

"No, I have no clue. I could just get a look at Evara, and then the crash happened." Kian said.

"Didn't he get hurt during the accident?"

"Surprisingly no. I mean yes, a little bit. His car was damaged, but he just sped off with it. He didn't even wait for a second." Kian said.

"Okay, so we know that the accident that happened two years ago was a scam, they're alive but somewhere in danger. Evara's accident could also be schemed. We need to find out where their parents are and that bastard who is doing all this." Chad said.

"So, what's the plan of action now guys? Anything in mind?" Maddie asked, everyone around had determined looks on their faces, and I was overcome with gratefulness, I don't know what I'd do without them.

"Evara, you must be living with someone after the accident, right? When you moved out of the house?" Maddie asked me.

"Yes, but I don't remember." I said, placing a hand over my head. It's frustrating, why did I forget everything?!

"Can you guess who it might be?" She asked again.

"Probably my granny, she's the only one I can think of." I said, honestly.

"So what we could do is, go back to your old house tomorrow, contact the agent she bought the house from. Probably they would know something about your situation that time." Kian said.

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