#1. The End

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They say, be careful what you wish for, for sometimes, it just might come true.
This particular evening, I had wanted nothing more than to die, or worse, forget all of it.
And I, was granted that wish.


I came back to my senses, from the deep sleep that I was in, and blinked a couple of times to adjust to the bright light around me. I grunted and pulled the covers over my head to go back to sleep and that is when I realized the throbbing pain in my head. There was an evident pain in the entire right side of my body and a pinching sensation on my finger tips.

I slowly pulled my hands under the covers and looked at my hands.
These fingerplugs look like the ones patients have in movies. Wait, why do I have these on my fingers?
I slowly peek out of the covers.
Holy crap.
Why am I admitted in a hospital with my body depending on a saline and a machine beeping next to me telling me if I'm alive or not!

"Okay Evara, it's okay. Breathe. Try to remember the last thing you were doing." I mumbled to myself.
I was at home, it was a Saturday, which meant 'Family Day'. Every Saturday, mom, dad and I would spend the entire day together going on picnics trying new things discovering new places, to sum it up, just spending quality time together.
This Saturday we had discovered a place with lots of trees forming a dense canopy, and a beautiful creek, about an hour from home, we had had dinner outside and were going upstairs to our rooms to get to bed.
I brushed my teeth, took a shower and watched the re-run of Friends by myself and then drifted off to sleep.
That was pretty much it.
How on earth did I end up here!

I sighed. Dear lord, all this is giving me a headache. I placed a hand on my forehead only to notice that my forehead was covered with a bandage.
I sighed and closed my eyes, starting to lose my shit.

That exact moment I heard the door click open and someone walked in. I could only see the person when they came up to me. It was a lady in her late forties with dusty blonde hair which reached upto her shoulders, wearing a white coat with a stethoscope dangling around her neck.

She looked at me and noticed that I was awake. "Oh! You've woken up. How are you feeling honey?" she asked with her strong yet soft voice. She wore an aura of elegance and independence.

Until this very moment, I hadn't realized how dry my throat was.
"I'm alright." I sighed, "No, actually I'm a mess." For some reason I felt like I could just tell her everything I was feeling, not just about my health but also what I'm thinking.

"What's the matter?" she said as she helped me sit upright and handed me a glass of water.

I gulped all of it in one go and started ranting. "First of all, my body hurts like shit, really really bad shit, and second but much worse, I have no idea why it hurts like shit. I mean, the last thing I know is that I drifted off to sleep-"

"You don't remember how you ended up here?" The doctor asks cutting straight through my muttering.

"No I don't. Can you please tell me what happened?"

She smiled at me, "Sure but first let's just do a quick checkup." She got up to examine me.
"I'm Karen, by the way." she said as she lightly pressed the muscle on my right hand.
"I'm Evara." I managed to say as I was biting my lip from screaming out in pain.

"That's a beautiful name. I once knew somebody with the same name." She smiled at the memory of that person.

"Oh, what happened?"

"People leave." She said and gave some instructions to the nurse.

"So, Evara," she turned her full attention towards me. "Listen to what I say carefully, it might be a little too much for you to take in but since you're alone I need to inform you a little about your condition." I nodded as she continued. "You had an accident about three days ago. My son, Kian was there at that time and rushed you to the hospital." I took a moment to process that information.

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