Chapter 3

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I forced my eyes open even though it hurt to do so. I took in the site of the bed covers surrounding me and tried to remember how I got into this bed. I turned my head to the side and saw a man staring right back at me; he looked at me with amusement. He sat on a chair farthest from the bed. I didn’t flinch at the all too familiar features.

The dark grey-blue eyes were now searching into mine as if trying to be intimidating. His face looked like the same, same strong jaw line, Sharpe nose, luscious lips, except in the way he was looking at me.  The last time I saw him, he looked at me with hope. The man in front of me looked at me with hope mixed with uncertainty.

The man stood up from the chair and walked over to my bed and sat down, feeling the bed dip. I could tell he was not the same man from last night, he just looked the same.

He didn’t say anything, he only stared at me.

"Who are you?' Curiosity finally said.

"You don’t remember last night?" The deep voice replied.

"I do remember, but I have never seen you before."

"Why would you say that?" The stranger said studying my face.

He was playing me, and I knew it

"The man I met yesterday was names Dustin. The man sitting in front of me now may look like him, but is definitely NOT the same man"

The man smirked and said "Clever girl, I am Xavier, Dustin’s brother."

I finally pushed up and lead back against the headboard. I looked down and noticed I was still wearing the wedding dress. I smiled a little then looked at Xavier,

"What happens now?”

Xavier smiled and said "all will be explained this morning, for now you should get washed and ready"

I grumbled and nodded my head and looked away focusing on anything but him.

He stopped on his way out the door and I could feel his eyes scan my face, and then he walked out.

I sighed and walked to the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror. I smiled meekly and looked around for a closet, but didn’t see one...I sighed. I don’t want to walk around like a freak in a ballerina wedding dress

Walking back out of the bathroom and back into the small room and saw a door right next to the bathroom.

Wow, I am stupid, I opened the door and saw Thousands of clothes were hanging on hangers and folded on counters, and directly in front of me was a huge vanity with all types of makeup and accessories that were seen only in the most expensive accessories.

I walked over to some random clothes and looked at them all, they were expensive!!! They still had the price tags on them. I searched for something less glamorous? More down to earth? I don’t know, but I know what I wasn’t looking for and that was not these clothes.

After searching through racks of clothes I finally, I pulled out a grey ribbed tank top with jeans.

I looked in the mirror and smiled a little and walked back out the doors with the wedding dress in hand.

I jumped when I saw a girl standing in front of me wearing a maids outfit.

"Hello, I am Sarah, Are you ready?" she asked.

"For what?"

"To be escorted to the main hall."

"Uhm, yeah sure...” I said placing the dress on the back of a chair.

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