Chapter 9

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          You opened your eyes and flinched away from the bright light. After a second or two, your eyes adjusted, and you looked around. Although you'd never been there before, you knew this had to be the Enterprise's sick bay. You seemed to be laying on one of the medical beds.

"It's about time you woke up," a voice said.

You turned your head and saw a man with brown hair and a medical scanner grinning at you.

"What do you mean?" you asked, your voice unusually raspy. You frowned, cleared your throat, and spoke again in a far more usual tone. "Who are you?"

"I'm Leonard McCoy," he told you, passing the scanner over you and marking the readings on a PADD. "You've been out for two and a half days since we got you off of that planet in Omega IV, but it was just fatigue, nothing serious. The natives were a flesh-eating species, and the landing party had the misfortune to stumble into one of their snares."

You shivered, realizing suddenly that the dungeon-like room had been more along the lines of a pantry. "Did you find Wilson, sir?" you asked.

McCoy's expression darkened. "Part of him. You and Spock were quite lucky. As soon as I finish up here, you're free to go."

"Thank you, sir," you said, then paused. "Sir, Mr. Spock . . . is he alright?"

"He's already back on duty," McCoy said, finishing up his scans. He turned to you, frowning slightly. "Why don't you stop by the bridge and tell him you're alive? He's been asking after you so much I just might kill him if he doesn't stop breathing down my neck."

You tilted your head in mild confusion. Spock was asking after you?

"The captain wants you back on duty at once," McCoy continued. "Do you feel up to it?"

"Yes, sir." You swung your legs off the bed, sitting up.

"Good," he said, handing you the PADD he'd been marking. "Once you've dressed, run this up to the bridge for the captain to sign. There's a uniform over there that you can put on."

"Pants, right?"

"Yes. Spock explained to me how you feel about dresses."

"Thank you, sir."

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