Lovable pain (One Direction fanfic)

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This is in no way associated with the band one direction or the famous Dimon Cowell, it isa fan fiction created by request for a close friend of mine any request on where you want this book to go are greatly appreciated :) and please support me on my first book and hopefully the many more to come :)

I would also like to say that this is a lot about Simon Cowell I just didn't have much space left in the title so thought I would mention him her enjoy


I was walking down the streets well admiring everything in my path, I was ecstatic my parents had finally caved. I was only 17 but still I got to live my life the way I wanted. You see I grew up in North America, Canada to be precise and I was quite a bright student. I always found that my grades came first in life and that did pay off in ways. School seemed to always come naturally to me so my hobbies we're my main priority. I spent most of my time working of my vocal skills singing and acting which got me this scholarship in Europe. I was going to one of the Media and top art schools in the world, and this semester I was chosen for a secret assignement. But now I was walking down the streets of Europe fascinated and utterly lost.

Suddenly I heard a scream from behind me shortly followed by another and then another. I was confused but when I turned around to identify the noise I was not satisfied by what I saw. I stood there in complete shock as a group of at least 100 girls made their way towards me. My feet were not responding to my head so I just stood there waiting for the impact, but at the last second someone reached out and pulled me into a dark alleyway. I wanted to scream for help but my capture slapped a hand over my mouth and restrained me with the other. I didn't know what to do I certainly didn't want to die and on my first day in Europe. I made a split second decision and elbowed him in the gut and stomped on his door which caused him to fall back and release me.

"Oof" I heard the man say, but I ignored him and ran out of there as fast as I could, but I could have sworn I heard a girl yell as I left "Zayn, Zayn." I brushed the thought aside though, I couldn't have one direction on the brain I wasn't around all the obsessed fans also known as my friends. I ignored the girls I thought I heard in the back ground and continued down the road till I finally stumbled across the place I was looking for, Wilfred school of media studies and art. I was thankful I finally found where I was supposed to go because I didn't want a repeat of what just took place.

Determinedly I strolled up to the building and ran head first into someone's chest. "Whoa hold on their little lady, not just anyone can stroll on into this building, now why don't you go touring somewhere else." The man said well ushering me away.

"No, wait you don't understand I was given a scholarship for this school, I believe I am in the right place." I said with what I hoped was a genuine smile on my face.

"Oh, alright name." The man asked while pulling out a clipboard.

"Audelia winters." I said with a slight smile.

"Oh, so you're right you are in the right place, well right this way miss winters the orientation is taking place in the auditorium which is the last door on your right, enjoy your time here." With that said the man was gone and I proceeded to make my way down the hallway. The school was amazing, all the floors and walls were made of some sort of crystal that seemed to be freshly polished because I could see myself in its reflection.

Once I made it to the end of the hall I turned right and quickly pushed open the door. Once I was inside it slammed closed behind me causing everyone to stare at me.

"Ah, Miss Winters I presume, glad you could join us now if you wouldn't mine taking a seat we would like to begin." I gave the woman at the stand an apologetic look before sliding into a seat next to a boy who seemed to be avoiding the big group of kids like me.

"Do you have any idea why we are here?" I asked the guy beside me confused.

"Um well apparently our class has been chosen to take part in some sort of media study trail run." the boy said while extending his hand to me, "I'm Zac by the way." I gave him a small smile before extending my hand as well, "Audelia." the boy gave me one more cute smile before turning back to the woman up front. He wasn't bad looking I would give him that, he had a cute chocolate brown hair and a pair of what I assumed were dark brown eyes but the lighting in the auditorium wasn't the greatest. Soon I gave up on checking out the boy and turned back to the woman up front.

"Now I am Mrs Gordellia and today I am here to tell you lot about a new program that is starting here at Willfred and you 13 are the lucky Guinea pigs, I mean students who will take part in this um... Trial run. Well I know most of you are confused on what is going to take place, but there is nothing to worry about because everything will be explained in farther details by your mentor, now for a brief summery. You will all be assigned a mentor that you will follow for at least the school year. However some of your mentors may be traveling or have taken on a challenge and extended your contract. Now your mentors can extend you contract at any time however they may not shorten it because of our student policy here on campus. The reason I am telling all of your this is because none of you will be staying on campus,you will all be staying with your mentors who are for the moment all here in Europe, are there any questions?" I was pretty confused on what was taking place, that woman spoke like she was mad, I was pretty sure she didn't even stop to breath through that whole speech. I shook my head trying to absorb all that she said while Zac's hand went up.

"Yes, um Mr. Jefferson? " the woman asked while looking up from what I assumed was the student list.

"Yes um why is there so much security around the main building today?" I looked up at the woman curiously,I was wondering to same thing ever since that security guard stopped me at the front gate.

"Oh well you see, your mentors are waiting in the back room until the orientation is complete." the woman said with a neutral expression.

"That still doesn't answer his question," I added before I could stop myself.The woman shot me a glare which sent a chill down my back, she couldnt have been under 50 her hair was a light blond shade but i could see a bit of gray coming through and her eyes seemed to cut through me like butter as she continued to glare at me.After awhile she snapped her gaze away from me before taking a few deep breaths and continuing to talk.

"The reason for the high security is because this is a media study school along with arts, therefore with those two category's celebrity's are never far behind. Behind the doors to my left are thirteen celebrities both minor and major who have agreed to the responsibility of taking on one of you as a pupil who can follow there everyday life, experience it and report on it. Now this is a unique experience so all of you are required to keep a journal that you will report in daily along with a weekly summary of what has taken place in your celebrities life or anyone else you have communicated with." suddenly all the students in the room turned to each other and began to chat quickly and quietly, but that didn't last long before Mrs. Gordellia called us back to order.

"Children! This is a huge opportunity for all of you so please listen until I am done. now all of your mentors have already been decided, when all of you applied for our school earlier this year you submitted a portfolio which was given to all the different mentors to look at and in the end the mentors each chose one of you. Now that is enough from me, when I call you up you will be escorted to your mentor by one of our guard here today.

"Zac Jefferson," I gave Zac one more encouraging smile before he disappeared with a security guard out the doors to the left of the room. Student after student was called up and presented with a security guard until finally I was called. I walked up front with my head held high only to realize there was no security guard to meet me.

"Sorry Miss Winters it seems we have run out of guards, I guess you are stuck with me now come along." I followed behind silently until we approached a room with closed doors, the woman pushed them open and only one person was left in the room. I was shocked by who stood in front of me and a little confused, because in front of me was no other then Simon Cowell.

"Hello Audelia I am looking forward to the time we are going to spend together." I shot him a smile but the feelings were not returned, Simon molded his image based on being cruel and ruthless I didn't know how I was going to like what was in store for me...

So what do you think like it hate it let me know

Addy :)

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