The last day before Moving

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I'm bored so don't ask. I love to create books for a living! I write them during class as well and don't post them. I'm evil, aren't I?


(Marinette's P.O.V)

The day before Marinette moves.....

I'm moving today! Today is the last day of school! I'm so happy! I hug Chaton and he meows. I giggle as I kiss his head. "You're going with us Chaton." He meows and follows me as I walk downstairs. "Good morning, Maman." Maman smiles when she sees me.

"Good Morning, Marinette. Māomī." Chaton meows in return and goes to eat from his bowl. I sit on the chair and hum happily to myself. "You seem very happy today. Are you all ready to pack?" I nod and Maman puts a plate of pastries in front of me. The aroma tickles my nose. Maman and Papa always make the best pastries. I happily take a bite out of it.

"Good Morning everyone." I see Papa walk into the room.

"Gowf Mawrihg, Pape" Papa laughs and kisses me on the cheek. I finish my food and put it in the sink. Then I head with Maman to school. I see Maman talk to the teacher while I walk to my seat.

"Why are you so happy today Marinette?" Felix looks at me confused. He has been treating me very nicely for the last two months although almost all the time I've known him, he has been very mean.

"I'm not coming to school tomorrow?" He raises his eyebrow.

"Why not?" I look away from him and towards the teacher.

"You'll find out soon!" Then the teacher starts the class.

At the end of the day, before everyone leaves the teacher calls me up to the front. "Okay, everyone! Listen up please." The class turns their attention to me and the teacher. "I want you all to say your farewells to Marinette. She is moving to Paris tomorrow." I smile and Felix just stares at me blankly. I don't know what he is thinking, but I just smile at him. Then we are dismissed. Maman picks me up as always and we head home. An hour later, the doorbell is rung. I open the door and see a beautiful lady. She had blue eyes and bright golden hair.

"Hello, I am Ms. Pasteur. My son is Felix Agreste. Has he been here?" I shake my head. She sighs. Then Maman comes from behind.

"Hello, Ms. Pasteur. What happened to your son?" Maman looks concerned. I was concerned for Felix. He finally treated me like a good friend.

"He hasn't come home for an hour. I'm.....worried about him." Maman sends me into the kitchen and Chaton looks up at me with his big green eyes.

"I'm worried about Felix, Chaton. I know I used to talk badly about him in the past, but now I'm scared for him. I got it." I hug Chaton close to me. "I'll look for him when Maman and Papa are asleep." Chaton meows and I wait. Luckily Maman and Papa went to bed early for the night since we have to wake up early. I bring an umbrella and Chaton follows me. Then in a dark alleyway, I see Felix balled up. "Felix?" He flinches and looks up at me.

"Marinette." He says my name in his old harsh voice. "What are you doing here?" I sigh and see Chaton in the dark. It was really hard to see him though.

"Your mother came to my house. She asked where you were. Since we are good friends, I thought-" But I was cut off.

"Why did you ever think we were friends?" I was taken aback. "You just want to move to Paris because you want to get away from me." I shake my head.

"No! That isn't true! Maman and Papa thought it was a good idea to move. You are a good person Felix. I want us to keep on being friends even though we live in different places." I hear Felix scoff.

"You really think that we can be friends if you move to another place. You'll forget about me when you move over there. So I'll make an impression on you so that you will never forget me." The tone of his voice turned dark at the last second. I shivered and it felt like all the good stuff he did for me, disappeared. "Yes, I'll make sure that you stay with me, princess!" Then he rushes at me with something in his hand. I am frozen with fear until Chaton jumps out of the dark in front of me. He attacks Felix and cuts him across the face. "Get away from me you mangy street cat." He thrusts the thing in his hand onto Chaton and Chaton stops moving.

"Chaton!" Felix throws Chaton to the side and I try to run over to Chaton, but Felix grabs me.

"Where do you think you're going, Princess." I am scared. I looked at Chaton and he was twitching. I look at Felix and he had a huge cut running down his right eye. I try to struggle against Felix.

"LET ME GO!" Felix covers my mouth with his hand.

"Not until I had my fun with you, Princess." Then I feel something cold and wet on my back. I am scared Chaton. Chaton had stopped moving and his fur was all wet. Then pain explodes on my lower back. I scream from the pain and I hear Felix laugh. "I'll gouge out your lower spine so you can never leave me!" The pain in my back keeps escalating. Then I see Chaton roll on his back facing me. He was in pain. I had to help him, but he was in pain too.

"Hey, you stop!" Then I am knocked to the ground. I hear footsteps as Felix runs past my vision.

"This isn't over yet, princess." Then he leaves me. The rain felt cold on my back and the pain in my back was excruciating. I try to crawl towards Chaton and grab him with my hands. His body was cold. There was red stuff on my hands as I held him close to me. Then I start to cry as there was no heartbeat heard from the cold body of Chaton. Then I fell into darkness.

I woke up in a hospital room and see Maman and Papa looking down at me. "Maman.....Papa?" They start to cry.

"Oh, Marinette. Don't you ever go out at night again!" They tackle me in hugs, but my lower back stings. I flinch in pain and they immediately let go of me.

"What happened?" Maman and Papa look at each other.

"You were attacked by a man. Someone stopped them and Felix brought you to the hospital. I flinch. I wanted to tell them that Felix was the one that did this to me, but the words wouldn't come out. "Chaton tried to protect you, but the man stabbed him. Chaton is.....dead." I froze. It felt like everything was crumbling down on me. Everything was taken away by him. By Felix. Then there was a knock on the door. The doctor came in.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng. I am Dr. Xun Jiang. I have come to see your daughter, Marinette's condition." Maman and Papa move out of the way as Dr. Xun Jiang walks closer to me. "Hello, Marinette. How are you today?" I smile at the doctor.

"I am feeling a bit dull, but I am alright." I smile and Dr. Xun Jiang scribbles something down.

"Okay, before I let you go, I have to ask you one more question." I nod and look at the door. I see Felix glaring at me. Then everything comes back. The pain, the knife. Everything comes back to me. "Do you remember who attacked you yesterday night?" Felix shakes his head at me. Then he drags his finger across his neck. Then he puts his finger to his lips. Be quiet. I swallow hard.

"No, I don't remember who it was." Dr. Xun Jiang nods and writes something down.

"Good, you will be discharged tonight, so you can make it in time for your flight. Goodbye Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng. Goodbye Marinette." I nod and Dr. Xun Jiang nods at Felix. Felix just continues to stare at me. Then he saunters in. He has a fake smile plastered on his face.

"Hello, Marinette." I flinch away from his voice. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng." Maman and Papa smile at him.

"We never really thanked you for how much you saved our little girl that night." Felix nods taking the compliment, even though he was the one that did this to me.

"It was nothing. I had to help a friend in need. Marinette, I am sorry for the death of Chaton." He looks at me with a face sad face, but I could see the real happiness in his eyes.

"Thank you for your concern, Felix." I had to almost growl it out. Thanks to him, Chaton was dead. Thanks to him, My back will have scars. Thanks to him, I will never forget him. Then at 8 pm, I am discharged and on a plane to Paris, France. I never forget Felix and what he did to Chaton.

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