With Some Help

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Have you guys watched season 2 yet!?!?!?! I've watched up to episode 10 so far and episode 11 is supposed to come out either tomorrow or Sunday. Then episode 1-13 for season 2 are going on Netflix only for America! Isn't that great?! Well, I feel bad for you people who don't live in America. Sorry, but hey! You guys get the opportunity to look it up on youtube and watch it for yourselves. Yippie!


(Tikki's P.O.V)

I see Felix carry Chat through the door still in their costume. "Master Fu!" I rush over to Master Fu who was drinking tea.

"What is it?" I look at Felix as he walks through the door.

"His wound started to hurt as we were fighting. Marinette is trying to fight. She spoke to us. She begged us. She pleaded us. But Hawkmoth added another Akuma to Marinette. She was hurting. I saw it. He hurt her." Felix was getting angry and he needed to calm down.

"Felix. We cannot do anything if you are only going to get mad. Bring Adrien here. We must detransform him." I watch as Master Fu presses the ring and Plagg shoots out.

"Ugh...I'm so hungry." I give Plagg some Camembert. "Thanks, Tikki. You were right. She is somewhere in there. She is hurt and her strength is fading away. She has two Akumas in her. That isn't good." Two Akumas?! This was getting worse by the minute.

"Master Fu. We need help." Master Fu nods and walks over to the phonograph. He presses the buttons and it brings up the last two miraculous.

"Yes, we do. I cannot fight anymore so there will be a new keeper of the Turtle miraculous." Master Fu sighs and Wayzz flies over to him.

"But Master-" Master Fu holds his hand up.

"No Wayzz. This will only be temporary. I will have to wipe their minds on this incident but for now Wayzz. Please understand that we are doing this in order to free Marinette. We need more help. Tikki and Plagg. With Felix you will go and search for the three people who you believe will be suited for the fox, turtle, and bee. Remember the fox is illusions and trickery. The turtle for healing. And the bee for leading. Go now. I will have to heal Adrien with Wayzz for now." I nod along with the other 2 boys. Plagg and I nestle ourselves into Felix's hair.

"Are you safe?" Felix seemed to turn over a new leaf. I sigh.

"Yes. Let's go find the next people." The Felix walks out the door.

(Felix's P.O.V)

"How will we know who is right for the miraculous?" I feel Tikki and Plagg shuffling in my hair.

"By the actions, they show. We will tell you who." I nod and walk to where everyone is hiding.

"There he is!" The classmates of the school surround me.

"Are you okay?" I nod and everyone is bombarding me with questions.

"This is what Marinette does. She changes people and gives them a new sense to care for one another." I hear Tikki's words and sigh. Marinette was a good person. I guess the only reason I didn't want her to leave 11 years ago was that she changed me. She showed me that I can be more than just a bully.

"Wait, where is Adrien?" They look at me expecting answers.

"Adrien is hurt. He can't move and someone is taking care of him. I need to walk around please." They nod and disperse around me. They seemed to be talking about Marinette.

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