A Redo

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I'm going to keep updating and continue updating endlessly. But you don't hate me for that right? ;)


(Marinette's P.O.V)

"Yeah, so that's the story. The reason why I'm so paranoid that my friends will leave in the dust." I wipe the tears from my face. Chat hugs me trying to make me feel better. "Thanks, Chat." I hug him back and give in to his warmth.

"Well, I think that your friends were trying to help you. Just talk to them tomorrow. I think that they are very worried about you." I sigh and nod.

"I'll call Alya and Nino right now." I let go of Chat and get my phone. I had multiple miss calls from Nino, Alya, and even Adrien. I decide to call Alya first. The phone only rings once before she picks up.

"Marinette!" I hold the phone away from my ear and then bring it back.

"Hey, Alya." Then I hear a relaxed sigh behind the phone.

"Thank goodness, girl. You scared me. I thought that you were going to turn into an Akuma." I chuckle as I see Chat smile at me.

"No, I'm really fine Alya. I'm sorry that I scared you. I only ran away today because I thought Chloe was right. I thought she was right about everything. I even thought she was right about you guys. I'm so sorry for thinking that was you saying all those things. Can you ever forgive me?" I could hear Alya sigh again.

"No, I'm not angry at you. You don't have to ask me for forgiveness. I already forgive you. If it wasn't for Adrien, then Nino and I would have never guessed that you were in pain. We tried to talk to you about it, but you ran before anything. I guess you could say you were paranoid about us, huh?" I laugh and feel all the tension from before leaving my body. "So, girl. What do you plan to do tomorrow about Chloe?" I shrug.

"I don't yet, but I'll think about something." I could almost see Alya smiling. "Thank you, Alya. I'll see you tomorrow at school." Then I hang up. Chat smiles at me.

"See it wasn't that bad." I shake my head and start to call Nino. "Um.....Marinette? Can I use your restroom?" I nod my head and let Chat go to my restroom. Underneath the door was a green flash. Then Nino picks up.

"Marinette. We were so worried about you." I sigh and lay back on my bed.

"Yeah, I learned that from Alya. Thanks for trying to help me when I tried to reject your guy's help. I was paranoid and stupid. I'm so very sorry. Can you forgive me?" I could hear Nino laugh.

"Do you think that all of us are mad at you, Marinette? Cause if that's the case, then you can forget it. Don't ask for our forgiveness. We were never angry with you. We just believed that you needed time to think and reflect on what Chloe has done to you." I nod.

"Wait, how did you know that Chloe was the one that hurt my feelings?" I hear Nino grow paranoid over the phone.

"Adrien told us. He that Chat Noir showed him a video that Chloe gave you and showed it to." I look at the bathroom.

"Hold on Nino." I mute my phone and continue to look at the bathroom door.

"CHAT! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" I could hear him laugh on the other side.

"Not a chance Marinette!" I shake my head and unmute my phone.

"Sorry, Nino. My mom called me down for something." I could hear Nino's approval. "But really thank you for actually caring about me when I thought that you actually said those things about me." I run my back and feel the scars. Unlike some people.

"No prob, Marinette. But I have to go or else my dad will yell at me." I chuckle and end the call. Chat was still in the restroom. I sigh and decide to call Adrien.

(Adrien/Chat's P.O.V)

"What's the matter, kid?" I look panically at Plagg.

"Marinette is going to call me now. I have to put my phone on vibrate." I successfully put my phone on vibrate before Marinette calls me. I immediately answer it. "H-Hey, Marinette! How are you?" I could hear her shuffling outside of the bathroom door.

"I'm good. Thank you for helping me. You were only trying to help. And I have to thank Chat Noir for showing you that video or you guys would have never noticed." I'm glad she is finally praising me.

"No problem Marinette. You are a talented and kind girl. I didn't know Chloe could do this to you. I'm sorry that this happened. I'm going to talk to Chloe tomorrow. And if she threatens you again with that video, just know Nino, Alya, and I will always be there to help you." I could hear her sniff.

"Thank you so much, Adrien. That really means a lot to me. I'll see you at school tomorrow, okay?" I nod.

"Alright. Bye, Marinette." Then I hang up the phone call. I look at Plagg and smile. He had already finished his cheese.

"You look like a fool in love." I shake my head at him and look at the door.

"Plagg, Claws out!" Then I transform into Chat Noir. I try to open the door, but it is locked. "Marinette? Why is the door locked?" I could hear her chuckle on the other side.

"This is punishment for showing my friends that video without telling me." I chuckle nervously. Then the door opens and Marinette pulls on my arm. "And this-" She kisses my cheek without warning. "Is a thank you for helping me." I rub my cheek and Marinette bops my nose with her finger. "Now go home, I have to get ready for school tomorrow." I nod and leave from her balcony.

"Yes! Best day of my life." I yell into the air as I'm far enough from Marinette's house. I arrive home quickly and change into my PJs. I look up at my ceiling with a wide smile on my face. Best day of my life.


"11 years have gone by. I hope she hasn't forgotten about me after all this time." I look at her parent's pastry shop as I pass by. I smile. Then I arrive at my late uncle's house. I get out of the car and walk inside. Then I see my uncle standing at the top of the staircase. "Hello, Uncle." I bow and put my hand where my heart is in respect. Uncle Gabriel was not a force to be messed with. Unless his plans went as expected. He looks at me with a stern look.

"Welcome back, Felix. I hope that you can help me with my experiment." I smile and raise my head.

"Of course, Uncle. As long as I get what I want." 

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