Chapter 2

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After eating a very healthy meal of a classic grilled cheese sandwich and having spent far too long in the shower, I was up in the bathroom attempting to do my hair. To say I was having a hard time was a major understatement, I had tried for an hour to perfect the fish tale braid after watching the detailed YouTube video for the 8th time. After my 5th attempt I ripped the elastic out of my hair and gave up with a dramatic sigh.

My hair was now a web and my fingers trapped like spider prey, I couldn't even manage to run a brush through it and god forbid I leave it out after all my attempts at running my fingers through the curls, I'd look like a cotton candy machine exploded on my head.

I decided to keep it safe and easy as I chucked it up into a 'neat' ballet style bun. I combed down the many flyaway, trying to make it seem like I'd actually spent time on my appearance.

"Well, that's as good as its going to get." I said to myself, looking to the clock I noticed it was already 5:00pm, Shit. We were leaving soon.

I quickly put on some light foundation and made sure my crappy eyebrows were filled in nicely. I made sure to slow my speed while doing my eye makeup, not wanting to end up looking like a raccoon with a bird's nest for hair. When I was happy with my bronze Smokey eyes I added a small amount of eyeliner and Macassar, smiling at my reflection in the mirror for the first time in a while, I impressed with my hard work.

I quickly slipped on my dress, being careful not to catch it on my hair or smudge my freshly down makeup. My shoes were sitting at the end of my bed and I had been dreading putting them on until now. I shoved my foot into the black heeled boot, hopping around like a loon trying to smoosh my toes into place. Breathing out in relief as I managed to get the second one on a lot more gracefully. I heard Tristan call and I quickly headed out my bedroom, closing the door firmly behind me.

I stopped at the bottom of the stairs in the main entrance hall where Mum sat strapping on her best black heel's. She looked absolutely amazing with her black shadowed eye's and red lips. They matched her dress perfectly and I couldn't help but let myself feel a little jealous of my own Mother for just a second.

I wolf whistled at her.

Mum whirled around to face me. "Not looking to bad yourself." She winked at me and grabbed her purse off the counter top. Tristan came down the stairs wearing a black tuxedo and something told me he owned a few just like it.

"Well don't you ladies look lovely." He kissed Mum on the forehead and I nodded at his smart move, something told me he would look a little funny with red lipstick.

The short drive to the commune was a silent one as I sat anticipating what it would be like. I sighed to myself, I really hated meeting new people.

When we arrived I completely understood why they called it a commune, all that was visible to the outside was a giant stone wall and that was after traveling along a dirt road through the woods to find it. The wall was at two stories high and adorned with spikes that rolled along the top edge of the structure. I rolled my eyes, great we were attending a party in what look a hell of a lot like a prison.

We pulled up to a large electronic gate, Tristan pressing the buzzer to single our arrival. A quiet beeping noise sounded and slowly the gate edged opened. We moved through the gate and once on the inside we were left on yet another dirt road.

We followed along for what felt like a while until we came to a large opening where 50 or so cars were parked, each one looked more expensive then the next with their flashy paint jobs and elaborate wheels. Pulling up next to a red sports car, I hopped out and began to admire the vehicle. I was wrapped up ogling the car for a second before my eyes caught something else, somebody else.

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