Chaptet One: Cub

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A/N: Hey welcome to my new story. This is my first marvel story so I hope you all enjoy. Incase you are wondering I used Xhosa for the little phase they use. So...

"Long, long ago a woman fell from the sky. The warriors of Wakanda went to where she crashed to see what exactly she was. When they arrived her chest glowed a bright orange that many hadn't seen before. The woman awoke and tried to attack the warriors by shifting to a panther as black as midnight itself with bright glowing eyes.

Before harm could fall upon any she collapsed. The king ordered that she be brought to the castle. So he could look at her. The moment he laid eyes on her he kmew he wanted to marry her. When she awoke they fell in love and created a family. It is said that her descendants roam the palace still to this day amd can be spotted different from other panthers by the gold earring in it's ear."

"Is this true?" A young T'Challa asked. His eyes were so wide they barely fit on his face.

"It's a story, unyana (son)." T'Chaka said gently as he entered the room.

"Really?" T'Challa asked disappointed. Ramonda shot a look at T'Chaka before turning back to their son.

"No your father is just upset cause his Kumnyama Omnyama (panther black) didn't remain after she gave birth." Ramonda explained. T'Challa yawned, his eyes slowly drifting shut.

"I hope I find mine." Was the last words he said before he drifted off to sleep. T'Chaka turned off the light while Ramonda pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"Good night, unyana (son)."
A couple months had passed and T'Challa had forgotten the story his mother had told him. Currently, he was walking beside T'Chaka when someone stopped them to speak to the king. Something moved in the corner of T'Challa's vision. It was a panther cub with a gold stud earring. He went to follow it but a hand grabbed him.

"Don't go anywhere, T'Challa." T'Chaka said. Obviously, T'Challa didn't listen. He waited a few minutes until T'Chaka was complete absorbed in the conversation before he walked over and pushed through the bushes where he saw the panther cub go. They were limping something was wrong with its leg.

"Hey." It looked at him startled. It tried to take off but stepped with the bad leg and fell. The whine of pain that came from cub broke T'Challa's heart. He never wanted to hear it make that noise again. He walked closer and went to grab it but it hissed and swiped at him in an attempt to both keep him away and itself safe. "I promise I'm just trying to take you to get help."

It wanted a few minutes staring at T'Challa, he felt like she was looking into his soul. Afterwards, it nodded and rested it's head on the ground. T'Challa took the few steps to reach the cub and gently picked it up so he could carry it back. When T'Challa appeared back through the bushes he heard T'Chaka calling for him.

"Utata (dad), I'm over here." He called out. A few members of the Dora Milaje appeared along side T'Chaka.

"Where have you been- where did you find her?" He askes with surprise when he spotted the cub in his arms.

"I watched it limp through the bushes and wanted to help it." T'Challa said staring at his father.

"It's a her, unyana." T'Chaka said taking the cub from T'Challa.

"How do you know, utata?" He asked as T'Chaka lead him towards the medical area.

"It's golden stud earring is the sign of a young Kumnyama Omnyama." T'Chaka explained as a doctor took the cub. T'Challa watched the doctor get scratched by the cub as it became annoyed.

"It's okay. I promised you I would get you help. They are trying to help I promise." T'Challa called out to the cub. The cub's bright (Y/E/C) locked with T'Challa's before she relaxed and allowed them to help her.

"Tell Kali we have found (Y/N)." T'Challa heard T'Chaka say to the man he had been speaking to. "Come along T'Challa."

"No, she'll freak out again if we leave." T'Challa said before looking at his father. "She needs us."

T'Chaka and T'Challa sat and waited until the doctors had finished fixing her leg. Instantly, she tried to move to T'Challa but couldn't put pressure on her leg. T'Challa felt bad and went over to sit with her. The moment he sat down she crawled in his lap and fell asleep. A while later a panicked woman entered the room and looked at T'Chaka.

"Hello Kali. How are you?" He asked.

"I've been better. Where is she?" Kali asked looking around.

"Over with T'Challa. Come." He lead her to where the two where at. T'Challa had ended up getting tired and laid down falling asleep. When he did that she had shifted up and placed her head over his heart. Kali covered her mouth and a few tears fell.

"She found her king." Kali said.

"He found his Kumnyama Omnyama." T'Chaka said.

"A bond of a life time." Both said. The stood in silence for a few minutes before Kali broke it.

"If she is to be anyone's Kumnyama Omnyama I'm glad it's T'Challa. He has such a gentle soul and will treat her well." She said rubbing her shoulder slightly.

"Thank you, Kali. That means a lot coming from you." T'Chaka said. The two shared a look before he placed a Dora Milaje to watch them. "Let us go speak of what shall happen now."

"Of course." Kali said.
A few hours later T'Challa woke up. He blinked his eyes a couple times before he tried to sit up. When he shofted slightly the cubs head popped up into his line of sight. She moved back and let him sit up. She slowly transformed into a girl that looked to be his age. Her dress was black with gold.

"My name is T'Challa. Prince of Wakanda." He said smiling. She smiled softly back at him.

"(Y/N)." She said softly.

"My prince." The Dora Milaje who was watching them said. "I will take you to your father."

"Okay." He said hopping off the bed. He help (Y/N) off the bed and noticed she wasn't wearing shoes. He took her hand and pulled her along with him. She held onto his hand tightly and didn't let go even when they arrived to the room.

"(Y/N)!" Kali said as she ran and picked up her daughter.

"Umama!" She said hugging her.

"You worried me, intomba (daughter)."

"Ndiyaxolisa (Im sorry)."

"It's okay, intomba. You found your king while here. You remember what I told you would happen when you did?" Kali asked. (Y/N) nodded and sniffled hugging Kali again. Ramonda had joined them at some point and they all watched the sad moment.

"Ndiyamthanda umama wam (I love you mom)." (Y/N) said.

"Ndiyakuthanda nentliziyo yam (I love you too my heart)." Kali said before she stood and smiled at her. She looked at the others and nodded at them then turned into her panther form and ran out. (Y/N) stood and watched as her mother left. A hand slipped into hers and she quickly looked at who it was. T'Challa smiled at her and then looked out at where (Y/N) had been looking. The two remained there for a while. He didn't realize it but it meant a lot to (Y/N) and won her unwavering loyalty.

A Panther's Panther. (T'Challa x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now