First kiss

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¤Y/ns pov¤

I woke up the next morning and decided to make breakfast. I tied my hair in a messy bun and went downstairs to the kitchen. I smiled at the sight of a warm new home.
I got to the kitchen and started to make breakfast which was bacon,eggs,and hash browns. I felt arms snake around my waist and i smiled. "Morning." Said a husky morning voice. "Morning." I said and continued making breakfast but was suddenly distracted by anti helping me out.
I looked at him confused and he gave me a smile. "The least i can do is help." He said and i laughed and nodded.
Breakfast was done and we went to the living room and started eating.
"This is good!" Anti said. "Well you helped me. Thank you." I said and he smile "your welcome. Anything for a hardworking beautiful girl." I blushed at what he said and continued to eat.
When we were dont i out both plates in the sink,washed them, then put them in the dishwasher.
I felt myself being lifted on the counter and felt pressure on my lips. I looked and saw anti pressing his lips on mine and without hesitation, i kissed back and i felt my heart racing. He smirked and licked my bottom lip but i denied. He grabbed my thigh and i moaned which caused my mouth to open allowing him to enter.
We pulled apart and i smiled putting my forehead against his.
"I love you. I loved you the first day i laid eyes on you." He said to me and i smiled. "I love you too." I said and hugged him. He lifted me off the counter and i wrapped my legs around his waist.
"Will you go on a date with me?" He asked and i smiled. "Of coarse." I said and kissed him and he kissed back.
We heard the doorbell ring and i went to answer it and i immediately regret as i see his face in front of me in which i despise from the day that i met him. "Greg." I glare and try to close the door but he holds it open and he grins. "Miss me?" He asked still with his grin and i glare once more.
"Get out of my life. All you did was hurt me. I hate you and i never want to see yoh again." I hissed and he sneered. "Wrong answer." He snapped and he grabbed my throat and started to choke me. Anti notices the sight and he grabs Greg and scratches his eyes. Greg screamed and tried to get anti off him but failed and continued to scream.
Anti finally stopped and got off Greg. He bolted off but turned around again. "THIS ISN'T OVER Y/N!" He yelled and ran off. I started to cry and hug anti. Anti hummed a soothing tune and soon i fell asleep in his arms.

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