The Strange New Family

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Dianna came into the room to wake Desmond, "Today is the day you get to meet your new brother and sister. Are you excited?"

As Desmond opened his eyes, he sat up looking around. "Is it today? I've got to get ready!"Desmond jumped out of the bed and got dressed in his new clothes and shoes. He was very excited to have siblings.

As Dianna left the room she told Desmond, "Don't take too long or you'll miss breakfast."

Desmond went downstairs and there stood his new mother with two children. "Desmond, this is Jessica and over here is Paul, your new sister, and brother." As she said their names each of the children waved and politely said "Hi"

Paul went over to Desmond and asked, "Would you like to play a game called hunters. It's a game that Jessica and I made up."

Desmond responded, "Sure it sounds cool."

Jessica added, "Now all we have to do is locate the target and eliminate it."

The game was now set. Paul handed Desmond a slingshot along with some small metal plugs, and he gave Jessica a knife. The three went out to find their target and eliminate it any way possible.

"To score points," Paul explained, "you have to make the kill. The person with the most cats' tails wins the game. It doesn't matter how you kill them just get it done."

The three approached the alley beside the restaurant, and they could hear the trash cans rumbling. Paul stopped and peered around the corner. He waved for Desmond to move to the other side of the alleyway. Desmond ran to the other side and spotted the cat. He took out a metal plug, placed it in the slingshot, drew it back and waited. The cat's head appeared from under the trash can lid and he let it fly. There was a loud clang as the cat hit the side of the can and knocked it over. Another cat scrambled from under some cardboard, but Paul got that one with a BB pistol loaded with pellets. Jessica saw one trying to go overhead so she threw her knife and killed it. There was a noise from the big garbage bin in the back of the alley Desmond crept closer with his slingshot in hand ready to fire. A homeless man stood up from behind the bin. Desmond recognized him and instantly fired. Paul looked on in astonishment, "What the hell are you doing!!? We're here to kill cats, not humans."

Desmond looked at the man laying on the ground and said, "This man would do anything he could to hurt me and my real mom, so I had a little payback."

It took everything they had, but they threw him into the bin he was laying next to and dumped stuff on top of him making sure that no part of him was showing. "Tomorrow morning the garbage truck will run and it will take him away." When they finished, they collected the cat's tails and went back inside.

Rick asked them, "What were you guys doing out there? I saw you dumping a bunch of trash in the bin. Is there something wrong?"

Paul stood and told him exactly what happened. When he finished they all stood there expecting the worst when Rick said, "I don't believe it, your first kill and coverup and I wasn't there to see it." They all looked at each other in confusion. Rick looked at Dianna and smiled, "Shall we tell them?"

Dianna looked at the children and said, "I think they are ready." She explained, "Through the years your father and I have killed people for one reason or another, that is to say, it wasn't without a cause."

Rick added, "Many times it was because we would get tired of the way these people would abuse their power to cause others harm for no reason, or if someone hurt someone in our family."

Dianna picked up, "Exactly like you did with the man that you killed for hurting your mother and you."

"Your mother has turned it into an art. She has special ways of killing that fit their offense. When we were first dating, she had planned to kill her mother's rapist and wanted to know if I wanted in or if I wanted to die. I knew right then she was the one for me. She was not going to let anyone or anything stand in her way. The determination in her eyes told me all I needed to know" Rick said as he looked at Dianna.

Dianna said, "This was the only way we could keep our sanity, as we moved from town to town seeking the ones that we considered to be outside the law."

As the story went on the death toll constantly rose. Each one with their own story, that always ended the same. No matter what the family always looked out for each other, and made sure nobody was left behind.

A year had passed. Dianna was about ready to pop. Her pregnancy was not an easy one. Much of the later months she had to stay in bed. She had tried to go into premature labor several times three months before she was due. Now it was time, and there was no stopping it now. She had gone into full labor, the contractions were almost unbearable and her water broke. As she lay there in the bed she let out a scream that would make a banshee run and hide.

The labor was very intense. It lasted for eighteen hours, then finally, a child was born. "It's a boy!" Rick exclaimed as he held the child in his arms clearing the infant's throat and spatting him on the rear to make him cry. Placing him in Dianna's eager arms he says, "We shall name him Phillip Aaron Zephron."

The next morning the three children came down to meet their new baby brother, and help their mother until she regained her strength. Jessica cooked while the boys cleaned and Rick took care of the baby. It was all Dianna could do just to stay awake, she had lost a lot of blood and was very weak. Soon she would be back on her feet, ready to take on the world once more.

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