Chapter Three: Deadly Dianna

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A few weeks passed since the baby was born. All was going well, she seemed to be able to get back to a more normal routine, only now she had Phillip to look after.

As the weeks and months passed they could not be happier. Phillip was growing fast and was into everything. One day Dianna decided to take Phillip to the park to play, and when she arrived there were two other children playing. She decided to let Phillip play by himself because the other children were bigger than he was. One of the other mothers came over and sat beside Dianna and began asking questions.

"How old is he?"

Dianna replied, "He'll be a year and three months tomorrow."

"My name is Rhonda and that is my son Albert. He'll be three in almost a week."

Dianna said, "My friends call me Dee and this is my son Phillip. We are pleased to make your acquaintance."

The other mother came over and sat down and said, "My name is Tamara and that is my son Leon. He will be forty-eight months in two weeks. I hope you don't mind me sitting here, but sometimes I just don't feel safe sitting alone. That man over there has been watching us ever since we have been here. He is really starting to creep me out."

About every fifteen minutes or so the man would move a little closer to the women. After about an hour Tamara picked up her son and said, "I really need to be going my husband will be home soon. Hope to see you again soon. Bye"

Rhonda decided it was time to leave as well and tried to encourage Dee to do the same. Dianna stated that she would be all right and with that, the two said their goodbyes. When Rhonda had gone, the man approached Dianna and said, "I'm glad we're finally alone. I was beginning to think that somehow I offended everyone. I haven't done anything to anyone, all I wanted was to watch the children play. How old is he?

Dianna sat in silence refusing to answer.

Tapping her on the shoulder he said, "It's not very polite to ignore someone who is talking to you."

Dianna turned to look at him with a cold dead stair and said, "Please leave my child and me alone."

There was no waiver in her voice, or emotion in her tone as she said those words. The man looked at her and proceeded to try to talk to her again. Dianna interrupted and said, "I will not ask again, leave us alone and walk away now."

The man, now becoming irritated, stretched and put his arm around Dianna and pulled her close. He put his hand over her mouth as she held her breath and said, "You will listen to me. We are going to get up, grab the kid, and walk to my van, slowly. Do you understand?"

Dianna nodded her head in compliance. They stood up, walked over to Phillip, but instead of grabbing him she grabbed a hand full of sand and threw it into his eyes. She then kicked him in the groin and pulled out a knife from her purse and went to work on him. With every slash, the knife found it's mark. By the time it was over he had been carved like a Christmas turkey, and his manhood had been split in half.

She simply looked at the body and said, "Nobody touches me without permission." She then walked over to Phillip and picked him up and went home.

Walking into the house, Dianna was met by Rick and the children. They all looked at her and knew that something was wrong. She handed Phillip to Paul and told the kids to go upstairs. She sat at the kitchen table and told Rick everything that had transpired. That night after all was quiet, Dianna and Rick went back to where she had left the body. Luckily nobody had gone to the park after she left and the body was still there, untouched.

Rick went over to the guy's van and brought it over to the body, they then loaded it into the back of the van. Rick then went over the area with a rake to cover any blood that was left by the body and looked around to see if he could spot any other evidence, however, there wasn't any. He then got into the van and drove to the nearest gas station and filled the tank up. He then drove to Canyon Road and carefully drove to the end and parked. The road was constantly crumbling and sliding off into the canyon which ran the length of the road and more. Rick stuffed a rag down in the freshly filled gas tank, put the van in drive, and as the van started to move on its own, he lit the rag on fire. He began to walk off as the van exploded. Rick chuckled to himself, "If they ever find that van everything will be charbroiled." He also noted that the explosion caused a landslide which buried the van. He then walked to the end of Canyon road where his wife was waiting and they went home.

The next morning Rick drove by the park on his way to the office and noticed that the place was crawling with cops. One of them stopped him, asked him if they could search his vehicle among other questions and told him to be on the lookout for any suspicious behavior and to call 911 if anything shady should turn up. After that they let him go on about his business, and as he drove off he could see a child in the back of an ambulance, covered in blood and sand, with a hysterical mother standing by his side.

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