Chapter Four: The Last Kill

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Chapter Four: The Last Kill

The family soon moved after that, before any suspicion was turned toward them. They settled in a small town near the east coast. Their new life was isolated from any neighbors because the nearest one was a mile down the road. The kids had plenty of room to roam and explore. Rick and Dianna now had thirty-five acres to do with as they pleased.

Several years passed, and things were getting to be nasty again. Phillip was having trouble with a few people that insisted on pushing him around. Paul would try to help him out by teaching him how to defend himself which Phillip learned fast.

As Rick entered the house, he sat at the kitchen table and began to talk, "Dianna, I found someone who is willing to help us build the chambers we talked about. He has some interesting ideas and has shown me in some sketches that I am very interested in."

"Don't you think he might get suspicious when we have him make the structure soundproof?" Dianna said as she served dinner.

Rick replied, "No, I told him it was for my kids who want to start a band. He said that they might even want to turn it into a recording studio one day and that they would need a place for storing their equipment as well. The plans he showed me had multiple rooms as well as an auditorium, all of which were sound proof. I believe that it is exactly what we have been looking for. The construction would only take about six months with the weather cooperating."

Dianna sat in silence as Rick explained everything to her. Hanging on every word that he said, she thought very carefully about what it would mean to have a place where they could carry out their endeavors unnoticed. She thought on these things for a while, not saying anything more about it until after dinner, then she finally spoke.

"Having this building would mean no more open kills. It would be easier to get rid of undesirables without leaving a mess behind. Would we be able to have any equipment that we discussed?"

Rick thought for a moment and said, "As a matter of fact, I have made plans to create another auditorium under the first and fill the room with a few select items that I think would compliment your art. All of which will be handmade, so they cannot be traced"

Excited at this prospect Dianna readily agreed. Rick then called the contractor and discussed the price and when would be a good time to start. As it turned out the weather was going to hold out for a week may be better, so they agreed to start right away.

The following morning the crew arrived. A foundation was laid and materials were brought. The foundation needed time to set up so by the end of the day everything was in place for the next step of construction.

Three days went by, then the crew came back. Rick had to take care of some business out of town and would be gone for several weeks so Paul was to oversee the construction until his return. There was one of the crew members that Paul took a liking to, Thomas Pane was into the same things as Paul and they became fast friends.

One of their favorite things to do was play football on the weekends. They would get together with a few friends and just try to have some fun. Sometimes they would go fishing if someone in the group was unable to join them for football, though most of the time they would end up swimming because they weren't catching any fish.

Most of the time Paul would bring along Jessica, Desmond, and Phillip to join in on whatever they were doing. Jessica quickly noticed Thomas and would often try to get his attention through any means necessary. Soon Thomas began to notice Jessica and started talking to her. Paul did not approve of this and would threaten to leave Jessica at home if it continued.

Jessica defied Paul, with every chance she got. Soon Jessica and Thomas were dating and became inseparable. Paul became very enraged and tried desperately to sabotage their relationship. He didn't feel that Thomas was good enough for Jessica.

Dianna saw what was going on and urged Paul to leave them alone. She told Paul, "You are being overprotective and Jessica will end up resenting you if you don't back off."

Paul responded, "He is not like us, he is not a killer. He will be the downfall of our family if he finds out what is going on."

Dianna said, "We can talk about this when I get back. Right now we have a bigger problem, and I have got to go help your father with something. I shouldn't be gone for more than a couple of days, until I get back, leave them alone. Are we clear on this?"

"Yes, Mam" replied Paul as he sat down in disgust for the situation.

Dianna headed out the door and got in the car and left. When she arrived at the dock where she was to meet Rick a strange man approached her.

"I know who you are and what you do and I will stop you at all costs. I have already captured your husband and now it's your turn."

With that hidden blades appeared in Dianna's hands and a fight ensued. Dianna tried to cut him before he had a chance to react, but he anticipated her every move. The battle had only begun when Rick realized what was going on.

He struggled with the bindings that held him. Finally, he was able to cut the bindings with a hidden boot knife he had for emergencies. He then rushed to the battle. Just before he was able to get over a fence that stood in his way he heard Dianna scream in pain.

Upon arrival, Rick saw Dianna lying on the ground covered in blood but still moving. The man stood over her, weapon in hand, ready to swing. Rick jumped out behind the man striking him in the back of the head giving Dianna just enough time to get to her feet and start carving.

When it was all over Rick tended her wounds, and brought her home. There she would rest and recover from her injuries. Her arms and hands had been badly lacerated and there was tendon damage. Rick did his best to put his medical knowledge to work but some things just could not be repaired.

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