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Elton's pov
I look up and down at them both. "What?" Colby furrows his eyebrows.
"Nothing," I say looking down at my feet. Kyra doesn't say anything. I want to know what made her "do it" but I don't dare ask. I talk to Colby for a bit before they both head upstairs.
Brennen's pov
I wake up to the sound of talking downstairs. I swear I hear Kyra cough. I swear I can hear the tone of her voice in that cough. Am I going crazy? I slowly get up trying not to disturb Sam. I press my ear against the door trying to hear it better.
Sam's pov
I wake up to see Brennen leaning against the door. I yawn, rubbing my eyes. "Brennen, what on earth are you doing?"
He jumps and spins around. "You scared me! And I was listening,"
"To?" I raise an eyebrow
"To the coughs from downstairs. I swear I can hear Kyra."
Colby's pov
I walk upstairs, my arm around Kyra. I take her to my room and go to see Sam. I touch the doorknob and remember what happened earlier. I stand there thinking, when the door opens. I'm face to face with Sam. His smile fades. He pushes past me and goes into my room. "Brennen!" He calls, Brennen runs into my room. "Kyra! Baby!" He hugs her. I stand in the doorway watching them. Why can't me and Sam be like that? Why can't we be happy?

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