chapter 2

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(11 years later-now is 16)

As jasaline shout up and hit her head on the top of the slide this happens all the time she always has the dream about her mom leaving her and it should always end up her hiring her head on the slide. As she looked around she saw that the moon was still out but the sun was starting to rise and that she could see the tops of the trees. Getting up she got ready for he long day ahead of waiting for the families to sit and eat there picnic and wait till they leave and tack some of the remaining food but not to much that they who'd notice that it is missing just anouth to keep on living if what you called this living she should call it not  bieing. There a family of four eating a lot of food that she knows that they will not eat it all she just has to wait till the parents go play with there kids on the playing  equipment. WOW! How is that there is a tall dreamy man around jasaline age that just walked in to the park he had dark brown hair and breath tacking sky blue eyes that even a heartless beast (her mom) should get lost in them. He is looking for some think his head scanning from left to right she was so taken by his eyes she did not see him move closer to the family she was waiting finish there food. He sat down with them and joined them eating she headed that they must have a family of five and not four the fifth one is just apsalutly breath tacking. As the rest of the foure that where all ready there got up the new arivall stayed and just watched that was entill he Spock and his voice is even more breathtaking then his looked he said "are you going to stair at me or are you going to come and have a talk like a normal sivalise persons." At first she thought he can not be talking to me can he no one ever talked to me but all of this disappeared when he tried around and went "can you actually talk or are you just engorging me come and sit down and tack to me" so she got up and went and sat with this model worthy specamine of a human beying."what is your name."
"Jasaline" she replied quietly she was not sure if he actually headed her what if h...........
"Jasaline that is such a pretty name"
She did not know how to replay so she keepet quiet.
"Are you not going to ask what my name is."
"Sorry w...hat Is y..o..u..r" she started she never started yet again she never actually talked to any one before today was just full of saprises.
"My name is Jackson. But you can call me jack. How old are you jasaline"
"I'm 16."
"Same  here. If you don't miss me asking what where you doing over there hiding and why are your clothes way too small for you."
"That may be because I have had these cloths for as long as I can  remember since my m...........never mind"
"No tell me since how what please you can trust me I would tell any one."
"Promise that on your famille life that you will tack this to your grave"
"I swear on my families life that I will not tell any one and that what you are about to tell me will go whith me til I die"
"Fine when I was young round about five my mom took me to this park and my mom yous to hit me and shout at me for stilly thing half the time not even my fault any way she told me to get in to the car and so I did and we where driving and I keepet on asking questions on where we where going and she said 'we are going to a park and if you are quiet then I will buy you an ice cream so we got here and my mom told me to play on the slide will she went to get the ice cream so I played on the slide and I started to lose track of time I only noticed when it started getting very quiet that it was darck and that my mom had not come yet I started to get worried so I went and checked where my mom had parket the car but I was missing I got scared so I ran back too the slide and that is now where I live but my mom never came back not once and I am too scared to go out side so the parck is my safe place and I just have to live of other people's leftovers food from there picknecks."she was saprises at her self for telling that story with out running or stuttering not once.
"Wow that is deep why should some one do that to a five year old girl to defend for them self in the most scratchy place every where she would mostly likely be raped and then killed that  is just sick and with how hot you are now I bet you where a cute chilled to."
"Thanks but I was an ugly child I have a picher if you want to see but don't blame me if you don't lick what you see."
"Pleas show me I  promise that I whount leave if I don't lick what I see."
"That is sweet but you have been warned."she showed him a pic of her when she was young.
" how said that you where an ugly chiled cause what I see here is a work of art in pitcher form WOW apsalutly breath tacking you could have won a lot of parents as a kid and now you can win even more."
 "No I have been told a lot of times that I am a wast of space and that I was a mistake and that I'm a slag and a ugly bitch and that is probably why my mom left me here to defend for myself."
"All the things you have said I don't believe I have only known you for about 30 minute and I can see that you are special and that you have a lot ahead of you so don't let that bitch of a mum get in your way of your dreams you have a lot of telent don't get put down for other people's mestacks"
"That is the sweetest thing any one has said to me thank you you have made my birthday the best I have ever had thank you."
"Wait it is your birthday"
"Yes and it is also the day I was left hear"
"Wait so you where left hear on your birthday"
"Yes why"
"That is just cruel what do you remember getting for your birthday."
"Nothing I have never got anything for my birthday after my dad bied why exactly"
"Come with me"
"Where are we going and what about the people you where sat with whount they miss you"
He shouted "buy mum I am going with my new friend see you back at the house"
She replied okay and we walked away
"Where are we going"
"Saprises wait and see"

A clif hanger where will he tack her carry on reading and see  hope you all enjoyed.

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