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She had immediately rushed over to Namjoon as soon as she replied to his Instagram comment, shoving her phone into her shorts pocket as she did so.

Considering the fact that she hasn't had a drop of alcohol in a while, she was aching to get some in her system and have some fun while she had the liquid courage. She just wished she wouldn't do anything stupid that would destroy whatever she's built with Jeongguk in the past two months they've known each other.

If you asked Alisa why she hasn't gone partying these past few months, she'd just shrug and give you an ambiguous smile to conceal the real reason why she hasn't. It wasn't because she wasn't in the mood to do crash parties-- there had been plenty of chances for her to do so, since there were a lot of parties she'd heard about but she just didn't think it was worth it to crash it.

The true reason why though, was something she couldn't freely tell others. She hasn't even told her stepbrother, or even Jimin. Hell, she hasn't even told Jangmi.

She was too embarrassed to admit it to anyone, but she felt that going to a party was pretty much pointless if she wasn't in the presence of the boy who has been making her feel as if every fiber of her being was on fire just by a single look. She didn't really want to party if it meant that she couldn't see or talk to Jeon Jeongguk.

She might have wanted to get herself drunk and do whatever her intoxicated heart desired-- no matter how wild or insane that was. But the thing was that there was something she wanted to do more than get herself piss drunk. She wanted to stay up late, just messaging Jeongguk back and forth as they talk about themselves and send memes to one another.

She didn't want to waste time at a party because she wanted to talk to Jeongguk more.

She just couldn't blurt that out to anyone who asked her why she hasn't gone partying for a while. She wasn't used to revealing whatever she kept inside her well-concealed heart, after all. And it was just embarrassing.

She's also been thinking of the fact that she's felt different with Jeongguk. She's never been the type to giggle at the dumb jokes a guy tells her-- over the phone or personally. She's never been the type to even text back as she always ended up leaving them after she was done with them. She's never been the type to go through so much effort just to get to a guy before.

She's never the type to actually want to talk to a guy for hours on end, either. She'd usually just walk up to them and make some small talk, and before she knew it, their lips were already interlocked. It's always been like that.

And here she was-- making friends with a gorgeous guy hailing from Busan, whose smile gave her stomach butterflies and whose eyes she wanted to drown in. Everything about him made her swoon, and despite his lame jokes, she actually felt affection towards him.

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