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Her mind kept replaying the events of last night, leading up to the kiss she
shared with Jeongguk in the terrace
lounge underneath the night sky.

It still felt unreal, as if those memories were just conjured up by her mind and were not true in the slightest, but the memory of the feeling of his lips on her own made her believe that it truly wasn't just in her head anymore.

It really did happen.

Soon after they'd kissed, Jeongguk's cheeks were flushed bright red and mirrored her own. He suggested that they should head back to their rooms since it was getting late and it was freezing outside.

Alisa agreed, of course, and the two quietly made their way back to their rooms with Chesire Cat-esque grins on both of their faces. They both flashed one another shy smiles when they were about to shut their doors, since their rooms were directly across one another's.

Then, they said goodbye one last time before finally retiring to their own rooms.

Despite assuming that she wasn't gonna fall asleep easily thanks to her giddiness due to the events of the past hour, she found herself sinking into her covers and falling into the depths of the world between consciousness and unconsciouness, until she fell asleep.

Alisa finally finished smoothing out her hair, making sure to brush it extra well today to make herself presentable to the boy she loved. She gave herself a huge smile as she gazed upon her own reflection in the mirror, noting how her cheeks were naturally pink today thanks to her repeating their kiss over and over inside her head.

Seeing as she was finally satisfied with her appearance, she grabbed her phone from her bed and took the keys from the top of the drawer near the mirror. Since Jangmi had woken up before she did, she went out earlier to grab some breakfast from the hotel's dining room.

Alisa could recall Jangmi mentioning that the dining room was on the second floor of the hotel, so she locked the room behind her then shoved the key card into her back jeans pocket.

She quickly made her way to the front of the elevator, where someone she was all too familiar with, was standing. She glanced over to see that he'd already pressed the down button, and she could already feel her cheeks heating up even though his back was to her.

The blonde soon found herself wondering how she was gonna act around him. Was she just gonna play it cool and pretend nothing happened?

That would be a bit cruel, considering that they've already kissed. That kiss meant that they both felt the same way about each other right?

As she continued to lose herself inside her thoughts, she didn't notice how Jeongguk turned around when he felt someone's presence behind him. His chocolate colored eyes found the blonde, who was staring at the floor with her eyes darting around.

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