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  • Dedicated to Daryll Anne Dizon

Sector 12, District 3

June, 32nd Century A.D.


The sky was dark, with black clouds covering up the neon-lighted city. The soaring sounds of the thunder storm filled the empty heights of the buildings. But below the raging storm, a battle was being fought. Streaks of bullets and large explosions rocked the ground floor. Bodies of decaying cadavers filled almost all the vacant streets.

Order champions ran across the area as Red Hand rebels were holding up inside a desolate factory. Rifles echoed across the secluded, yet empty environment. Giant robotic walkers threaded across, covering for the small infantry that dwarfed them.

The banners were up high as the Order was already almost few feet across the entrance, and it came with a great cost. That was the highest death toll, yet. With victory almost a few meters away, literally, the champions never stopped moving forward. 

With the Order coming near, the rebels were already in a state of panic. Many of them were already deserting the group, with many more dying by Order pulse bullets. Blood flowed like a river, as the corpses lined up in different places.

The leader of the rebels, Isaias Kehoe, was already disoriented because of the chest-pounding bullet that hit him on the chest. Lucky it didn't penetrate well. 

"Sir, are you still going to continue this?", the medic asked while treating his wounds, "It would be best if you retreat."

"Call me I'm an idiot, but I'm still in it", he chuckles despite his state.

He stands up, ignoring the stitches and grabs his rifle from his back. He runs up to a nearby balcony, positioning himself on a nearby window. With the enemy in sights, he fires the gun in his hands. Luckily his shots hit three Order champions.

"We will die before you get inside!", he shouted while firing upon the unlucky people that gets in his sights.

Most of all Order champions were already breaching the first sector of the factory, clearing it empty with any rebel resistance. With the overflowing conquest of the infantry, the walkers pounded each wall, with each shot containing napalm mixed shells, enough to make it crumble to pieces.

Isias goes down from his position, supporting the intense firefights on the second floor. The resistance, even for lack of tactics and equipment, put up a long hard fight.

He looks down his sights, waiting for any sudden movement, "This is one of the worst shit I've been through", he said while waiting for the fight to come. The only thing that his comrades replied were chuckles and laughter.

It didn't took long before bullets started to fly into many directions. While the Order troopers sustained little-to-no casualties, the rebels fell down like flies. The only thing Isias can do was to kill each and every one of the Order. But sadly he didn't succeed.

The Order's siege on the factory was a victory. With Isias, the remaining survivors, and Intel seized. The factory was decimated in the battle, with nothing left but rubble. 

A tall figure walked up to Isias and laughs, "So you're the famed Isias Kehoe? So much for being a resilient fighter." the helmet he was wearing suddenly turned off revealing his face, it was the Kaiser itself.

Isias spits on his adversary before replying, "I didn't have much of a sense of humor, but you're flattering me.", he grins devilishly. The Kaiser's reply was a painful slap, that the sound can be heard from a centimeters away, "I'm not here to joke," his voice was rising "so if you get the initiative to tell me where you're actually based, I'm happy to hear it."

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