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Luke's POV

" Guys?" Callie said very confused.

"Duhh it's us we've missed you so

much." the boys Michael, Calum and Ashton said giving Callie one great big hug.

"Same here, what do you guys want to do before tour?" She asked.

"Wait what tour you're coming with us?" Ashton asked.

" Yeah you didn't know." She said looking at me all confused.

"We all didnt know." The boys said then looking at me.

"What I invited her." I said standing by Cals side.

"Who said you could invite her?" Ashton seemed mad when he spoke loudly.

"Why can't I invite our best friend to come with us on tour." I said speaking the truth.

" Well she can't come because Julie is coming with us." Ashton said putting his hands on his hips.

" Who the hell is Julie?" I said grabbing Callie's hips and pulling them to my side so I could hold her tight.

"A new friend I made." He said loudly and clearing so everybody heard. Did he have a girlfriend? I then felt Callie's grip got tighter and she nuzzled her face into my chest.Something had to be wrong. She's upset but what is she upset about.

Ashton then left the room and Calum came over to Callie and I. He then snaked his arm around her and took her out of my grip.He brought her to the couch and put on FIfA. She sat between his legs and they got all cuddly.

Something hit me , yet I don't know what it was. It was tingling feeling inside my body going up and down my spine. I felt angry and pain all of the sudden and walked fast to my room slamming the door behind me. What was this feeling I was getting? Was it- Was it? Jealousy? No I couldn't be jealous I only liked Callie as a friend. Or maybe more then a friend I don't really know anymore.

Callie's POV

Wait did Ashton have a girlfriend? No he said it was a just a friend. I have nothing to worry about. Shes probably not as pretty as me. Well those were the thoughts that went over and over playing like a broken tape in my head.

" YESSSSSSS! I beat you!" Calum said sticking his tongue at me then bringing me back to reality .

"No you didnt I was just thinking, lets play another match because you know I'll beat you." I said sticking my tongue out at him. like he did to me. We played about 4 matches and I won 2 and he won 2 so it was now the final game and we were up out of each others laps and standing on our feet.

"Im gonna win come on Ronaldo get a goal!!!!" I screamed out.

"Never he can't beat Given hes the best." Calum screamed.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Calum screamed. I won the game and he lost I was doing my little happy dance and I was rubbing it all in his face and jumped into his arms.Until Luke ran in.

"What's wrong Callie?" He said questioned.

"Um Luke that was Calum's scream he lost to the best of the bestest in FIFA." I responded.

Luke started to laugh and made fun of Calum's scream. He then came over and took me out of calum arms and carried me away. Calum started run after us and tackled us down. Damn might I say Calum must be strong or Luke is just weakling yet hes carrying me.

I whispered into Luke's ear " Hey I want to talk to Ashton." He then carried me into Ashton's room and put me down.

"What do you want?" Ashton said all annoyed.

"I want to talk to you," I said looking at Luke to give him the signal to leave.

"why are you angry at me." I said sitting on his bed next to him.

"You always hang with everybody except me." Ashton said looking me straight into my eyes.

"Ashton I love you as a best friend, but you seemed mad when I came." I said looking straight into his eyes.

"Callie I'm jealous you have such a great relationship with Luke its like your dating." He responded leaning into me.

"Well lets start off a better friendship." I said giving him a hug.

We walked out and sat on the couch and we talked for about 3 hours. Occasionally, Luke would come in and check in on us. We then obviously played FIFA and Ashton who is the king of FiFA. beat me.

I legit had the best day every. The best part was when Ashton and I hung out. All the boys came in and we sat on the couch and made a twitcam. Ashton was the one trying to set the laptop up and I was suppose to come in like 2 minutes after the say hey.

"Hey guys its 5 Seconds of Summer, or is Hi guys were 5 Seconds of Summer." They all said. They chatted it up and then cued me to come in.

"So we have a special guest with us right now." Ashton said

I walked in and sat between Luke and Ashton.. "Hiya!" I said.

"Well who knows if she is going to talk, 'Who is this?', guys this is our best friend Callie." Luke said.

Ashton wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Then there was comments blowing up, 'Are you guys dating', 'Wait what", 'She's so ugly' , You can do better'. I felt a little upset but then Calum came over and took me away and gave me a hug. He whispered " Don't believe them have you seen yourself."

I went back into the room and sat by Ashton and curled into him.. Then Luke tapped my shoulder and he said he was upset. When he was always upset we would always cuddle.. I felt bad for Ashton so then I whispered to him that Luke is upset so I'm gonna cuddle with him and then i'll go back to you. He told me that it was fine.

" Guys shes just a friend and we don't want her to get hate, So please leave her alone." Ashton said. Fans we commenting sorry, and apoligizing.

I was getting a bit tired and I leaned into Ashton. Luke gave him a glare and then Ashton held onto my shoulder and I nuzzled into the crook of his neck and fell into a deep sleep.

During my sleep I heard chatter. First silent then loud.

"Luke why do you have to be a dick." Ashton whispered.

" Because you know I like her." Luke shouted.

" Since when did you like her." Ashton shouted back.

" Since when did you become jealous." Luke shouted seeming very angry.

"Because I had a really great friendship with her before we went on tour, then you became all boyfriend material and she never hung out with me." Ashton shouted.

"You know what fuck you!" Luke shouted.

I then woke up from my sleep. I looked around and saw Luke storming out of the room.

I turned to Ashton and he whispered he's a just temperamental.

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