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I don’t know how long I ran. All I knew was that I was alone and in a new town. The town was called Williamstown, tiny, dry, dusty, and dangerous. Not many people lived here, due to the gangs always going at each other with bullets and knives. But at least I was away from him.

I was wandering around, looking for a place to get a bit of rest, when I heard gun shots not that far away. I bolted, running as fast as I possibly could. I saw a motel and ran in, slamming the door behind me. I panted as tires screeched and bullet fired outside.

“Ummm… Can I help you ma’am?” The clerk asked. He was tall, had braces, and had bad acne. He couldn’t be much older than I was.

“Uhh, hi…” I was panting, and I had no idea what to say.

“You gonna get a room or what?” He was starting to get annoyed.

“No, uh, I don’t have any money…” I knew he was going to throw me out, out into the crazy fight outside.

“Do you have any place to stay?” I wasn’t sure but it sounded like he was kind of worried.

“No, but I’ll be fine…” I knew I wouldn’t be. The best thing that could happen to me while on the streets was being shot with no-hard-feelings.

“A young girl like you shouldn’t be out on the streets in a place like this… I can give you a place to stay.” He smiled, exposing the shine metal wires in his mouth.

“Umm, thanks but I’ll-“I started

“No, no, I insist.” He grabbed my arm kindly, but firmly and led me to a vacant room. “There’s food in the mini fridge if you need it and a working shower.”

“Wow, thanks…uh…” I said, not knowing his name.


“…Connor. Well that was very nice of you to do, Connor. Thanks” I said

“No problem. Now if you’ll excuse me…” he walked out the door and shut it behind him. I decided to look around the room a bit. The room was a gray-blue color with no windows. The bed looked kind of messy, but I guess I couldn’t complain, seeing that I did get a free place to stay. I could understand why Connor couldn’t give me the best quality room.

“Hey, nice place you got.” Andy said, startling me. I jumped, but almost instantly calmed down.

“Andy, how did you get here?”

“I just followed you; I couldn’t leave you by your lonesome.”

“Oh, well, that’s nice…” I said, slightly freaked out.

“Where you going to go after this? Can’t stay here in this dangerous town, now can you?”

“That’s what I’ve been thinking about. Man Andy, it’s like you can read my mind.”

“Maybe I can.” He smiled. “Well, there is a brochure of the area on that table. Maybe it has a map?”

“Yeah maybe…” I jogged over and picked it up, flipping through the pages. I unfolded it to find the map. “Andy, you’re a genius!”

“Aw shucks, Olive…” He giggled and blushed. “Hmm… I think we should try Oakland Farms, seems like a nice place. Think I’ll ask Connor for directions.” I walked over to the door and turned the handle. I wouldn’t move.

“Grr, c’mon.” the handle wouldn’t budge… “How could this have… Connor. He locked me in here!! “I took a lamp and threw it at the wall, breaking it instantly.

“Whoa, calm down there!” Andy said, putting his hands up in defense.

“UGH! No! Percy told me a million times, ‘Don’t trust strangers’ I guess I should have listened to him…” I slid down the wall and held my head in my hands. “How could I have been so stupid…”

“Hey, don’t worry; we’ll get through this…” He held me in his arms… I drifted off to sleep.

.               .               .

Day 1: I have decided that it is best to keep a journal while stuck here. It gives me something to do. I looked around the room to see if there were any windows, or doors of any sort hidden around. There was, unfortunately, none. There is not very much food in the fridge. A few sodas and three pudding cups. I don’t think this will last very long. Andy has once again disappeared. I haven’t been able to find him anywhere. Hopefully, he is outside looking for help.

Day 2: In the past day I have eaten one pudding, and later I will have a soda. Not exactly the healthiest diet, but there is nothing else for me to eat. Andy is still missing, and I have had no contact with Connor. Still no windows, doors, etc. have been found.

Day 3: There is one soda and one pudding left. I would like to conserve food, but Andy has returned, and he has eaten the last of the pudding and soda. I have only one soda for me to drink. I know I can last a while without food, but after this, there is no way for me to get water. The bathroom sink and tub is either clogged up or purposely made to not get water. Hopefully, I will find a way out.

Day 4: Andy is gone, but apparently the food he ate has reappeared.  I have enough food for today and tomorrow, and then I will be out. I am sure there is a way out; I just need to find out where…

Day 5: I have eaten the last of the food. If I don’t find a way out, I will have to spend a very long time without food or water. I will be able to survive at least a week, but I do not know how much longer I’ll be here…I hear footsteps coming down the hall. Maybe its Connor now is my chance. I might be able to escape.

The footsteps were getting closer, louder and louder and louder. I knew this could be the only chance I have. I heard the door knob turn, and the door open. Connor was looking for me, his face was serious. He had a belt in his hand. I was hiding behind the bed. Dammit, what do I do?!

“Make a run for it…” Andy whispered, now besides me. I jumped.

“Oh thank god you’re here!” I sighed quietly.

“You have to run. He’s got a belt; he’s going to hurt you.”

“But he’ll hurt you too, we have to escape.”

“He can’t hurt me, but he can hurt you. On the count of three, bolt.”

“One…” I looked at him, nervous. “Two.” He gave me a confident smile.

“Three.” I jumped over the bed, and Connor jumped, but soon got back on his feet. He raised the belt, about to whip me with it when I found my fist hurtling towards his face. It collided, and he held his bleeding nose in pain.

“GAHH!!” He yelled. “BAM! Right in the kisser!” I laughed and bolted out the door, locking it behind me. I remembered Andy and looked around to see if he was with me. He was, and we ran outside as fast as we could. There was no gang fight going on, so we were safe. I went to a phone booth and quickly dialed 911. The police answered immediately.

“Hi, my name is Olivia Holden, and-“

“Wait Holden? You mean like Holden Pharmaceuticals?”

“Yeah, a guy kidnapped me in a motel room, the uh ‘Williams Town Inn’. He’s locked in the furthest room on the right.”

“Alright, we’ll be right over.” I hung up and started down the road.

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