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“Yup.” I continued down the dirt path unfazed.


“Yup.” I looked straight ahead.

“Stop saying ‘yup’! Why did you do that? That place was heaven!!

“Caleb wanted to be with me, I love Percy, end of story.” I smirked a bit at Andy’s frustration.

“Grr… fine you win. But couldn’t you have turned him down AND still stay there?” He looked at me annoyed.

“Yeah, I could’ve.” I said, trying to hold back a laugh. Andy looks really funny when he’s annoyed.

“SO WHY DIDN’T YOU!?!?” He yelled. I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I burst out laughing. He glared at me. “What are you laughing at?”

“It’s just, *chuckle*, your face… You look so funny when you’re mad!” I clutched my stomach as I laughed.

“Hahaha, very funny. Now why?” I sighed and wiped my eyes. I took a deep breath.

“He insulted Percy, saying that he was ‘so much better than him’ or some crap. I couldn’t take it.”

We continued walking from then in silence. I couldn’t stop thinking about Percy: If he was okay, if my dad asked him about me, if he did this, if he said that. He was swirling around my head when I heard Andy groan. “Great, we’re back here.

I looked in front of us to see Williamstown again. I sighed. “Well, it’s too late to head back and find another place. Guess we’ll just have to stay here for a bit.

“Ugh, fine…”

We walked through the town a bit, hoping we wouldn’t run into any gangs. My stomach growled. I was starving.

“Now don’t you wish we stayed at the Treeplace garden?”

“Ugh are you really that..? Never mind. No, I don’t wish we stayed at Oakland Farms.”

“Are you sure? You seem kind of hungry…” He smirked as my stomach growled again.

“Ugh. Yes I’m sure. Now let’s get going.” We walked around the dusty streets for a while, hiding behind buildings if we heard any gun shots near us. We walked around another building to find the door ajar.

“Hey, maybe we could stay in there!” Andy pointed out.

“I don’t know…It seems kind of wrong.”

“How, we make sure no one steals anything and we get a safe place to stay for a night. How is that bad?”

“Hm, well I guess you have a point…”

“Of course, I always do. C’mon!”

We walked inside and the sweet smell of pastries enveloped us. We looked around, our eyes adjusting to the darkness of the building. We soon realized we were in a bakery. Delicious baked goods were all lined up in front of us, and could be easily taken. My mouth watered at the idea of tasting the delicious food.

“Oh, no. Don’t you even think about it.” Andy pulled me away, seeing my hungry stare.

“But it looks so good…”


“And they wouldn’t notice…”


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