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Andy and I traveled down the road for a long time. I was smart enough to bring along the brochure so we’d have a map. We walked down the dusty path until we saw a giant orchard in the distance. We knew we were close. We arrived in the small town a few minutes later. The roads were busy and a Farmers Market was open outside. Andy and I took a look at all the stands: Wood carvings, handmade jewelry, tools, and the most beautiful of all, the food. There were caramel apples, pies, donuts, lemonade, fruits, veggies, and a million other things! It smelled delicious. I checked my pocket to see a ten dollar bill. I looked over at Andy, my stomach growling.

“Ah, go ahead, get some food!” He laughed and I ran over to a bakery stand.

“Hello there young lady, what can I get you? “ A kind old woman asked.

“I don’t know… They all look so good…” My mouth was watering, and the women chuckled. “Well missy, go ahead and take whichever one you want. It’s on the house!” I looked at her surprised.

“No, I couldn’t possibly… I would feel like I was stealing from you.”

“Aw, it’s alright sweetie, I don’t mind.”

“But-“I was interrupted by another voice. I turned around and saw a guy with shaggy black hair and dark skin. “Here, I will pay.” He handed the lady a ten and then grabbed two big donuts. He then walked over to the lemonade stand and bought two of those as well. He handed one of each to me. “For you.” He gave me a kind smile, and I blushed. Andy glared at him and I elbowed him in the arm.

“Uh, thanks-“

“Caleb and you are?”

“I’m Olivia… thanks for the food.”

“Of course, I wouldn’t want a delicate flower such as you to go hungry.” He smiled again, making me blush more. Andy gagged. “Be nice!” I hissed. I turned back toward Caleb.

“Would you like to eat with me, Olivia?”

“Well you did buy me food, it’s the least I can do.” He led me to a wood table and pulled up a chair for me.

“Thank you.” Andy rolled his eyes and walked off.

“So what are you doing in Oakland farms? I haven’t seen you around before.”

“Oh, um, I’ve just been traveling around the area…”

“Do you need a place to stay? My family owns the orchard, so we would be happy to give you a place to stay.”

“Wow, that’s very kind of you… Yes thanks you. Would Andy be able to stay there as well?” His smile faded. “Andy?”

I realized what he thought I meant. “Yeah he’s my traveling buddy, nothing more.” I smiled at him, and his returned. “Well, good. Yes the two of you would be able to stay. Would you like me to show you around?”

“Yes, I would love that.”

“Should Andy come along as well, so he knows where to go?”

“No he has this weird way of finding me he’ll be fine.”

“Alright then. Here, I will show you the farm.” He took my arm and led me down the road.

.           .           .

“And here is where you will be staying. Andy will be staying in the room next to yours.”

“Once again, thank you for all the help, Caleb.”

“It is no problem. Will your friend be coming soon?”

“Yes, he will.” I smiled at him. My eyelids got heavy, and I yawned. “Well, I am exhausted. I’ll see you in the morning, Caleb!”

“Alright. Good night, Olivia.” He took my hand and kissed it, then left. I stood there shocked. I shook my head and walked into my room. I flopped onto my bed and instantly fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning feeling rested. I looked at the floor to find Andy sleeping soundly on the carpet. I laughed to myself and got dressed. Caleb provided some new clothes as well. I woke up Andy and told him I’d be down stairs eating breakfast. I walked down the stairs and found a table filled with breakfast treats: scones, muffins, pancakes, croissants, bacon, sausage, quiche, juice, milk. It was morning heaven. I was searching for a plate when I saw someone place one in front of me. Caleb smiled at me.

“Good Morning, Olivia. I hope you find this breakfast okay.”

“Caleb, it looks amazing!”

“Take as much as you want. I will go wake up Andy.”

“Okay thanks. He decided to sleep on the carpet in my room. He was sound asleep when I got up.”  Caleb nodded and left. I loaded my plate with a bit of everything and sat down. I was about to take my first bite when Caleb came back.

“He isn’t there, or in his room.”

“Huh, that’s strange. Maybe he got up and went for a walk, I don’t know.”

“I do not think I have seen him yet… Are you sure he is here?”

“Yeah, I’m sure. And you did see him, he was the tall brunette guy that with me at the farmers market.” I started eating the breakfast.”My god! He is missing out on a good meal!”

“Yes, I suppose so. Where will you be going next?”

“I don’t know. Guess I’ll just wander around until I find some place.”

“You know,” he said “You can always stay with me…” My eyes got wide. “In fact, I’d love it if you’d stay! It would be wonderful having someone so fun and interesting around!” He smiled.

“I’m not sure-“

“Please, Olivia. I like you, stay. We can be happy together here!” He put his hands on my shoulders. “You won’t regret it.”

I stared at him, thoughts of Percy running through my head. No. I can’t stay. I love him, not Caleb. I shook my head, and his eyes got wide.

“But we would be happy! You would love it here! Stay!”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t Caleb. I can't leave Percy behind…”

“Who the hell is Percy?! There is no way he is anywhere as wonderful as I am!” That got me angry.

“Well guess what, he is! He’s there for me, he’d do anything for me, and I would do the same. I’m sorry, but I am not staying. That is final.” I walked up to my room and saw Andy on the floor still sleeping. I woke him up. He yawned.

“Man, why’d you wake me up? I was having this great dream about floating down a chocolate milk river in a cookie boat…”

“We’re leaving, c’mon.”

“Aw, so soon? Fine…” Andy got up and stretched. I led him to the door.

“Olivia, wait!” Caleb called. I turned around, no expression on my face. “I am sorry, for what I said. I’m sure Parker-“

“Percy.” I corrected.

“-Percy is a good man. If you ever find yourself back in Oakland Farms, tell me. I would be happy to see you again.” He smiled, but I didn’t blush this time.

“Thank you. Good bye!” I walked out the door, Andy beside me.

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