|| Chapter Twenty-Eight ||

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BOWL: a round, deep dish or basin used for food or liquid

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BOWL: a round, deep dish or basin used for food or liquid...


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"What the fuck."

I mumble pulling up behind the car I follow here. I place the car in park turning the air down some. Pulling my phone out the cup holder I dialed up the number. It rang a couple of times before they picked up.

"Why we here? No cut that why am I here?" I frowned.

"I need you to do a favor for me. It's nothing big I'll tell you once we inside."

"A favor? If it involves my dick I'm up for it." I lick bottom lip.

"Well sorry it doesn't so you gonna have to keep your dick in your pants."

"I thought we was going to the clinic. Don't look like it to me."

"Yea sure."

The phone click I removed it from my ear to look at it. I place it on my lap rubbing my chin. Watching the woman exit from the car parked in front of mines. She look both ways before coming my way.

She must have lost her mind as she taps on my window, pointing her long nail down. I stared at her through the tinted window shaking my head. She tapped harder on the glass making me smack my lips. I got towel out the glove department then press the button to let the window down.

"Here." I handed it to her.

"What's this for?" She asked holding it like it stunk.

"So you can clean my damn window."

"I ain't cleaning shit. I'm not a window washer." She throw the towel in my car.

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