The Children of the Norse

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Fangs dripping, my mind was screaming “No! Don’t do it!” But instincts had over ruled my mind long before. Alexa was on the floor, shrieking and trying fruitlessly to get away. My mind fighting, and failing, I lunged.

            Wait. Let’s go back a little bit. I should probably explain why I am a sister-eating wolf. The truth is, I’m not sure how it happened myself.

            It started this morning. Normal day, get up, shower, eat cereal, wait, scratch that. Get up, shower, get dressed, and then eat cereal. Then go to the gym and train for an hour.

            It was the training that went wrong.

            See, my personal trainer had me try a new technique. It was called the ‘Wolf Crawl’ and it consisted of me on all fours, not my knees and hands, I mean my feet and hands, bear crawl style, and basically running like a wolf. I’d put my feet up by my hands, hands away from feet. Feet up by hands, hands away from feet. So on and so forth.

            It was halfway across the gym when my hands started itching. I ignored it, if I stopped then Coach Fen, my trainer, would bark at me.

            Not that he ever left his lawn chair. How the man manages to stay so fit when he is barking orders at me from a chair made for babes sun tanning is beyond me.

            But this itching spreads to my feet. From my feet it goes to my legs. From my hands it goes up my arms. In under a minute my whole body is itching. I looked down and saw my hands weren’t hands. They were massive black paws, and by massive I mean the size of dinner plates.

            I realized that I was hungry. I needed fresh meat. Coach Fen and his lawn chair were gone, though I have no idea how he folded up that thing so fast. So I headed for the nearest meal.

            This happened to be my sister Alexa, jump roping in the girl’s gym.

            By then I couldn’t control my own body. My mind was no longer in charge. Some ancient instinct told me to go for her, and I had to listen.

            So I lunged, trying to block out her screams.

            “Oomph!” I yelled as I landed on top of her. I was me again. I breathed a sigh of relief.

            Alexa chucked me off and sat up. She looked at me lying on the floor rubbing my hip. She’s pretty strong, my sister.

            “What on Earth did you slip into my Froot Loops?” she said staring at me.

            “Vodka,” I said sarcastically, “I didn’t slip anything into your artificially fruit flavored breakfast food.”

            “Jake,” she said slowly, “What just happened?”

            “No idea.” I said promptly, and stood up, “Bye.”

            “Wait!” She screamed. “Jake Joseph Henderson you get back here and explain!”

            I ignored her. I was going to find Coach Fen and make him explain to me. So I walked around the mansion, carefully stepping over the doorman, who had once again passed out on the floor.

            I checked the gym again. No.

            He wasn’t in the gardens.

            Not a soul to be seen in the library.

            Not at the pool with his lawn chair.

            I finally decided to check his bedroom. Not very likely, but might as well try.

            “Coach Fen?” I called, and creaked open the door. I wasn’t expecting what I found.

            The room was in shambles, and I had a split second to see a dirty black wolf vanish.

            Coach Fen was gone.

            But worse than that, I was starting to vanish too.

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