I Think I'm Growing Fangs

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Hello. Jake’s back.

The vanishing wasn’t what it looked like. It felt like my very essence was being peeled away, and put somewhere else. Pitch black darkness covered me. For a moment it felt like I was falling, but I could still feel the floor. I looked around. I was on a barren island. I heard a growl and looked behind me. Two glowing red eyes looked back at me.

“So, you followed me,” said a grating voice. The two red eyes came closer, and I saw the wolf from Coach Fen’s room. He was even uglier now that I got a good look at him. He was the darkest shade of black I’d ever seen, blacker then the awful night. His fur was encrusted with dirt, and his mouth foamed. His tongue hung out, and I could see his ribs. He was the saddest looking thing I’d ever seen.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“Oh, you know me as Fen. Coach Fen. But my given name is The Fenrir Wolf.” He said.

“The Fenrir Wolf?” I asked, not able to believe my ears. “Like, Loki’s kid?”

He nodded. “Don’t be so surprised. You are my brother, after all.”

I nearly fainted. I was Loki’s kid? Coach Fen was The Fenrir Wolf? It explained why he never left his lawn chair. No way. This wolf was messing with me.

“You’re lying. You’re not Coach Fen. Did you eat him?”

The wolf laughed as if it were the funniest thing it had ever heard.

“Do you honestly think that I would eat myself? Goodness, you are amusing.” He laughed again and shook his head. I realized he wasn’t kidding.

“That explains why I turned into a wolf. Why you had me do the wolf crawl. It was so you could turn me in to a wolf.” 

He nodded. “And looks like you inherited some of my power,” He shook his fur in pride, “You always were a good pupil.” 

“Well, I’m glad you think so, but could you put me back at the gym? I need to get home.”

His smile faded “I haven’t eaten you yet Jake. You should consider that a blessing. And for one thing I cannot bring you back, as I didn’t bring you here. Your father did.”

“My father? Loki? Why would he put me here?”

Fenrir shrugged. “I don’t know. At any rate, you’ll have to consult with him if you want to go back home. In the meantime, stay here. I’ll train you.”

I contemplated this for a moment. If I stayed he would train me, teach me to control my power.  If I left I’d want to tell people, but if I did he’d probably hunt me down.  I didn’t want that.

“I’m going to stay.” I said, trying not to scream.

“Good. Now let’s start your training."

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