Episode 4

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"So that was ... something," Kyoka-chan said as they walked towards the station. There were several UA students, most from different classes, walking along with them.

"Makes one wonder how much we can trust anything Aizawa-sensei says, if he's willing to employ 'rational deceptions' for our own good." I shook my head, "Are we going to have to treat the teachers as deceptive, even potential enemies?"

"Like teens need a reason not to trust adults," Kyoka-chan snarked.

"They're not all like that. The teachers I mean." This came from an older boy in a UA uniform walking next to us. He had dark, messy hair and pointy ears and even slouching he was taller than me. "Aizawa-sensei is well known for being particularly rigorous and somewhat eccentric."

"Wonderful," I muttered.

"Don't get me wrong. He's a good teacher. He'll push you hard, but it does prepare you for your future. He'll only kick you out if he is sure you can't make it" the boy said.

"Even more wonderful," Kyoka-chan echoed.

"Please forgive my intrusion. I'm Amajiki Tamaki, Class 3-A. Nice to meet you." He gave a small head bow.

"Senpai," my host sister returned the bow more deeply. "I'm Jiro Kyoka, Class 1-A and this is Otis Hightower from America. He's also in 1-A"

"Hajimemashita. Dozoyoroshiku." I bowed at the introduction.

"I'd heard we have two Americans in first year. How do you like it so far?"

"I think Japan is very interesting. Even though Tokyo is as big as New York City, they feel very different so far."

"And is UA different from your other school?"

"This is actually my first high school. Back home high school doesn't start until August so I'm getting a head start here."

"Ah, I hope you enjoy your stay. Ganbatte neh." He waved and walked towards a different platform.

"You're from America! Cool." This was from a girl in a UA uniform with long, wavy dark green hair. She was boarding our train along with two other students. "We have an American in our class too."

"Who?" asked a pudgy boy with silver hair.

"The horse girl with the horns I think," replied the other boy. He was non-descript with short brown hair and eyes. He almost looked western.

"You're probably talking about Pony. She's in Class 1-B," I supplied. We all sat together in two rows, the seats facing each other. I sat with my back in the direction of the train travel, not my preference, but it is only polite to give the better seats to the girls. My Grandma raised me to be a gentleman.

"Yes, us too!" The girl almost bounced in her seat. "I'm Tokage Setsuna and that is Tsuburaba Kosei," the brown-haired boy nodded. "and this is Shoda Nirengeki." The shorter boy gave a seated bow. Kyoka-chan made our introductions again.

"We've known each other since primary school," Tsuburaba added. "It's exciting that we got into UA together. We were lucky to end up in the same class."

"Where do you live?" Kyoka-chan asked. "Oti-kun is staying with my family this year. We're in Nakamatsue."

"Really. We're in Higashimatsue!" Tokage squealed. "Almost neighbors."

"I guess we'll be seeing you on the train most days?" I asked, not sure of the local geography.

"Probably," Shoda agreed. "Are you from New York? Do you go to Super High? I understand it is similar to UA, or at least that is the reputation it has here."

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