Episode 10

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I had several interesting conversations in the first days back at school. On the train, the students from Class 1-B wanted to hear all about the USJ fight. Both Kyoka-chan and I fobbed them off with something about Kocho-sensei not wanting us to talk about it. They weren't happy, but they didn't press. On the way in to school I saw Bakugo standing alone.

"I'll see you in class," I told my host sister as I turned towards the boy. She saw where I was looking and nodded.

"Bakugo-san, do you have a minute?"

"Get away from me, clown-boy. I've got nothing to say to you."

"I just wanted to tell you that you did well in the fight. I don't think we could have survived without you."

"SHUT UP! You think you're better than me! I didn't need you to save me! I'll show you, chijin! I'M NUMBER ONE!!!" He snarled at me, small explosions popping in his curled hands.

Everyone was looking at us. I held my hands up and backed away. He turned and stalked into the school. What a nutjob ...

I saw that Kyoka-chan had not gone far. She was standing with Kaminari, which was a change from before. I didn't think they got along. "I thought something like that might happen," she confided.

"Like what?" I asked, confused.

"You said you saved him at one point in the fight."

"Whoa, really?" Kaminari added.

"I took a hit meant for him," I clarified. "He might have been able to dodge it without me. I have no idea if he could have taken the blow. He's pretty powerful. I don't know everything he can do."

"Yeah, right. Given the way he reacts to Midoriya-kun, I think I've figured out a bit of his whacked-out worldview." Kyoka-chan explained. "Because you took a hit meant for him, he thinks that shows you thought he couldn't take it. That you think you're better than him. Thus this morning's entertainment."

"Whacked out is right," Kaminari agreed. "But I wouldn't let him hear you say it," He added with a cheeky grin.

I just groaned. Several times over the next few days Bakugo referred to me as "chijin". Eventually I asked my host sister the significance of the word, as I was unfamiliar and it was not in my dictionary.

"It is a play on words, a literary reference, and an insult all in one. He is actually cleverer than I gave him credit for." She explained. "At its most basic 'chijin' is an old way to say 'fool'. It's also similar sounding to gaijin or 'foreigner'. And it's a reference to an old novel called 'Chijin no Ai – Heart of the Fool'. It is a comedic tale about the Japanese fascination with the West. So calling you chijin is calling you a fool, which may also be a reference to your costume, a foreigner, and insulting your exchange program in a subtle way as well. As I say - clever."

"Jiminy H. Cricket ..." I hoped it didn't stick.

On the way to class I got called aside by an older boy. "You're wanted in the teacher's lounge."

"What for?"

"I don't know. I just deliver the messages."

"Right. Thanks." When I finally found the lounge, it was getting toward time for homeroom class. Inside the lounge were All Might, in his yellow suit, and Kocho-sensei.

"Please come in Oti-kun," invited the diminutive administrator. He gestured to the couch. "Would you care for some tea?"

"Thank you, please," I replied as I sat. All Might poured for us all.

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