Chapter 3

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Millie's POV:

We finally made it to Georgia and Noah and I were so jet lagged. We sheepishly walked out of the airport but we were completely surrounded by fans and paparazzi. Luckily our security guards were there waiting for us or else we would have been trampled on.

Our car showed up and took us straight to our hotel. We got in there with the help of our security guards again and then went to our rooms. Unfortunately, Noah and I were on different floors. He was on the 12th floor, room 13 and I was on the 15th floor in room 11. I laughed at the thought of it.

9:00am (Next Morning)

*Ding dong, ding dong*
I woke up to what I thought was my phone giving me a notification. I looked down at the screen and there was nothing there. I then remembered that's what the elevator sounded like.

I usually would ignore this but I felt and urge to go see what it was. Out of nowhere I thought of you know, Finn Wolfard. He would have landed by now, right?

I suddenly had this boost of energy and got up and ran to the door. I opened it cautiously incase it wasn't him. A huge smile spread across my face. When he looked at me and it just made my day 10x better.

"Finn!" I yelled running up to him. He opened his arms and let me run into them. "Hey Millie!" he said excitedly. "How have you been?" I asked him eager to know.
"I've been great," he replied. "How are you doing these days?"
"All I could think about was coming back here and seeing everyone," I said with a big grin. He smiled and laughed quietly for a second.

I couldn't help but feel like me checks were burning up again. And this time, he was right in front of me. I looked down a bit hoping he wouldn't notice. "Are you ok, Millie? You must be really hot because your checks are red," he said to me. "Oh, um... yeah it is pretty warm out here," I said hoping he would change the subject. "Well, if you want we can go get some ice cream?" Finn offered.

My heart was racing at the moment. I really wanted to but what about TMZ? Screw it. "I'd love that," I said looking into his eyes. He nodded and said "great. Meet me down at the reception in 10." I also nodded and walked quickly back to my room to change into some better clothes.

10 minutes later
Finn's POV

I was waiting for Millie down in the reception. I had texted Millie saying that I was here and to bring a hoodie since our security guards weren't coming. Butterflies were in my stomach and couldn't think straight. Was I nervous or excited? I was kicked out of my thoughts by the elevator.

Millie walked out and she had a jumper in one hand and her phone in the other. She had a casual outfit on but she looked beautiful no matter what she wore. I happened even realised I was in a trance.

She waved her hand in front of me and I blinked a couple of times looking back at her. "You ok there, Finn?" she asked me. I loved when she said my name. "Yeah yeah, I'm good," I smiled back. "Come on. Let's hope we get caught," she said to me.
"Knowing us, we probably will," I said with a laugh.
"Probably," she replied.

We stepped outside and there was hardly anyone there. "Security must have scared them off," I whispered in her ear. She giggled and looked down. She was so cute. Wait, stop it Finn!

General POV:

Millie and Finn had been walking for about 5-10 minutes until they came across the ice cream shop. They ran across the road hand in hand not even noticing. They walked in and realised that they were still holding hands. They both quickly let go and Finn started to say "I'm sorry Millie. Really I-"
"Finn, it's ok," she assured him. She gave him a soft smile and he gave one back.

They walked over to the counter and ordered their ice cream. "I'll have 2 scoops of the chocolate please. Millie?"
"Oh uh, I'll have the same thanks," she said to the teenage girl. She nodded and said they'll be ready in five minutes. They both started to walk away until they heard "wait!" They turned around slowly knowing what was happening. They'd been caught. "Aren't you guys the kids off-" Finn and Millie immediately shook their heads as a sign of 'please don't say anything.' The girl gave them a thumbs up and they mouthed 'thank you' back.

Millie's POV:

We chose our table and sat down. "You know I could've paid for myself, Finn," I told him. He just shook his head. "It's fine, Mills," he said calmly.
"If you say so, Finnie." We both laughed at each other and until our ice creams were brought over.

We talked about heaps of random things and had heaps of good laughs. "Oh! What season 3? I heard from the Duffers it's going to be thrilling," I said to Finn.
"Yeah, I'm so keen. What I heard from the Duffers is that there are many Mileven scenes," he said leaning back on the chair. I just rolled my eyes and chuckled at him. "Well I should be getting back. Paige will be wondering where I am," I said to him.
"Yeah, you're right. Let's go." And with that we got up, put my hoodie on and Finn put on his glasses and we walked back to the hotel.

The morning was going great. I was having a really nice time with Finn. He is probably one of the nicest people I know. We were about 3 minutes away from the hotel when I heard a clicking noice. I think Finn heard it to because he was looking around trying see what it was. I look over to my left and saw a guy with a camera. Great, I thought myself. TMZ.

"Finn," I whispered so him.
"Hm," he said back trying to remain calm.
"TMZ. Look left." He did I said but now there were 3 people. "Millie, run." We ran as fast as we could away from the TMZ. We got to the hotel but we both forgot our key cards to get in. "Crap," Finn mumbled. I chuckled at him. "I'm texting Paige," I said to him as I pulled out my phone. She said she'd be down here in a minute with my security guard. He probably hates me.

About a minute had passed and there was a huge crowd of reporters coming towards us. We both turned around avoiding talking to them. They were really close to us, to close. Finn put his arm around me and out me in front of him. We both gave a soft smile to each other and then the door finally opened letting us in. We walked in and went straight up to our rooms.

"Well that was eventful," I said to Finn giggling. "Thanks for a really good day, Finn," I told him.
"I had a lot of fun too," he smiled. "I should go. Dad's probably freaking out," he said with an awkward laugh. I just smiled and nodded. "But hey, I'll see you tomorrow at the panel," he said with excitement.
"Oh yeah! See you tomorrow, Finnie." We laughed and then went into our rooms. What an amazing day.


Hey guys,
Sorry I haven't updated in a few days. Been really busy. I will probably only have time to update on weekends. I'm also sorry for this really really long chapter!

I decided to change it to season 3 instead of season 2. It just goes better with what I have planned for the story. Sorry for the confusion!

-Sienna xo

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