Chapter 5

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Millie's POV:

"Do you think Millie is pretty?"

I froze immediately. This wasn't happening. Finn practically choked on his water and and I just buried my face in my hands. Everyone was screaming or they were yelling "please say yes." I slightly looked over at Finn who was now as red as a tomato. I giggled at the sight.

"Well, I guess she is pretty, yeah," he answered with. The crowd started making 'aw' sounds and applauding. I then looked at Noah and he was also clapping. Really? I mouthed to him. He just bursted out into laughter. The time came to look at Finn.

He had the most ashamed look on his face. I felt so bad and my body moved before my mind new what I was doing. I grabbed his hand in front of everyone and looked into his eyes. He looked into mine and I could tell he immediately calmed down. Thank you, I mouthed to him with a sweat smile in my face. He smiled back and looked down, still red in the face.

"Cough, cough. I ship them," said Noah quietly into the microphone. Everyone laughed and cheered except for Finn and I. We were both to flushed with the whole situation but we managed to let out a little chuckle. I let go of his hand and sat up straight again.

"This is why they have a relationship on TV," said Shaun gesturing to us, making the crowd laugh.
"Don't be jealous of our relationship," I said in a snarky but sarcastic tone. I then realised what I had just said. My stomach was in a million nots by this point. Was this what it felt like to have a crush on somebody? I felt what was going on now. I love Finn Wolfhard.

Finn's POV:

I just said I like Millie... in public! I am going to be in so much trouble from her manager. There was only one more question for the day and I couldn't be happier. I needed to get out of here. My anxiety had been messing with me ever since I got asked if I liked Millie.

A girl around 14 asked the last question. "This one is for Millie and Finn." I think we all know where this is going, I thought. "So, there have been some rumours that you guys are dating."
"Oh gosh," Millie said with a laugh.
"I just wanted to hear it from you, personally. Is Fillie real?" she asked. I looked over at Millie and she gave a gesture that I could take this question. I didn't really want to but looks like I didn't really have a choice. Plus, I would do anything for her.

"Nah, not at the moment. Sorry guys," I said to the crowd. Oh no. Did I really just say that? 'Not at the moment' God dam it, Finn! "I-I-I... I mean, uh-"
"No, no. It's fine, Finn," she said assuring me. "As he said, it's not real. Maybe in the future but I'm not making any promises." The crowd clapped at our replies even though I didn't handle it very well.

After that, all of us at the panel got pictures with fans and signed heaps of things. Then it was time for cast photos and I saw that Millie and Noah were nowhere in sight. I looked around for a bit and found them behind a curtain talking. "You promised, Noah," Millie said to him.
"He's going to start getting suspicious soon and will need to figure out his feelings. So do you," Noah said back. Were they talking about me?

I walked up to them and straight away stopped their conversation. "Everything ok?" I said with an eyebrow raised. "Yeah, yeah. Everything's great," Millie said looking over at Noah. He rolled his eyes at her. He noticed a photographer and called out to him "hey! Over here!" Noah pointed at us and the photographer came over as he walked away with a smirk.

"Well that's Noah," I said looking down at Millie.
"Yep," she said with a sigh.
"Come on. Show that beautiful smile of yours," I said wrapping my arm around her. She chuckled and put her head on my chest. A flash went off and I knew that the photo would be everywhere. But as long as Millie was ok with it, I was too.

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