Chapter 11

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Finn's POV:

I had finished getting ready and it was 7:15. Wow, I'm early for once. I grabbed my phone and room card and headed over to Millie's room. I knocked a few times until she called out "one second!" A moment later she opened up the door brushing her hair.

"Hey, come in," she said happily leading me into her bedroom the second time today. When I left before her room was spotless but now it had clothes and random things everywhere. "Wow, what happened in here?" I asked looking around in shock.
"This is how girls get ready, Finn," she said throwing her hairbrush on her bed.
"Well thank god I'm not one," I said chuckling.
"Ouch," she said playfully punching my chest.

She finished getting ready and the time was 7:28. "Shit. Millie we've got two minutes," I said grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the room. We run to the elevator and I press on the down button repeatedly. "Finn, chill," Millie said squeezing the hand I was still holding onto.

"Sorry. It's just... you said you don't want anyone knowing about us and I don't want the public to think something's going on because we're not with our friends and-"
"Hey," she said cupping my cheeks. "Let the world think what they want to think. Fans and paparazzi have been shipping us and think that we have been secretly dating since 2016. Don't worry, ok?" she said reassures me. I nodded and smiled slightly while grabbing her hands. "What would I do without you?" I asked which made her smile brightly. The next second the elevator opened. "Not even God would know," she said with a chuckle, dragging me into the lift.

Millie pressed G Level and then came and rested her head against my shoulder and I put my arm around her waist. "Finn?" she asked.
"Hm?" I responded.
"What do you think is going to happen when we go public," she asked quietly.
"Well," I said pulling her in front on me, wrapping my other arm around her. "We would get lots of love, jealousy, 'cause we're amazing, and we will live happily ever after," I laughed.

She laughed as well and wrapped her arms around my neck.
"You're crazy, Finn Wolfhard."
"You're crazy beautiful, Millie Bobby Brown."
She looked at me with a mixture of shock and admiration. I moved her into a quick loving kiss that lasted for about two seconds and then the doors opened and we separated from each other with flushed faces. "Staying away from you like that is going to be harder than I thought," Millie whispered to me.
"It was your idea, Brown," I said walking out of the elevator with a smirk.

"Wait, Finn!" she yelled catching up to me. "Should we tell them now?" she asked meaning the rest of the cast about our relationship.
"Only if you want."
"I want to," she said with an excited look in her eyes.
"Then let's go," I said entwining our hands together and walking over to our friends.

When we got to them they straight away stopped talking and stared straight at us. "Holy shit," said Gaten not taking his eyes off us. I heard Millie giggle next to me. Cutie. "Wait, are you two?" Sadie said pointing at us, wanting Millie or I to continue the answer to her question. We looked at each other and she gave a nod saying 'you tell them'. "We're dating," I said with a grin. Caleb, Sadie, Gaten and Noah all jumped up screaming either "yes!", "woo hoo!", "Fillie!" or "my ship has sailed!"

Millie and I laughed hard at their reaction and then our friends pulled us into multiple hugs. We all pulled away and everyone had huge smiles on their faces. "Today is a great day," said Caleb.
"We find out Fillie is real," Sadie started off.
"And it's the first day of filming!" Gaten and Noah called out. Millie then pulled me into a side hug, wrapping both of her arms around my waist.

"I'm glad we told them," I said looking down at her.
"Me to," she said going up on her toes a little giving me a kiss on the cheek.
"Hey!" yelled Gaten. "Just because you two are together doesn't mean you get to kiss in front of us," he said.
"At least it wasn't on the lips," I said back and I heard Millie giggle next to me.

"You're so cute," I said to her.
"Really," she asked, snaking her arms around my neck while smirking and I put my arms around her waist.
"Yep," I told her and I smirked.
"Well you're cuter," she said grinning mischievously because she new I hated being called cute.
"Nah. I think there's a different word that describes me. Maybe you know it," I said.
"Hm, let me think. Is hot the word you were talking about?" she asked tilting her head.
"Precisely," I answered.

I pulled her into a kiss and I felt her smile into it. We pulled away and looked at each other for a moment. "We should probably get to the car," I whispered. I groaned and I laughed at her. "Come on. This is going to be a good day," I said grabbing her hand and pulling her outside completely forgetting that paparazzi would be there. Of course there was. We quickly let go and ran to the car with Millie sitting next to me which I'm happy about. "Do you think they saw us holding hands?" she asked me.
"I'm not sure," I replied and she sighed sadly.
"Hey," I said pulling her into a side hug. "This will work out. I promise," I said which made her smile and we were on our way to the set.


I literally haven't updated in forever and I'm so sorry. It's just been that time of term. Anyway hoped you liked the chapter. Mostly Fillie fluff ;)

-Sienna xo

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