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A/N: Wow #23 in H2O Delirious. May not be much for you. But I have never been on a top favorite/liked list before. I'm happy, :3. This is at night time when you are asleep.


Vanoss lets out a groan as his head hits the dining room table. He had you about a month and a half now. But that was not the problem, a nice family asked to take you. But he nowhere near wants to get rid of you now. He loves you like you were his own kid. He doesn't know what to do, give you to the nice family. Or keep you, he really should not do it. You don't know what he or his friends truly are. You could be put in danger, or something happens to him. And you will be left alone again. "Why, why did I do that?" he asked himself. He soon raised his head, "I'm going to give him/her to them ..... No, I'm not ... yes, no, yes, no, ugg!!" he added slamming his head on the table again. "Make up your mind Even. Keep him/her and maybe put him/her in danger. Or give him/her away and fell broken" he said. "Either way I'm going to be upset about something" he said looking over to the hallway to your room. He leans back in the chair and crosses his arms. And he thinks about it for a while. He made up his mind, "I pick that one" he said.


"Why must things end like this" Jonathan said to Batcoon. He was in the middle of the living room holding up the raccoon up to his face. Batcoon just tilted his head to the side a little. "You are supposed to be helping me" he said with a sigh. Batcoon soon just started to clean his paws and face. The adoption center called him today. Saying that they found a lady that would just love to adopt you. But here is the thing, he loves you like his own. It only took a month and a half for it to happen. He groans, not sure what to do. His job, it's dangerous. The crew is really dangerous too. It could get him killed, it could get you killed. But he doesn't want to give you away now. He loves you too much now, not only that Batcoon does too. He could tell that he does. "Help me" he said looking at Batcoon. Batcoon stops and just looks at him. "I don't know what to do, do I keep him/her? Give him/her to the nice lady?" he asked him. Batcoon just makes raccoon calls and wiggles free from his grip. Soon to turn and run towards your room. He watched him for a moment. And finally makes up his mind, "no changing my mind now" he said.


"Man this is not cool" he said face-planting into his pillow. "Only a month ... or a little more" he said turning around and laying on his back. The adoption center, they called him today. Saying that they found a nice family out in the country, that would like to adopt you. But here is the thing, he started to love you like you where his own kid. "I really should give him/her to them. What I am ... the whole crew is. Its can get him/her killed. But I don't want to give him/her away now" he said. He looks at the ceiling for a minute. "What if something happened to me? Like I lose my other eye and can't take care of him/her anymore. What if something worse happens" he said. The house, it would feel empty if he/she was gone through. He covers himself up and hides under the cover a bit. "What should I do?" he mumbles. He groans, "my brain hurts" he said rubbing his head. Thinking of his problem just makes it hurt more. He needs to make up his mind soon. "Yes .... no, yes, no, yes, dammit!" he yells a little. Then quickly covers his mouth, forgot that you where asleep in the other room. He uncovers his head and looks over to the wall. He made up his mind, and just hope he won't change it again. And regret it later on.

Lui Calibre.

"What do I do now?" he asked in a groan. It only took a month and a half to grow attached to you. He loves you like his own flesh and blood. He was in the living room sitting on the couch. The adoption center called today, they said a family would like to adopt you. But he don't want you to leave now. "But if I keep him/her ... what I really do. It could get him/her killed. Hell it can get me killed too. But if I give him/her away now, it will just be lonely in the house. Empty" he whispered. "I really do want to keep him/her. But if something happened" he added. "If something happens to me ... will one of the others take him/her?" he asked. "Do I give him/her to the family and him/her be safe? While fell alone even with my friends" he mumbles. He groans and leans back, "I should have thought this fully through before doing it" he said. He thinks, as he head starts to hurt a little. "Thinking of this is making my head hurt" he said rubbing it. "I really do want to keep him/her. But I'm afraid of what will happen if I do" he said. He bangs the back of his head on the couch for a few minutes. Then finally deciding on what to do. "I'll do that one" he said.

Daithi De Nogla.

He groans as he laid down on the couch, using the armrest as a pillow. He finally found a family member of yours. You had an uncle in another state. He was willingly going to take you. But now he grew attached to you and don't want you to go to him. Its only been a month and a half and he loves you like you were his own. And he was not the only one too, Joe and Tony loves you too. "If I Keep him/her, I'll put him/her in danger. But if he/she leaves I'll feel alone and broken" he said. Joe soon hops up and lays down on his chest. He looks down at him and pets his head. "What do I do Joe?" he asked him. Joe tilts his head to the side. "Do I let him/her go?" he asked. Joe lets out a sigh and shifts a little. "Do I keep him/her and put him/her in danger?" he asked. Joe lays his head down and looks at him. "Help me out Joe" he said looking at him. Joe raises his head and looks at him for a moment. Then hops down and heads to your room. "You ain't much help" he said watching him. He thinks some more, making his head hurt a bit. "I'll pick that one" he said with a sigh. He finally made up his mind, and hope he won't change it later.


"Now what do I do?" he asked as he sat down on the couch. Its been about a month and a half and he finally found a family member of yours. She said that she would take you off his hands. She liked kids and always wanted one. But that was only half the problem. Now he wants to keep you, he loves you like his own. "She is his/her family, But I don't want him/her to go. But I really should give him/her to her. What we really are ... he/she could be put in danger or get killed. Hell, I can get killed, then him/her be left alone again" he said with a sigh. "Will the other members take care of him/her if something does?" he asked. He groans and leans back while crossing his arms. "I really should do it, don't want him/her in danger. But .... dam-it, I should have brought him/her to the center. You did not want to go through" he said. He taps his fingers on his arm and thinks. "I don't know what to do. But I have to do something. This is confusing" he mumbles. "I would need some help if I do, and either way I'm going to be upset about something" he said looking at the ceiling. He thinks some more, finally making up his mind. "I hope its the right one" he said.

Mini Ladd

"I should have thought this threw, before taking him/her in" he said with a groan. It has been a month and a half, and he already got attached to you. He loves you like you were his own kid. But here is the thing, the center called. They found a nice family for you. And they were right down the street from his place too. "I'm sure that they won't mind me coming to visit you if I did give you to them. But I don't want too, you grew on me" he said. He sighs as he walks into the dining room and sat down at the table. "But If I do, it could end badly for both of us. What I really do is too dangerous for you" he added. "Dammit Greig, why did you have to do that?" he said to himself as he pulls on his hair a little. "Ok, flip a coin" he said reaching into his back pocket for his wallet. He grabs one and flips it. "Heads yes, Tails no" he said as he caught it. He looks at the coin, then tosses it to the side. "Well that did not help" he mumbles. He soon puts his elbow on the table and head on his hand. Tapping his fingers on the table he thinks. Finally making up his mind, "that one" he said with a sigh.


He was getting angry at himself, he was outside sitting on the steps. Its been just a month or a little more, and he loves you like his own flesh and blood. But that was only half of the problem. The center called, a nice family in the country would like to adopt you. "I ... don't ... know ... anymore. Don't want to give him/her away. But what if one day something happens to me, my work is not that safe really. But If I do I'll be alone, me and Banana again. I like it the way it is now. It doesn't fell really empty anymore. Should I call one of the guys, and ask what they think?" he said thinking. They might say get rid of the kid, although Panda likes him/her. "This is hard" he groans. He was trying to make up his mind, getting his head to start hurting. "If I let her go, Banana would look all over the house for him/her. And It will fell empty even with her. But if I don't and something happens, ... will the others take him/her in?" he said thinking some more. "Some of them took in kids too, but doing the same thing I'm doing" he said. He sighs and looks up to the sky, thinking of what to do. Till he finally makes up his mind. "Please let this be a good one" he said. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2018 ⏰

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