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You managed to loose them when they where following you. You went the same path you use to loose adults that could be following you. Its been a couple of days after you meet him. You stayed at the house till you thought it was safe. Walking out of the house you started to head to a nice old lady's house that pays you to do some things that she was not really able to do any more. After you cleaned a little and got paid for it you go back home. Groaning as your face hit the couch. About to take a nap till there was a knock on your door. You look over to the door and just lay there for a minute till there was another knock. Letting out a low growl you get up and walk over to the door to answer it. To see Vanoss standing there with his arms crossed. "You lied" he said with a bit of anger in his tone. "Uh, what are you talking about?" you asked a bit surprised. "You lied to me, you have no parents and live alone in this old house" he said with the same tone. You where quiet for a moment, "I'm not going back to that mean lady" you said quickly and tried to close the door. But he stopped it with his foot, "yes you are" he said opening it. "No I'm not" you said and turned around, ran off and hid somewhere in the house. He huffs and walks in and looks around. "And why not?" he said walking around looking for you. "I just told you, she is a mean lady. She keeps us inside all the time and makes us clean all the time too" you said in your hiding spot. He growls and leaves the kitchen, "you cant stay by your self" he said. "Yes I can I have been doing it for seven months now. I know how to take care of my self" you said crossing your arms. "Well not anymore, you are coming with me. Or go back to that woman, ether way you are not staying by yourself anymore. Now come out of hiding so I can take you back" he said looking around. You paused a little, "so you are going to take me in? Or give me back to the mean lady?" you asked. He stopped and rethought of what he said. "Ok, I should of said this. Come out of hiding to me and I'll bring you back to the center" he said. "Nope not going to happen" you said sitting down on the floor. You could hear him growl again, "stubborn kid" he said. "I'm not stubborn, I'm independent" you said with a smile. "What ever, you still are coming with me" he said. You where quiet for a second, then smiles. "Lets make a deal, you find me with in five minutes I'll go back to the center with you. But if you don't, you will leave me alone" you said. "Or you can stay with me" he said without thinking. 'Stay with him?' you thought. "Deal or no deal?" he said. You huff and quietly move to another spot in the house. "Fine, deal" you said, you knew he would no leave you alone now that he knows you live on your own. You soon stopped talking all together, making it a bit more harder to find you. It had been a boring five minutes, you won. "Where the hell are you?" he asked outside in the hallway. You smiled and come out of your hiding spot, "you loose" you said behind him. He turns to face you, "no I haven't" he said. "Yes you did it has been five minutes. You did not find me so I win" you said with another smile. "Five minutes all ready?" he asked. Then lets out a sigh, "fine you win. You get to stay with me" he added. He soon turn around and started to walk out, "lets go" he said. You ran off to him to catch up then walks next to him. "Where we going now?" you asked. "Home .... then again the store to get some things" he said walking to a car. 

H2O Delirious.

You two eventually found the adoption worker. The worker was looking around for you near the bus with the other kids. You gave him a wave by and the worker thanked him. Its been a couple of days after that happened. You where currently sitting on your bed playing a game by yourself. The other kids running around playing games with others. You where not in the mood to play with them right now. After winning the game you let out a sigh and looks around. After watching them play for a few minutes a worker walks past them and to you. "Hello sweetie, I have good news. Someone cam over to become your foster parent" he said with a smile. You look at him and blinked a few times, "really?" you asked. He smiles and nods his head, "get your things and head to the office" he said. Then turns and walks past a few kids and out of the room. You soon smiled and packed up your things that you have and walks to the office. Opening the door and walking in you see a man in buzz cut brown hair and blue clothing. He was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. "Y/n this is Jonathan, he will be your foster parent" The worker said getting the papers in order. 'Why does he look familiar and I know that name from?' you thought. "Well everything is in order, so you two are free to leave" the worker said. "All right, come on Y/n lets go" he said with smile and walks out. "Ok, bye Mr worker" you said with a wave and follows him out. You where happy even if it was Fostering. Its better then staying in the adoption center. You follow out to the car and got in. It was bugging you, where do you know him from. He soon gets in and closed the door with a smile. "You remember me?" he asked looking at you. You look at him, "yes and no. You seem so familiar, but I cant think of who you are" you said. He laughed and reached in the back of his seat and grabbed something. Then puts it on, it was a hockey mask. "Now just add clown make-up" he said in a smile. You look at him for a minute and smiles, "you the one who helped me at the park. The Jason want to be" you said in the smile. He laughs at what you called him, "Jonathan also called Delirious by my friends" he said. "Why are you fostering me?" you asked. "Because I get lonely in my house when my friends are not there. Not only that I like you, and don't want you to get lost again" he said with a smile and pats your head. You could not help but laugh a little. He soon turns on the car and you buckle up. You two talked while he drove, you had to admit it he was a little crazy. He soon pulls into a drive way, turned the car off and got out. "My other friend lives right next to me so we can bug him when there is noting to do" he said with a smile. You giggle and grabbed your bag then gets out. You follow him up to the door and he unlocks the door. Letting you in first then closed the door behind him. You smile and look around the house, it was a one floor house, with two bedrooms. You where exploring the house when you reached a kitchen. Soon to spot a raccoon on top of the of the fridge. "Umm" you said looking up to it. You weren't sure if it broke in or its his pet or something. "Hey Batcoon get off the fridge!" Delirious yells while laughing. 'Its a pet' you thought with a smile. The raccoon quickly jumps down and runs off to the living room somewhere. "Why do you have a raccoon?" you asked him laughing. "He comes in and out, all tho now he mostly stays out now. I raised him since he was a baby" he said with a smile. Then he goes off to the living room and picks him up. "Come on I'll show you to your room" he said with a smile then walks off. "Ok" you said with a smile and follows him.

Adopted by the Vanoss crew Scenario.Where stories live. Discover now