Chapter 15

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Ring! Ring!

David's alarm clock broke the quiet silence and soft humming of the air conditioning.

David  let out a soft groan before slowly sitting up. He looked over at the clock, having to squint to see what the time was.

7:00 AM

The alarm read.

David raised his arms up as far as he could and tensed his whole body, stretching. He let out a yawn in the process.
He stood up and sluggishly walked around his room, grabbing his clothes for the day.

Seeing as today was Monday, His day consisted of work and coming home to make dinner.

Which was fine, it was after all his normal week-day routine.

He made his way to the bathroom to take a shower.

• • • •

" Daniel, come on. We'll be late.." David insisted, trying to find his way out of Daniels arms.
"Nah, we'll be fine. We can manage fifteen more minutes of sleep." Daniel reasoned with a gruff, soft morning voice. He pulled David closer to throw one of his legs over the gingers waist.

David let out a exasperated sigh. He would protest but this small dispute was clearly finished by the slightly rough kiss Daniel was currently planting on his forehead.

"You're such a brat." David muttered, finally giving in and cuddling up to Daniel.

"It's your fault for marrying me~!" Daniel teased in a sing-song voice.

David let out a small huff before pulling the blanket over his head and proceeded to hide his face in the bend of Daniels neck.

Ring! Ring!

Daniel woke up on the couch, slightly hugged up to his pillow.

'What a weird dream..' He thought to himself as he sat up. He grabbed his phone and checked the time.

7:00 AM

'Ugh, it was too early to be awake!' He let out a annoyed, dramatic sigh.
He was about to lay back down, but he heard a door creak open in the hallway. Curious to see which of the other two was up, He forced himself to get up and begrudgingly walked to the entrance of the hallway.

It was David.

"G'morning Sunshine.." He let out a tired greeting, that was finished with a soft yawn.

David let out a pathetic, short scream and nearly jumped out of his skin when Daniel had spoke. He swiftly turned around to look at Daniel.

"You gave me a heart attack!" He complained, placing a hand over his chest.

"I was planning to," He rolled his eyes, "anyway, why are you even up so early?" He questioned, crossing his arms out of habit.

"I'm getting ready for work! Why are you up so early?" David retorted, somewhat shaken from being scared a moment ago.

"My phone's alarm went off, but I'm fairly sure I turned it off yesterday," Daniel shrugged, "hey, how about I make us some breakfast while you get ready for work?"
He was fairly sure making breakfast would: 1. Make up for scaring David and 2. Make it easier on him than David rushing to make breakfast himself.

"Oh, thank you! I would appreciate it!" David returned Daniels question with a polite smile.

"You're welcome!" Daniel smiled back.

David awkwardly excused himself with a quick "I'm going to go get ready" and left the conversation to go take a shower.

Daniel watched the ginger walk away, feeling a strange fluttering but warm feeling in his chest and went to go make breakfast.

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