Sasuke's Sadness

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I sat on the couch, rubbing my watermelon of a stomach. The doctor would always rub it and the baby would jump like a kangaroo and damn did it hurt like a bitch!! I looked at Naruto who sat on the floor while playing a video game. Mom walked in with a sandwich and some iron pills.

"Mom, I'm not taking those pills. You can't make me," I grumbled.

"oh really?" Mom said.

she pried open my mouth and pushed the pills in and shoved the sandwich in.

"Eat. Now!"

I pulled the sandwich out, chewed, and swallowed, glaring at her. she sighed and sat next to me.
"Pb and j again mom? Really?" I said with a major attitude.
"Tsunade said that your iron levels are low. It may be a low amount but the peanut butter has iron in it. She also said that the iron pills are enough. So eat! Now!!"
I glared at her as I chewed my food, feeling the peanuts in the peanut butter crunch between my teeth. Mom set the knife that she was using to chop the carrots for dinner down on the counter.

"Honey, I know how it is to be pregnant. it's miserable. believe me, I know. I was pregnant with you and Naruto for nine months. I was a balloon! No, I was a blimp! when you two were born, it was Naruto who was bigger. you, we didn't know if you were going to survive because you were so tiny. you were in the hospital for a month until you got to go home. Naruto cried if anyone moved him from you. he has always been protective of you."

there was knock on the door and Naruto popped his head in.

"Hey, sis, Sakura is here to see you. she has a big gift bag. she's downstairs."

"ok. I will need help getting downstairs. can you help me?"

Naruto helped me to my feet and slowly helped me down the stairs and into the living room, where Sakura waited.
"Hey, Naruanna!!" She said cheerfully.
She then saw my huge stomach and her eyes widened with awe.
"Yeah I know. I'm huge."
"I should say so!! My mom says that you look like Kushina did when she was pregnant with you and Naruto! I mean holy shit!! Sorry. Here!"
She handed me the gift bag and I welcomed her to the couch. She sat in the chair opposite of me, and Naruto and mom had joined us. I pulled the tissue paper out and inside was a cute little black onesie with orange wording on it.
"I'm part Uchiha and part Uzumaki." I read out loud.
"I had it custom made for you."
"That's sweet of you, Sakura, but Sasuke wants nothing to do with me and this child. He made that clear months ago. When I first found out I was pregnant."
"I wouldn't be so sure."
"What would he want to do with my sister and her child?! He abandoned them!" Yelled Naruto.
"Naruto please!!" I said firmly, and he gave an apologetic look.
"Naruanna...believe it or not. Sasuke does ask about you. He asks when you started showing, he asks me so many questions. And to be honest, I'm about to tell him to just come to you and talk to you. He worries about you. "
"Then why hasn't he come to me yet?"
"...he's afraid that you won't talk to him. That you will shut him out like he did you."
I looked at her and I felt an emotion that I hadn't felt in a long time come over me. The emotion of love. The emotion of regret.
"Tell him he has until tomorrow at 3 to come to me. "
"Okay. I'll let him know. I'm meeting him, Ino, Sai, and choji for dinner. "

*A few hours later*
I laid in the bath when I felt an enormous pain in my abdomen and back. I hissed with pain as it lasted a minute or two. After this happening for ten or so minutes I had finally had enough of it.
"Mom,come here please!!" I yelled.
Mom came in wearing her bathrobe, and knelt next to the tub.
"What is it, honey?!"
"Can you put ur hand on my abdomen and tell me whether I'm in labor or not?"
Mom placed her hand on my stomach and waited a couple minutes. She stood up after a pain came and went, dried her hand and poked her head out of the bathroom door.
Dad came in after mom pulled me to my feet and Into my clothes and he picked me up and began carrying me to the front of the house. Naruto had the overnight again, the diaper bag, all of the bags on his shoulders. He was also on the phone.
"Sakura? I know it's late and I apologize but Naruanna's in labor. You need to tell him. Drag him to the hospital if you have to."

I hit the end call button on my phone and ran to put on my shoes. I grabbed my car keys and ran to my car in the pouring rain. I drove as quick as I could to without getting pulled over. I stopped at a stop light. If I turned left I would make a thirty second detour to stop by Kakashi Sensei's place but I continued straight I would be at Sasuke's in five minute. After debating, I turned left and dialed kakashi's number.
"Hey, I may need your help with something. Naruanna is in labor and I need to get Sasuke. I'm picking you up now. Hurry!"
After picking him up, Kakashi and I drove to Sasuke's place.
I banged my fist against Sasuke's home's door. He opened the door with a coffee mug in his hand. It was obviously freshly made. All he was wearing was a t shirt, his underwear, and a jacket.
" Put some Clothes on." I said. "were going to the hospital!"
"Why?!" He said with a major attitude.
"Naruanna is in labor."
"So? She doesn't care about me. Otherwise-"
"Otherwise what Sasuke?!" Said Kakashi. "From my understanding, you left her when she told you she was pregnant from your child!! That girl! You mean the world to her and yet you leave her alone and her child fatherless!! She needs you! You ran away because you were too afraid to step up and be a man!! Now get dressed and get your ass in that car and go the the hospital. You don't know this but since Naruanna's iron levels are so low, she could die Sasuke! She could FUCKING die!"
I saw fear quickly flash into his eyes before the mug dropped from his hand and shattered on the ground. Before we knew it, all three of us were in the car and on the way to the hospital.

* Naruanna's view*
I held Dad's hand as my labor continued.
"daddy, it hurts so much!!"
" I know but it'll be over soon and you'll have your baby in your arms. I told your mother the same thing when Naruto was being born and then we got not just him but you too."
" I can see the baby's head!" Said the nurse.
" I want Sasuke! Daddy, I want Sasuke!!
"Okay, Naruanna! PUSH!"

A newborn baby's cry was sounded and I gasped for air as a baby was placed on my chest.
"Congratulations! It's a girl!!"
The door flew open and Sasuke was standing there. He was drenched in rain, gasping for breath. He walked over and took my daughter in his arms.
"Yuriko. " He said. " I want her Name to be Yuriko. "
"Perfect. Her name's means perfect." I whispered, and he nodded, with that smile I had fallen in love with long ago on our special night.
The nurse pressed the call button as my vitals rocketed.
"She's coding! Sir, pease take ur daughter to the hall, a nurse will clean her and everything."

*Sasuke's view*
I sat in a chair, holding Yuriko. Minato, Kushina, Naruto, Sakura, And Kakashi all were with me. Yuriko was a quiet baby and she somehow made me calmer. Her jet black hair was like mine. Her nose was just like Minato's and I had a feeling she would have jet black ebony eyes like mine but I hoped that she'd have those green emerald eyes like her mother.
I stood as Naruanna's nurse came out into the waiting room. She held a small bundle of a blanket.
" Mr. Uchiha, you have a son."
"Minato, can you take him please?"
"Of course." He said, taking my son.
I handed Yuriko to Naruto, and then turned to the nurse.
"And Naruanna? Is she going to be okay?!"
The nurse looked down, and then looked at me with symethtic eyes.
"I'm sorry. But we have her in ICU. I'm afraid she doesn't have much of a chance. She lost far too much blood and I'm afraid she has a slim chance. Maybe a 5% chance of making it. "
'No!! She can't go. Not with twins here. Yuriko and our son need her. She can't die!' I thought to myself. I sat in a chair as tears welled up in my eyes. I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me and I knew it was Kushina and I let the tears pour. The love of my life was going to die and it was my fault for not being there and taking care of her.

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