What Ever Happened to Normal?

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"You stupid girl! Once again, you ruined any chances you had at passing this class! Or the next, or any others!" I sigh, staring down at the fat, red F on my paper. Of course I know World War 1 wasn't Earth fighting Jupiter, and that Robert E. Lee was a war general, not inventor of Lee's chicken. Obviously, I'm not an idiot. I just write the first thing I think of. Mr. Sanders always gives me the same condescending looks when I return his fury with a blank gaze in class. He's talked to me at lunch, in stolen private moments, anywhere. "Why don't you try? I don't like reprimanding you publicly, but the other students can't see this as ok. Why do you just give me your emotionless face? You listen, you do the homework, what's wrong? Is it your parents? They never come to the conferences." I always shrug, avert my eyes, walk away quietly. Something's just been messing with my head, coming back in pieces. The parts I remember, I could never tell him. I can barely admit it to myself.

"Please, where did you come from, how did you get here, what is your favorite color, and do you wish to be my friend?" "Me? Hilarious? Really?" "Something just doesn't feel right." "Everywhere you go, you wish to do good with your powers, but everywhere, you fail." "No matter where you go, you will end up working for me." "He can never help you." The memories never supply me with a name. Just voices, small bits. Crying in the night, laughing with... Who did I laugh with, before high school? The most recent was that green boy. His voice sounded so familiar, I would have sworn it was him. But if he were so significant, why didn't I remember him? Why don't I remember anyone? I don't even remember myself.

Beast Boy

"Yo, Cy! Where'd you hide the remote! I need to plug in Mega Monkeys 4!" I already checked under the couch, in the fridge, behind Robin's speakers, and now I'm checking in the sofa cushions. Well, trying to. My fangs keep getting stuck on the fabric.

"Man, I don't know! Just play the car game, it's already set up!" Cyborg responds, walking over and tugging my teeth off the couch. His metal clanks as he walks over and plonks down onto the end, plugging in two game controllers. "Rae, you wanna play?"

"What do you think? No. Not Stankball, not Mega Monkeys 4, not Scarfing Down the Blue Fuzzy Food from the Fridge Until We Puke." Raven scowls, pulls up her navy blue hood, and walks out, burying her nose in a spell book. I never know why, she only uses her 'Azarath Metrion Zinthos' thing when we actually need magic. I shrug, and start pouting when my green thumbs won't move fast enough to pass Cyborg's car.

"Oh Robin, do show me more of the fighting moves! I would truly take delight in seeing other ways in which we may take down villains, should the H.I.V.E. Five or The Brotherhood of Evil or Slade return!" Starfire exclaims, following Robin into the room.

"Star, we really can't. Cyborg here," he emphasizes his name, "already broke it again, after we fixed it from Terra." My heart drops into my sneakers. Robin moves on, unaware. "Anyway, I don't think I can show you anything more. You could probably teach me something next time we-" He gets abruptly cut off by the buzzing alert. "Trouble!" We whisk out towards Jump City's jailhouse.


I hitch my backpack up on my shoulders, strolling out of the school and to the campus dorm. After my dreams started coming back and reminding me what happened, bit by bit, my roommates shipped out. My late-night screeching, crying, and rolling off the top bunk apparently was a teensy bit upsetting for people who liked to sleep through the night. Luckily, they fed me a little of what I saw before they slammed the door in my face. Now I know his name. I know all their names, finally. I know the guy with the half-mask's name too. I don't know my affiliations relating to them, but I intend to find out. After getting another lecture from Mr. Sanders, I was finally allowed to go to my room for the three-day weekend. Thank you, holidays! All week, I had been laying out a plan to figure out exactly why I knew those creatures-people and otherwise.

1) Steal-no wait, borrow-sound recorders from surrounding dorms

2) Put them up all around me when I go to sleep and hit record

3) Spend the entire 3 day weekend sleeping as much as possible

4) Play them back when I wake up and see what I've said

5) Repeat steps 1-4

If I applied myself like this in class, I'd never get in trouble!

Right when I get into my dorm room, I kick off my shoes, position the recorders, and take a nap, hoping for the best possible outcome.


"Azarath Metrion Zinthoooos," I mumble, casting myself out of my body and into Plasmus's disgusting blob. I position myself behind his glowing green eyes, and tell his mind to come apart, back to the calm, sleeping man. Poor guy. I float back out, into my meditating body, and watch the scene come apart. Robin and Cyborg are herding the criminals back into their broken cells, Plasmus collapsed into the snoring guy, and Beast Boy and Starfire flew off into the recesses of the building to see who broke them out. "Are you guys okay here?"

"Sure. Go help Star and Beast Boy," Robin responds, screeching his motorcycle around to catch some runaways. I nod, and move off to the back of the prison, searching for the pair. I find them fighting behind a corner, and move in to help, wondering who the villain is. Sure as heck, it's not anywhere near who I was expecting. I fly back out to get Robin.


"Thanks, we'll take them from here," the officer says, waving us off to go help. Cyborg parks his car, and I climb off my motorcycle. Great timing, since Raven chooses that moment to whip back out, crashing into me.

"He's here! It's him. It's-" Her eyes are wild, and I lock mine on them. They widen with understanding.

"We're coming, don't worry!" Robin yells, charging to the back. I fly behind, and grab Cyborg so we can keep up. I deposit him by the security rooms, and Starfire runs over.

"He is evading our attacks! Robin, he is here! What are we going to do?" Starfire panics.

"I could use a little help over here!" Beast Boy yells. I hear stomping, and assume Beast Boy is chasing him. We all follow close behind him, until the menace reveals his face-or what's left of it.

"You," Robin seeths.

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