Searching and Staying

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Beast Boy

"Wait!" I hear them call out behind me. I ignore it just like Terra did, and keep flying. I'm so nervous and upset that I'm starting to shed little green feathers. I hate that video game-playing, meat pizza-eating, booya joke-cracking idiot. He just sent Terra away! What if her powers fail? What if the rock breaks and she falls and drowns or cracks her head open? What if Slade recruits her again and she's so lonely she'll take whatever she can get? What if she just curls up in a ball and cries until she dies of dehydration?

"TERRAAAAAAAAAAA! WHERE DID YOU GOOOOO? TERRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Obviously it just came out as bird babble, but hopefully if she heard, she would get the point. I really wish she were easy to find, but she blends in so well, maybe she went back to the school. Since it's so close, I decide to risk it and see if she's there.

By the time I actually haul my exhausted self inside the gates, the bell just ended for the last class. All of the students are streaming out of the building and socializing. I perch on one of the sticky-outy parts of the fence, waiting for those two jerky, overprotective girls. They finally walk up, noticing the (cute) little green hummingbird on their gate.

"Ugh, another one?" The blonde one groans.

"I know! It's like, such an infestin.. infustio... infusion... that thing where they're all here!" the brunette agrees.

"What are you supposed to be, a booger?" Blondey asks, looking down her nose at me.

I shift back to normal, and state proudly, "I'm Beast Boy, proud original member of the Teen-"

"How much can we pay you to shut it?" they interrupt in unison.

"We already-"

"Told you that-"

"We don't need-"

"Freaks like you-"

"Stealing our-"

"BFFWSLTAKOLIs!"  I nod, not comprehending.  They roll their eyes.  "Ugh, Best Friend Forever Who Seems Like They Are Kind Of Losing It?

"Riiiiight... So have you seen Terra around?"

"NO!!!" They yell it so loudly, I fall backwards off my perch on the fence. The two laugh horrifically, striding off to wherever they had to go next. I don't move, instead staring at their outlines in shock, until a teacher comes up, yelling at me to get lost. I quickly shift into a fly and hover over the man's clipboard. The top of his sheet says 'Mr. Sanders, 6th period', and I scroll down the list of names. Kyle Anderson, Steven Brochewitz, Sydni Cartelli, Jackson Fiero, Riley Galindey... Terra Markov, Mitzi Pakmun... WAIT, TERRA?!?? But there's an 'x' next to her name, as well as Sydni Cartelli's. Maybe that means they were absent? Whatever it means, it doesn't matter. Terra wasn't here. I move on to my next destination, hoping against hope she will actually be there.


"So then I was all like, 'Booya!' and that dude was outta there so fast!" I sit still, a fake smile plastered across my face, as Cyborg acts like nothing has changed, and Beast Boy is just out on a trip. Robin laughs, hard and sincere, while Starfire quietly feeds Silkie some leftover zorkaberries. I force a miniscule laugh out, and a sharp pang appears in my stomach. Tears prick the corners of my eyes, but I have to be inconspicuous. I force myself to sit through the rest of the Tv show in front of the couch, then make up an excuse about having to use the bathroom. They allow me to escape, but only for the commercial break. That's all the time I need.

I quickly lock the door behind me as I fly into my room, and dive over my bed. I cross my legs, circle my fingers, and begin chanting. The world behind my eyes dims, and I see in front of them. I picture a raven whooshing out, through my window, over the water, through the city, around an old amusement park, past a diner, and underground.

Even as an imagined bird, I feel the heat rising up, almost burning my wings to a crisp. I force it away, delve deeper under, and come to an abrupt stop in front of a river of lava. The only other thing down here (besides intense heat) is the empty statue base from where Terra had been when she saved Jump City. I fly all around, but see nothing. A flash of blonde hair, floating rocks, blue strings whipping about. These must be memories, but to see memories, somebody has to be there for me to get into their heads, and this place is empty. The only moving thing at all is a half brown, half black mask, with an old imprint of a flaming 'S' on it.

But that doesn't make sense. Terra defeated him before Trigon stepped in. Terra is WHY Trigon stepped in!The only way I could actually see him and access his memories is if he were there. Waiting.


Over. Under. Left of the tree. Through the muddy tunnel. Past the dead deer on the road. Crap, I dropped a rock. Pull rock back up. Speed forward past the security cameras. Is that Beast Boy behind me? Sink lower, form a shield of rocks. Backtrack. Hide anytime another living being is spotted. Save the street-crossing cat from being killed. Free the mouse from the trap. Repeat process as needed.

Beast Boy

An owl hoots, low and quiet. Old rides creak ominously. A wolf howls in the distance. This place is really freaky at night. My shouts for Terra really don't help take away from the freak-o-factor.

I walk around, looking at the roller coaster, carousel, bumper cars, air trolley. I hop aboard the trolley once it comes back to the base tower-the same one as last time. I still feel like the presences of Terra and Slade are still sitting in this cart. A wave of nostalgia washes over me, and I sigh, going back to that fateful night. My mind gladly works for it, but my heart refuses. It takes over my brain, and I can't call up that short span of time. Rather than sitting here feeling pathetic for myself for a short span of time, I do something productive. I sit here feeling pathetic for myself for a long span of time. It's like a short span, but better, because it lets me mope around and hope Terra will show up.


Man, he beat me to the amusement park. I abruptly do an about-face on my floating rock, and head back off, deep into the city. He's just staring down sadly at his sneakers, so I'd guess he didn't see me. I feel so bad for abandoning him, but Cyborg was right. All of this is my fault. Again.

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