Roses are red, violets are blue
Sugar is sweet and perhaps so are you
But the roses have wilted, the violets are dead
The candy bowl is empty, wrists are all stained redToday's society, we unite as one nation, but unfortunately there are some things hidden within this powerful generation
We are the generation of mixed medicines and overdoses, escaping the dreadful world with orange pill bottles and so called therapeutic white roses
We are the generation of drinking alone to ease the pain
Instead of treatment we put drugs into our veinsWe are the generation of the so called competitive
Competing against our will to die
Competing against panic attacks every nightCompeting in our own world, competing againts ourselves, competing against that person in the mirror, competing against the perfectly normal human being that we can never be, society stop judging us, we're all imperfect cant you see?!
We are generation of whispered lies behind palms, fake smiles to hide the cruel judgements in our minds, laughing secretly at the pained, different, and the lonely and all we do about it is just cry
We are generation of skipped recitals, and skipped meals, weights on our shoulders that makes it hard to breathe, broken hearts that makes it hard see past all the self loathing and hatred
We are the generation of sex with no consent, the generation of drugs in sandwich baggies, the generation of heartbreaking just through a simple text, the generation of drinking and smoking instead just talking and hugging
The generation of smiles on sad faces, people who instead of save up for a better future spend their money on avocado toast, pills to numb the pain, clothes and makeup to hide the shame, technology to distract us from a cruel, harsh reality
We are millennials, the so called upbringer of the future, but how can we defend and strengthen our society if we cant even take care of our own poor sanity
Welcome to our generation
(This was a project of mine and just wanted to share it wop)
Random stuff (FINISHED)
عشوائيMemes, rants, tags, songs, animations. If you read my stories I highly suggest that you keep updated on this too, because I will put most of my authors notes here so.... I also draw a lot but rarely post my art so if you have any requests just dm me...