Chapter 13|Terms And Conditions Apply

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"I need a favour," I turn around and see Noah standing there. I turn back around to face Dae, who has one of her eyebrows raised. I raise my index finger and mouth "one minute" before turning to face Noah once again.

"How may I help you?"

"My mum is calling over some of her work friends. One their daughters have a weird obsession with me so, I was wondering if you'd come along and pretend to be my um...g-girlfriend?" He replies, looking everywhere but me.

I roll my eyes, "Oh no! A clingy fan! What a problem!" I retort sarcastically.

"Please! You don't know how she can get! Please, Aleisha!" He pleads, intertwining both his hands.

"On one condition," I let out after a minute, a smirk on my face. He eyes widen with wonder and fear, as though he can't believe that I'm considering his option but also scares of what I will say next.

"You have to sit with at my table at lunch for the whole of next week." And with that, I slam my locker shut and wave goodbye to a gaping Noah.


I lazily walk into my French class but smile when I notice Malea waving at me from her seat. Taking a seat next to her, I place my bag on the floor beneath my desk and turn to face the blue-eyed girl.

"So, how is that assignment turning out?" I question, referring to the message I received from her yesterday. "It's good," She says, flipping her hair behind her.

"Thankfully it's a subject that I'm good at, if I do say so myself." She continues, letting out a giggle at the end.

"And which subject would that be?"


I grimace at her response. "I wish I could say the same for myself but unfortunately Bio isn't one of my strong suits. That's why I'm getting tutored now."

"Really? By who, may I ask?"

"Yeah, by my classmate. His name is Noah."

"His? Oohh!! Is he cute?"

I playfully punch her shoulder before replying. " I guess? I mean, I don't see him that way."

"Don't see him that way, yet." She cheekily retorts, throwing me a sly smile.

I raise my fist to punch her again but lower it when Miss Danielle walks in, silencing the whole class. I send her one last glare before turning to the front. I shake my head when I hear her giggle.

By the time lunch rolls by, I'm starving. Placing a hand on my grumbling stomach, I make my way to my table. It was an understood norm that Hadley, Malea and Maddie would be accompanying Dae and me at our table for lunch. I take a seat beside Dae as she stops her conversation with Hadley and turns to look at me.

"Noah will be sitting with us for the whole of next week. Is that okay with all of you guys?" I ask, looking at Hadley, who is seated opposite Dae, Malea, who is seated beside me and at Maddie, who is opposite Malea.

They all nod collectively and I don't miss the wink thrown my way by Malea. I send her a glare before rising to go stand at the lunch line, where Noah is waiting his turn.

"Excuse me? Can I stand here, please? If that's okay." I request, smiling at the freshman behind Noah. She nods and moves a step back, allowing me to cut in in front of her. "Thank you."

I smile evilly to myself before I lean up and whisper into Noah's ear, "Boo!". He jumps and turns around, rolling his eyes, he mutters, "Haha! Very funny!".

"I hope you remember that you're sitting at my table today."

He lets out groan and nods. "How could I forget? I'm sitting with 'Miss-I'm-President-of-Lynwood-High'

"Hey! I thought you stopped calling me that." I whine, pouting.

Two minutes later, Noah and I are seated at the table. "Noah? This is Dae, Hadley, Malea and Maddie." I introduce, pointing at each of them. "Everybody? This is Noah." He offers them an awkward smile before dropping his gaze to his pasta. Everyone turns back to their conversations, except Malea, who I notice trying to discreetly eavesdrop on our conversation.

"So Noah? When's this dinner?" I asked, popping a few fries into my mouth.

"Tomorrow at 7. My house."

"Okay. Is there a specific way I should be dressed?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"I guess it needs to be formal."

I nod, "Okay."

"I'll pick you up at six?"

"No, it's fine. I'll drive."

"I'm picking you up at six." He finalizes, leaving no room for further discussion.

"Okay, Sir Grumpy Pants."
I open the door to my room and flop onto the bed. Heaving out a big sigh, I walk out and enter Thea's room.

"Hey, sis! Wanna go shopping?" I ask.

"Why the sudden urge to shop?" She queries.

I sit down at the edge of her bed and recite all that's been going on with Noah and the rest of the girls these past few days.

"So, what do you want to buy?" She takes a seat beside me.

"I don't know yet. I need something classy and formal." She nods, picking up her phone. "Is it okay if I invite Ryder? He's bored at home."

I nod, " We'll leave at 5." I shout, exiting her room.

I spend the next one and a half hours doing homework and watching some television. At around half past four, I go up to my room and change into a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt.

"Thea! You ready?" I shout, entering the kitchen to get a glass of water. In reply, I hear the sound of footsteps ascending the staircase.

I grab my car keys, hop into my sneakers and exit the house with Thea on my trail.

I hear her converse with Mom, telling her where we're heading.

I enter the car with one thought. I hope I find a dress good enough for the dinner.

Two updates in a week? Wow!

I really hope you guys are liking the book so far. I really don't know what exactly you guys want. Sad to say, this book isn't getting as many reads and votes as my previous book and it is really demotivating me. I still keep updating in hopes that one morning I'll wake up and see my book flourishing with reads and votes. I really don't know what about the previous book gained so many viewers and hence, I cannot include the same selling point in this book too. Those of y'all who are reading this book (as few as you may be) whenever an update comes out, please encourage other people to give my book a shot too. You guys are my only hope to keep this book alive and kicking. So, please?

Sorry for the rant. Until then, Adios.

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