Chapter 5|The Apology

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Holà! I have something important to tell you guys. Kaylie's name is changed to Daena because the nickname KK was getting annoying. So, now Daena's nickname is Dae. Now you may proceed. Enjoy!


The next morning, I wake up earlier than usual and proceed to the washroom for my usual morning routine. Dae is still in bed. She gets up way later than I do because once she does, she just throws on an outfit, whereas I like to plan my outfit for the day. It gives me a sense of peace. Weird. I know.

I walk out of the washroom, dressed in a pair of shorts and a loose sweater and notice that Dae is all awake and dressed in an FC Barcelona jersey and high waisted jeans.

" Ready?" She asks while I run a brush through my hair.

I nod as she throws a granola bar at me and it lands next to me on the carpeted floor.

"Thanks," I shout, hearing her leave the room.

I run down the stairs while applying some lip balm to my chapped lips. My hair was still quite straight from yesterday so I just left it open with one of Dae's snapbacks put backwards.

I reach the hall and see that Melanie, Dae's mom is up.

" Good morning Melanie," I say, hopping as I put on one of Dae's extra pair of black and white high top Converse. I obviously couldn't wear the sandals I wore the night before as it wouldn't go with today's outfit, so I decided to leave them here and pick them up later or never.

" Good morning sweetie." She replies, coming over and kissing my head.

" Okay mom, we gotta go," Dae says getting up from her place with her training bag slung over her shoulder.

We say goodbye to Melanie and make our way towards my car. It was understood that I was her ride to school today and after her practice too.

" I'm driving," Dae says getting into the driver's seat as I slide into the passenger's side. I throw her the keys and rest my head against the window.

I suddenly remember about Luke and take out my phone to dial Thea's number.

She picks up groggily and I hear her yawn over the phone.

" Thea, I'm so sorry to wake you up at this hour but I left Luke over at Crystal's place. Can you pick him up?"

I hear a sigh at the other end and then she replies, " I already did. I didn't sleep over at Ryder's because his parents needed him to do something for them and he didn't want to keep me waiting so I left and once I reached, I realised your car wasn't in the driveway. Then I got in and saw the note and then suspected that Luke was over at Crystal's. So I picked him up and went home."

" Oh thank you so much! I love you. Bye Thea." I say, ending the call and noticing that we already reached.

" Don't forget to wait for me. You're my ride after practice." Dae says, before giving me the car keys and getting out, slamming the car door.

I get out too and head inside the school and towards the lockers. I see Dae talking with a few of her teammates and I smile before turning my head and being completely frozen at my spot.

I see Noah looking at me from across the hall. He isn't glaring. He isn't smiling either.

I remember what I decided to tell him yesterday as I start walking towards him. He turns around and started walking away from me. Really?

When I finally catch up with him, I hold him by the arm and make him turn around.

" What?" He asks, narrowing his eyes and huffing out a breath.

" I wanted to apologize for the way I talked to you. I realised I was being really rude because I was having a bad day." I say and look at him hopefully.

" Oh, so Miss-I'm-President-of-Lynwood-High not only teases kids about their socialising skills but also decides to ruin other people's days because her's was bad."

" If you knew the reason I am trying to help people with, you wouldn't be this sarcastic. But it doesn't hurt to judge, does it? If you can't accept my sincere apology then I have nothing to do with you. I'm sorry." I say and walk away.

I hear a long sigh and then my name gets called. He says my actual name and not that sarcastic pet name he made up.

I turn around and glare at him. " What?"

" I forgive you. Oh and also, you might need this." He says, smirking while he takes out something out of his pocket.

My phone.

How did I not notice that I didn't have my phone all along? Oh my god.

I take it and recognise the familiar faces of Calum, Ashton, Luke and Michael on my phone cover.

" You left it at the DJ table before you left." He says, still smirking.

Without a word, I turn and start to walk back into the school. The first bell rang two minutes ago and I didn't want to be late because of an ass.

I hear footsteps follow me all the way to my AP Biology class. I enter and take a seat and right behind me follows Noah. Hmm, how come I've never seen him in here before?

"Miss Matthew. May I have a word?" Mr.Stevens calls out.

I walk towards his table and he looks at me wearily.

He places a paper in front of me which I recognise as the test I took last week. What I don't recognise is a big C- marked in red on the top.

" I've decided that you need a tutor. How about Mr Noah Winters?"

Here you go, my lads. Hope you enjoyed.

#Trivia: This chapter was written on the bus ride from my school to my apartment.

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