Holiday Plans!!

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That night no-one could sleep. The scent of romance between our lead couples have swept away their good night sleep.

At Pabsu's House

As soon as Pabsu reached his home, he directly went to his room. He took a nice warm shower. When he came out of the bathroom, wearing just a pair of boxer shorts and towel around his shoulder and the water dripping from his bare chest, he threw himself on his bed. After many sleepless nights, he was finally happy.

"Ah what a date it was!! Finally we are back together..." Pabsu wondered while staring at the ceiling fan lying in bed.😍😍

He smirked as he reminiscenced the kiss he had with his beloved Sweety. He couldn't sleep thinking about the time they spent together after days...

On other hand, Amu too wasn't able to sleep. She was lying on her bed with her eyes wide open.

"Why did I kissed him? What was I thinking while kissing him? Ohhh god what must be he thinking about me?? Now how would I face him tomorrow..." She admonished herself for kissing Rana.😫😓

She couldn't stop herself from thinking about the kiss. She was embarrassed to face Rana after that. God knows what will happen the next day....

At Sweetu's House

As Sweety reached her house, she went inside and banged the main door. She stood leaning on the door for a while and blushed hard..

Than she went to her room and had a warm shower. As she came out of the bathroom, wearing cute night suit she went near her dressing table, rubbing her hairs with towel. She gazed at herself in the mirror and as her eyes fell on her lips, she blushed. Touching her lips, she reminiscenced the kiss she had with her Pabsu.

"I love you so so so much Pabsu...!!" She exclaimed.😘😘❤

She threw herself on her bed, hugging the pillow in her arms and shying off. She yearned for him, for his love and all those sweet moments. And now when everything's getting along well, she was excited to meet him tomorrow. A mere thought of rejoicing all the happy moments with him again, have swept away her sleep...

At Rana's House

Rana laid on his bed still holding his cheek where Amu kissed him. It's not like he's been never kissed like that before but still he was in mere shock with the one he recently received from Amu. He wasn't able to understand why he was feeling really weird.

"Ah why the hell I'm feeling damn weird about the kiss. It's not the first time I was been kissed like this than whyyyy....???" Rana almost scratched his head while dealing with his weird feelings.😫🙆

His eyes were sleepless as he couldn't stop himself from thinking about the kiss. He just wanted to know why Amu kissed him like that and why she made him feel like that..


The next morning came with the rays of excitement and eagerness. As excited Pabsu and Sweety were to meet each other and start all over again, Rana and Amu were as eager to know why they reacted the way last night...

Pabsu woke up much earlier than usual and got ready to go to sets. Amu too got up early but she was still embarrassed to go to sets and face Rana. As Pabsu finished his breakfast in hurry, he looked at Amu who was lost in her thoughts..

"Hey Amuu..!!" Pabsu jolted her.

"Huh?" Amu sighed as she felt the jerk.😕

"Where have you been lost ah?" Pabsu asked.🤔🤔

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