Nature's Majesty 💫

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"I'm not saying anything. Everything is in front of me." SSR said looking at both of them at once.

"What is in front of you Raj? Can you come to the point please?" Pabsu said irritated🤨

"Cmon Prabhas you think I don't know anything. I'm not naive to not see what is going on between you two." He stated.😒

"Raj Garu there is seriously nothing between us. We're just friends and you know that don't you?" Sweety tried to convince him. 😶

"I didn't said that you're not friends or something." SSR said raising his eyebrows.

"No no I just..."  Sweety tried to explain.😓

"Look its no point hiding. I know you two are like together. You could've atleast shared it with me. I thought I was your friend before your director." SSR said looking at two of them who were now looking down with sheer embarrassment .😥

"I'm sorry Raj. Look we don't want to let it out publicly. We want to keep it private. I'm really sorry but wait how did you come to know. I mean we took a lot of precautions regarding this."  Pabsu said as if he was shocked. 😔🤔

"I was suspicious from the very beginning but than my doubts were confirmed when Rana and Amu told me the other day." SSR replied😄

"Enti?? (what) I told them not to. These two..." Pabsu was agitated😠😤

"Aiyoo Pupsu calm down.."  Sweety held his shoulder subtly.😓

"Okay if everything is settled than can we talk about the script please?" SSR asked the two of them. 🤨

"Yeah sure." Pabsu replied calming his composer. 🙂

SSR than explained them about the last scene of the entire shooting. His vision was clear and now he needed them to know to get the best outcome. He have full faith that they would give their best for this last scene too. Because by now this Magnum Opus is not just his movie but its entire cast and crew's movie too. After all they've been working together since like 5 years on this. Because now the shoot was coming to the end, he also wanted to talk to them about the final touches he thought to give. And all that took quite a few hours.


Meanwhile, on other hand Rana's part in the shooting was already finished. So he was kind of free to do whatever he wants. He decided to use this opportunity.

"Amu enough of crying for now. Let's go I want to take you somewhere." He said wiping off her tears. 🤗

"Ramu I don't feel like going anywhere. Infact I don't feel like doing anything." She said lowly.😞

"I get it Amu. But I don't want you to sit like this and cry over the things. I want to help you and I'll do every possible thing I can. So for now let's go out and freshen up your mind." Rana said cheering her up.🤗

"Okay fine" She sighed😪

And he grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards his car. He opened the door to the passenger seat and let her sit. Than he took his place on driver's seat. He didn't brought his driver today knowing his shoot is going to be finished that day.

There was an unknown silence during the ride. Amu was looking out of the window. The evening sky outside takes on surreal saffron hue as the cloud reflects the fading red and orange glow, allowing the scattered blue light from the upper level of atmosphere to reach the ground. The houses on the far away road were appearing to be tiny black dots from a distant. It was so mesmerizing to witness the absolute serene beauty of nature. It soothes the mind and relaxes each nerve giving an altogether different feeling to its viewer. Amu somehow was experiencing the similar settling feeling.

Suddenly the car stopped moving. Rana had halted the car somewhere. He came out of the car and quickly walked towards the other side and opened the door for Amu. Getting out of the car Amu looked around the place. The beautiful green meadow spread around the length of the area with little wild flowers here and there.

"Come with me" Rana said and took her hand. She nodded and followed him suit.

They kept on walking, silence spread over between them. Only the noise of dry leaves crippling down their feet could be heard. After walking for like some minutes, they finally reached a place. The land surrounded with green meadows and beautiful flowers followed by a sparkling stream. The clear voice of water flowing could be heard. The cool breeze blowing her hairs and washing her face giving her a settling feeling. They slowly walked towards a dense tree nearby. Standing under the full blossomed tree, they kept on staring the aesthetic beauty of nature.

"Why did you brought me here Rana?" Amu asked suddenly breaking the silence between the two. 🤨

"Didn't you like it Amu?" Rana asked her instead😅

"Honestly Ramu I feel so good. This place, everything around is just so peaceful. It gives me an unknown feeling. Like the wind blowing, the water flowing down the steam, the bed of the green meadows with those tiny flowers. Everything is just so enchanting." Amu said while her eyes sparkled with merriment. 😃

"You got your answer than." Rana shrugged. 😄

Amu looked away. Staring at the nature's elegant beauty she realised what he was trying to say. She smiled and sat down and tried to pull Rana down too.

"Wait what are you doing? It'll mess up my clothes." Rana said scrunching his nose.😣

"Cmon Ramu. I'll wash them for you later. Now sit" Amu said and pulled him down. 🤗

"God you're unbelievable!" He grinned looking at her😄

And again there escalated a brief silence. After a few minutes, Amu scooted over to Rana and held his hand that was lying on the ground.

"Thank you so much Ramu" she whispered slowly😊

Rana nodded gripping her hand with his other open hand. She gently rested her head on his shoulder. Her cheeks feeling warmness at the touch of his skin on hers. They sat like that watching the sun setting down to little crimson dot touching the horizon.


Hello Darlings,

This was a filler chapter just to forecast Rana and Amu's growing relationship. Sorry I'll be back with a lengthy romantic chapter with Pranu masala very soon. I hope you all will enjoy this chapter as well. 🤗🤗❤️

BTW today's Valentine's Day so here's wishing you all a Happy Valentine's Day Loves. ♥️♥️ And here's a little gift for you all...

She's definitely looking DropDead Gorgeous💕💕Just  Breathtakingly Beautiful💞💞

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She's definitely looking DropDead Gorgeous💕💕Just  Breathtakingly Beautiful💞💞

Okay signing out for today. Ciao ❤️

Keep Reading and Smiling,


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