Chapter Five: The Truth Behind the Riddle

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"I always knew, always, that darkness would fall on that boy. He is a riddle, you see,"

_Professor Dumbledore_

Things didn't really improve for Ginevra. Tom continued to save a seat for her every lesson they had together and this caused her to be seen as the enemy in the eyes of every girl at Hogwarts. Also, things were incredibly boring. She was being taught spells she already knew, told about events she'd already revised and being asked to revise for tests she'd already taken. This must be how Tom felt the entire time, Ginevra thought, however the black-haired always looked attentive, even if he wasn't so.

Also, Tom seemed torn between acting his usual horrible self to her and pretending to be courteous. Sometimes he waited for her after lessons and other times he would glare at her in passing. It was so bewildering, considering how he was described by various members of staff. Dippet, the headmaster, thought Tom was a genius; he'd first introduced Tom to Ginevra as: 'poor but brilliant, parentless but so brave, school Prefect, and a model student.' 

On the other hand, Dumbledore seemed generally suspicious of the handsome Slytherin. In Transfiguration, the two of them sat at the back: Tom, restless and Ginevra, miserable. She missed Harry and Ron, and her Dumbledore. She didn't know if she would ever be able to get back, and that worried her more than anything. And she couldn't even ask Hogwarts' most brilliant student ever, either, because he was a Dark Lord in training. It wasn't fair.


It was in November that any real change happened. They were in Transfiguration and Tom was hidden behind a Transfiguration textbook, furiously reading the forbidden book concealed within, and Ginevra was reading over his shoulder, intrigued despite herself. To her disappointment, it said nothing about the Unforgivable Curses or other gruesome Dark Magic. It was a book about the soul. The two read on, oblivious to the lesson going on around them until Dumbledore appeared before them, and coughed.

Tom gave a slight shudder when he saw who it was, interesting Ginevra, and carefully lowered both the textbook and his eyes to the desk. Ginevra sat to attention, focused on Dumbledore.

"As I was saying," the professor continued very pointedly, "we will working on a project until Christmas. The project shall be on Animagi." Ginevra sat up slightly: it was a fascinating subject, and one which she'd spent a lot of time and research on in her fourth year, attempting to work out Rita Skeeter's secret. "This shall be done in pairs." Oh no, this didn't sound good. A crease appeared between Tom's eyebrows. He wasn't happy either. "A boy and a girl, from Slytherin and Ravenclaw respectively." Crumbs. What if she_ "Mr Riddle and Miss Granger, you shall be a pair. Mr Malfoy and..." Ginevra zoned out of the rest of Dumbledore's speech as she gazed in horror at the Slytherin next to her.

"Stop gawking, Granger," Tom said sharply, tapping his quill on the table impatiently.

"What do you expect me to do," answered Ginevra furiously, "when you look like a serpent poised to strike?" 

Oh, dear. The analogy was a bit too true for comfort.

Tom raised an eyebrow. 

"Impressive, Granger." Ginevra felt like smiling at the compliment; it was so unlike him. "Your Muggle knowledge infiltrates every single conversation we have." 

How did he manage to make a compliment into an insult, every time? It was infuriating!

Ginevra soldered on, regardless. "I did quite a lot about Animagi at Beauxbatons." Tom looked  but said nothing. "So, if you want, I can write down what I remember from that and we can try and combine some stuff," she finished lamely. 

Tom was staring at her.

"Enjoy your research," he said and stood. 

Ginevra was about to call after him but he was already gone.


A.N. The title and the quote included doesn't fit the chapter so I'm sorry for that. :(

Anyone recognise the other quote included, by Dippet?

And can anyone translate Tom's body language in this chapter? It'll make sense at the end, I promise.

Again, I'm sorry.

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