Chapter Twenty-Seven: Tactful Tom

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"Worthless and traitorous as you are, you helped me... and Lord Voldemort rewards his helpers..."

_Lord Voldemort, Goblet of Fire_

"... Let me get this straight."
"You threatened to kill her..."
"That's right."

"And she is now your minion?"
"Pretty much."
"I think there's more to it than that."
"Well, maybe."

Tom was sure he could work out most people's reasons for doing things and Ginev_ Hermione's seemed perfectly straightforward. She didn't want to die, so she pledged her undying loyalty to him. It made complete and utter sense.
"You know nothing about girls, Tom," Abraxas sighed, as if reading his mind.

The two boys sat in the same dungeon as Tom had been in with Hermione and Tom idly wondered whether Abraxas would do the same as her if he turned his wand on him.
"What would you do if I threatened to kill you?" He asked his friend casually.
Abraxas jumped up in shock.

"You'd do no such thing!" He exclaimed.
"Great," Tom rolled his eyes. "If someone wanted to kill you, you'd act like the matron of my orphanage, Mrs Cole. You'd act like a snivelling woman."
Abraxas raised a finger. Tom stared at it, bemused.

"Lesson one in love," Abraxas stated, deadly serious. "Never, ever, call a woman 'snivelling'. Funnily enough, they don't like it."
"Sarcasm won't get you far with me, Abraxas," Tom said nastily.
"Nor will advice, seemingly."
"When did you grow a spine? Or a brain, for that matter?"
"Hey! Just because Granger is clever, that doesn't automatically dismiss me as stupid."

Tom reflected on Hermione for a moment. Would she be a beneficial companion of his? She was certainly bright enough, but was she willing to give up her perfect morals? He may be doing it all for the Greater Good but not all his acts were universally classed as 'good'. Most of them were unethical and Hermione was a modern woman from the future. Maybe that's why Abraxas suggested leaving out the 'snivelling'. Women had the vote, after all.

"Tom? You there?"
Abraxas waved a hand in front of Tom's vacant face and the irate wizard grabbed it and forced it down.
"Sorry," the Malfoy heir said timidly.

"Why don't I get Hermione to tell me all about the future?" Tom beamed.
It was unnerving.
"Yeah, sure," Abraxas stuttered, and watched Tom run out of the dungeon with a mix of apprehension and fear.


That day found Hermione perusing the shelves of the library for some light reading. Since she'd already given up her morality to Tom, she may as well have a good time doing it.
"Miss Granger."
She jumped and turned.

Professor Dumbledore stood there in all his lurid glory.
"Yes, Professor?" She asked politely. "What can I do for you?"
Perhaps she could emulate Tom.
"We need to talk, Miss Granger, about your... predicament," the wizened old man said delicately.

She smiled at him.
"I don't see it so much as a predicament as a silver lining," she replied brightly.
He looked horrified.
"He's got to you, hasn't he?"

"Professor Dumbledore!"
Tom emerged from around the corner.
"... Tom."
Not intending to be outdone, Tom continued.
"I wanted to speak to my girlfriend. Ginevra."

Since neither could claim to be amazing actors, both Hermione and Dumbledore froze for a few seconds, but then Hermione reclaimed her smile.

"Yes, isn't it wonderful? Tom has been so kind to me, Sir, and he asked me out yesterday."
"That's... truly wonderful," the professor said heavily. "Young love. If you'll excuse me..."

Tom grinned at the man's receding back and then Hermione tentatively smiled at him.
"Well, that certainly worked," he stated, laughing. "I should have tried that years ago."

"He might've started to get suspicious of the girlfriend ruse," Hermione frowned at him. "Were you looking for me or to cause a fight?"
"Seeing your reaction to my plan was certainly rewarding," he smiled toothily, "but I was actually, genuinely, searching for you. I wanted to ask you some questions."

"About the future, I take it?" She answered in a low voice.
"Yes. It would be helpful."
"Don't want any surprises, then?" Hermione grinned.
"Preferably not," Tom said, but his voice was without humour.

"In that case, then, come with me and I'll tell you all about it."


A.N. I hope this story isn't becoming a parody - it has come off the rails of the plan I had it on, but, a chapter in so little time! That's got to be a good thing, surely!

Please vote and comment anything! Since this story is three chapters away from completion *gasp* now is the time to tell me if there is anything I need to edit, because I'm not planning on changing anything once it's finished :)

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