Part 1: Intrusion

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"Sir, there's an intruder in the station" a lower marine reported, coughing a little from the sick smoke in the office. "An intruder? In my station?" came the rough voice of the captain from somewhere in the room "Not as long I'm in charge here"
The marine heard a chair scraping on the floor, then the rustling of clothe and in the next second the white-haired captain rushed passed him.

The indruder had managed to sneak into the marine base without any big problems. She just had to knock out one guard and now had to get to her destination without getting caught. A fight was the last thing she needed to steal her time. She had to return as quick as. For her.
Pulling out a map from her cloak, ahe searched for the shortest way, then started running.
The base was nearly empty. A strange fact. Just a marine here and there but it was easy to avoid them.
Suddenly a loud bell was ringing and a door right behind the woman flew open, the scent of cooked food escaping the room. Dozens of marines that all just had finished lunch stepped out and she was immediately spotted. "Hey, who are you?" one asked and you took a step back "I, uh just wanted to-" herr glorious speech was interrupted by the guard she'd knocked out. He stumbled around the corner. Shit was the woman's only thought, knowing that it was over with 'unnoticed'

"Information!" Smoker barked as he left his office and the young marine realized that he was supposed to follow. "Not much" he stuttered as he stumbled after his superior "We don't know what the intruder is searching for but following the line of unconscious marines we can figure that he is on the way to the centre of the base" "In the centre of the base is the room where we have all the maps or the library probably would be the most attractive one" Smoker mused and redirected his steps.

Using the blunt side of her sword, the intruder fought her way through the rows of marines. She kicked the last of her attackers against the wall, then turned the last corner. Only to find you face to face with the next group.
Where does all those come from? she wondered as she grew frustrated. There was no time for this. She was needed back.
Raising her sword, she took a deep breath, then charged at the men with a warrior's call.

While Smoker was running through hallways of the marine base he found more than one knocked out marine. Yet none of them seriously injured.
Whoever this is works efficiently and doesn't waste time. The closer he got to the maps room, the louder he could hear the noises of fighting.
Passing the last corner you faced an interesting fight scene. About ten marines had circled a figure in a black cloak. The hood was pulled deep in the person's face and it had a huge, strangely curves sword in the hand. The cloaked intruder was breathing heavily. Not a surprise, seeing how many marines already were beaten.
One of the marines tried and attacked the intruder but he moved out of the way and landed a blow to his stomach. The soldier toppled over and the hilt of the sword came down on the back of his head, knocking him out immediately.
"Idiots!" Smoker called out as he stepped closer "Attack together if you're not able to bring him down alone!"
They did what they were told but there was no use. The intruder may have been exhausted but still managed to knock out all of them.
The figure then turned towards the white-haired captain and attacked. He quickly turned his arm into smoke and slipped it around the attacker's neck, squeezing the air out of him.
At first the figure was still struggling but soon went still. Smoker dropped it to the floor, where the person laid unmoving.
Kneeling down beside the intruder, Smoker pulled the head of the cloak back. His eyes widened slightly as thick crimson hair fell around a delicate face. There in front of him laid no man, like he's thought but a beautiful woman. She wore black pants and a white shirt with only one sleeve, that left her toned stomach uncovered.

 She wore black pants and a white shirt with only one sleeve, that left her toned stomach uncovered

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As the woman woke again some time later, she found herselfin a small room without any windows. She was chained to a chair by handcuffsand a table stood in front of her.
Suddenly the door was thrown open and a tall man stepped in. He had short whitehair and his well build chest was visible through his open jacket. The womanhad to admit he was kind of sexy. He was smoking two cigars at the same timeand the spicy scent filled the small room quickly after he'd closed the door.
"What were you searching here?" he immediately asked as he sat downon a chair on the other side on the table. "What does it matter?" youreplied in a sad whisper "It's over anyway"
"Answer me!" Smoker growled and stood up, but she shook herr head"You wouldn't believe me anyway" "Try me" a provoking smirkon his face as he sat down again.
"I never wanted this" she eventually replied after a long silence"I never wanted to be a pirate and work for this bastard" "Thenway did you?" Smoker actually was interested. "Because he has mysister" "He blackmails you?" she nodded "She's three andI'm the only family she has left" tears welled up in the woman's brightblue eyes "He threatens to kill her whenever I refuse to do anything forhim" "Who's you captain?" "Barnabee, the silentkiller"
Smoker knew this name very well. He had heard stories about this pirate andhis cruelty. It was no surprise that he would use a small child to get what hewants.
Though he wasn't quite sure why, he believed this woman. "What were yousearching here? And is your captain still in Logue Town?" he asked heragain, a plan already forming in his mind. "Information, a map for the newworld and no" she shook her head, her red hair swaying around her likeliquid fire "I was supposed to get the stuff and meet the crew at a islandin at least three days"
"You'll meet them there" he decided and she looked at him stunned"You're not talking about letting me go, aren't you?". He chuckled"No. I'm talking about you showing us the way, so we can capture yourcaptain"
"I can't do that" she whispers "If he sees me with the marine,he'll kill her instantly" "But if you won't get there in three days,he also will kill her but with me and the marine by your side you still have achance to get her out save. It's your decision"
She thought about it for a while but eventually she sighed "Fine""Good" Smoker nodded "Where are you supposed to meet up?""There's a map in my cloak" she told him and he called for someone toget the cloak.
While they waited, Smoker asked "What's your name anyway?""Serenity" she replied and for that moment they were just a man and awoman together. Well, except for the fact that she was cuffed to a chair."And yours?" "Smoker" he told her and she giggled"Fits you"
In that moment the door was opened and the cloak was handed over. Smokersearched through the pockets and eventually pulled out a map, that he placed onthe table. "Show me"
"Here" she replied and pointed at a small island about two days from LogueTown. "All right" the marine mumbled but then you realized something"Hey, where are your handcuffs?"
Serenity giggled sweetly and whirled the open cuffs around her finger "Ican open every lock"
Smoker smirked and leaned back on your chair. This sure will be interesting.    

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