Part 6: Free

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On your way back to Logue town Serenity spent as much time as possible with her sister and it nearly broke her heart to see how happy she was, how much she loves Smoker and how carefully and gentle the man was treating the child.
Eventually you could spot the island in the distance as you stood with Christine at the railing.
"Why are you crying?"
The innocent question of the girl irritated her, until she realised that she was true and tears were streaming down her cheeks. "It's nothing" she quickly replied and whipped them away "Just the wind"
An arm wrapped around her shoulder and she was pulled into a warm body. Smoker kissed her temple and whispered in her ear, so the child wouldn't be troubled.
"It will be all right".
Serenity leaned into him but didn't say anything. She wished so much that he was right but she didn't know how.
Christine tugged at Smoker's pants and lifted her arms up in a silent demand. He immediately followed the order, bend down and placed the small child on his arm. She giggled happily
"Can we keep him, Serenity?".
You smiled at her and padded her head "He's no pet, Chrissy. We can't keep him that easily"
The child crossed her arms and pouted "Then you have to marry him"
You looked at her stunned and blushed a deep red and Smoker didn't look much better, except that the colour of his skin was more normal. Fortunately, right in that moment Tashigi walked up to you "Captain, we'll arrive in a few minutes" "Good, prepare everything for berthing" Smoker told her, and she saluted "Yes, captain"
Christine perked up "Can I see? Can I see?" she excitedly tugged at Smoker's collar, who chuckled amused "Of course"

It had become evening and after they had berthed, Serenity was sure that she would be brought back to the marine base to be arrested but Smoker led her right past the building and further down the street.
"Where are we going?" As far as she knew, there wasn't another prison in Logue town. "It was a long trip and I think we all want to rest" Smoker simply replied and she looked at him even more confused
"But shouldn't I -" she didn't finish the sentence, not wanting to worry Chrissy, instead she motioned to the marine base.
Smoker just shrugged and smiled at the woman reassuringly "I already told you to leave it all to me, so don't worry" "All right" Serenity still had no clue what the marine was planning but his confidence calmed her at least a little "But I still would like to know where we're going" "To my house. You need a place to stay, don't you?" he looked at her with a small smirk as she wanted to protest. He did already enough for her, she couldn't as him to take her in as well "Or would you prefer to stay at a cell with your sister?" "Of course, not"
He knew that this had convinced her, and he hummed complacently to himself, looking forward having Serenity in his home. A light blush covered Serenity's cheeks at the thought of living with Smoker, just like a normal couple. At least for a while.
She looked at Smoker with a thoughtful look. With Chrissy on his shoulders, he just looked like a father with his daughter and the most surprising thing was that he wasn't even smoking because of the child. She wished so much you that everything could stay the way it was right now.
Meanwhile they had reached his house and Smoker led her inside. It was just like you'd imagined it, plane and tidy, yet nice and comfortable. "This is my guest room" Smoker explained and opened the door to a small room "It's not that big, so I suggest Chrissy will sleep here" "Yeah, my own room" The girl cheered and ordered to be led down. Serenity smiled as she watched Chrissy explore her new kingdom.
They left her to it, and Smoker showed her the rest of this house. He opened the door to another bedroom "This is my room. You will sleep here" "And you?" She was a little disappointed that he didn't consider them sharing the room. And the bed.
"I'll take the couch"
He didn't look at her as he spoke, yet she could have sworn that he was a little embarrassed. The tension rose and to break it, Serenity walked towards the kitchen
"How about I make us dinner?"
Smoker gladly accepted her intentions and followed her "I don't know what's left in my fridge. This is a typical single household" "We'll find something"
She already was busy inspecting the kitchen, rummaging through the cupboards and looking into the fridge. In the end she was able to gather enough for a simple, yet nice dinner.
Smoker helped her by cutting down the ingredients. Living by himself for most of his live, he was able to cook by himself, yet he found it oddly satisfying to cook with or for someone. Of course, he had some romantic or sexual relationships in the past but none of the women touched him enough to be allowed to actual live with him. Not once he had thought about something like cooking together.
When Chrissy smelled the food. she came out to help, too, yet her help mostly consisted of stealing the ingredients and eating them.
After dinner, Serenity insisted on doing the cleaning and Smoker, who eventually gave in stepped out on the balcony to smoke one or two of his cigars. A very sweet thought in her opinion. The sisters were left alone, and as Chrissy yawned heavily, serenity prepared her for bed. Smoker had told the marines to bring their stuff from Barnabee's ship with them, so Chrissy could be dressed in her favourite pyjama.
When the girl was snuggled up in the pillows, her teddy pressed to her chest, she looked up at her sister.
"Serenity, do you like uncle Smoker?"
She blushed lightly but nodded, unable to lie to her sibling
"He's a good man and he takes good care of us" "Do you think we can stay with him?"
Her voice was silent but filled with hope and Serenity ruffled her hair, hoping the sometimes way too observing child wouldn't notice her uneasiness "I really hope so". then she got up and kissed her forehead "But now sleep, my dear"
Chrissy nodded and pulled the blanket up to her nose "Will you sing for me?"

When Smoker returned from the balcony, he heard Serenity talk to her sister in the guest room. He leaned against the door frame and listened, smiling softly when Serenity admitted that she likes him.
"Do you think we can stay with him?" Christine's innocent question caused the marine to sigh. If it was up to him, he never wanted to let them go again. None of them. Not the small, lovely child, nor the beautiful woman, he came to love in the last few days.
Submitting to her sister's plea, Serenity started singing and Smoker shuddered as he heard her beautiful voice. He crossed his arms and leaned his head against the doorframe, closing his eyes as he listened to her.
When Christine was asleep and Serenity silently left the room, she nearly bumping into him.
"Chrissy's fast asleep" she told the marine with a soft smile, which he returned, then
they walked in the living room and sat down on the couch. Serenity leaned against his chest and for a while they just talked until Serenity started yawning heavily.
"You should go to bed"
Smoker nudged her to get up, though to tell the truth he would prefer to keep her close to him.
"I better should" Serenity agreed and slowly got up, still hoping that he might join her "Good night" she mumbled as he didn't and she leaned down to kiss his cheek.
"Night" Smoker looked after her longingly as she walked into the bedroom.
He really wanted to go with her, but he didn't know if you should, unsure if could call them 'a couple'. Yes, they already had slept with each other, but it happened in the heat of the moment and Smoker didn't know if was expecting too much at this point of time.
With a growl, he got up, readied the couch for him to sleep and laid down. He closed his eyes but couldn't sleep, turning from right to left. Something was missing, and he felt empty.

Serenity was laying in a comfortable bed, in a warm room, in a safe house but couldn't sleep. Something was missing, and she knew exactly what it was.
The door to the bedroom opened silently, and at first, she thought that it was her sister, but then she heard heavy footsteps. A body, much bigger than Christine's walked towards the bed, then the blanked was lifted and someone laid down behind her. A muscular arm was wrapped around her waist and pulled her into a toned body.
Serenity sighed in delight and snuggled deeper into Smoker, while he hugged her even tighter and pressed a kiss to her bare shoulder
This was it, with Smoker so close to her, she felt complete and finally she was able to fall asleep. The closeness of two lovers.

The next morning, she was woken up as Smoker shifted beneath her but he quickly kissed her temple. "Sleep on" he murmured and pulled the blanket up to her shoulders "I need to go to work. Please come later to my office"
Sleepily she nodded and curled back up under the blankets, while Smoker silently left the room.

Like he had asked her to, Serenity was with Chrissy on her way to the marine base after a nice breakfast.
It was strange to now be invited into the base she had intruded just a few days ago, yet this say seemed so far away by now.
They met Tashigi and Chrissy ran up to her as she spotted the blue-haired woman, that had taken care of her while she had waited for her sister.
"Captain Smoker is waiting for you in his office" Tashigi told serenity and lifted her sister up "I'll take care of Christine in the meantime" "All right" she followed Tashigi, who showed her the way to the office. She knocked and opened the door a little "Captain? Serenity is here" "Send her in" came Smoker's answer and Tashigi nodded, then motioned for her to go inside.
She entered but stopped dead in your tracks when you saw a marine officer sitting on Smoker's desk.

 She entered  but stopped dead in your tracks when you saw a marine officer sitting on Smoker's desk

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The urge to turn around and flee was strong when the officer got up and stepped towards her.
"Ah, you must be Serenity" he said and grabbed her hand with a smile on his face "Congratulations to the success of your mission and I hope the sacrifices weren't too big"
Though, she had no clue what was going on, as Smoker motioned for her to go on behind the officer's back, she chose a neutral expression.
"It was hard but that's what I've been trained for?"
Your voice perked up into a question at the end of your sentence, but the marine didn't seem to notice and just nodded.
"Thanks to your commitment we were able to capture on of the most wanted pirates"
No Smoker interfered in the confusing conversation "Like I've told you when were planning the mission, I chose the best man or in this case woman to do the job" "Of course, of course. I remember you fighting vehemently for Serenity" The officer replied a bit too eager, and Serenity gave up trying to understand what was going on her.
The marine smoothened down his cloak, the walked towards the door "Well, now I have to leave. I have some business to attend to"
When he was gone, Smoker started laughing and sat back down in his chair.
"What is going on here?"
Serenity kept starring between the closed door and the still laughing man behind the desk.
"You, my dear just had successfully returned from a undercover mission to capture Barnabee" Smoker told you with a smirk on his face and Serenity titled her head to the side in confusion, causing him to laugh even louder.
"Those marine officers are idiots that would never admit that they made a mistake"
Now it made click in Serenity's head and she started to smirk, amazed by Smoker's simple, yet genius plan
"You told them about a very important mission that never had happened and since they can't say that they have forgotten about it-"
She was too excited to even finish the sentence, instead jumped on Smoker's lap and kissed him deeply. He just laughed and hugged her tight.
As they sat there together, it slowly sank in that the first time in many years she was free, completely and utterly free.
"So what now?" she asked and looked up at Smoker "I hope you know that you won't get rid of me that easily. Not anymore" "Well, I'm really lazy when it comes to paperwork" he looked at her thoughtfully and rubbed his chin "I really could need a secretary" "What a cliché"
Serenity snorted but nonetheless changed her position, so she was straddling his lab "The boss having an affair with his secretary"
Smoker just smirk and pulled her in a deep passionate kiss.

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