Part 3: Giving in (smut)

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Serenity felt warm and dry when she came back to consciousness.
"Serenity?" a rough voice called her name and she could smell the spicy scent of cigars. Either she was in her personal heaven or still alive.
To test which was true, she tried to open her heavy eyelids and the first thing she saw was a lot of white. That's a point for the heaven theory.

But when your eyes finally focused all the white slowly turned into tables, beds and medical equipment. This was the ship's infirmary.
"Finally decided to wake up?" someone asked and when Serenity turned her head, she came face to chest. Smoker's chest. "You scared me out there" he said and instantly she was wide awake. He was scared? "I'm sorry" she didn't want him to worry. Smoker sat down on a chair beside the bed "It's not your fault. It's not like you jumped in the water" "But I don't want you to worry" she didn't dare to look at him "As long as I have a good reason to worry, I have no problem with it" Smoker chuckled, causing her to blush lightly.
"Did you eat from a devil fruit?" Serenity nodded "Yeah, some years ago" "Which one?" he wanted to know, slightest curiosity shining in his eyes.
Serenity sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed to have a better position to show her powers. As she looked at Smoker, she realized for the first time that he appeared to be awfully tired and that his clothes and hair was still damp. Had he been by her side the whole time?
"You're all wet" She stood up and without thinking you placed her hands on his cheeks "You're ice cold and you look tired. You need is a shower, dry clothes and some sleep"
Smoker shook his head "I'm all right and now show me" "My powers will still be there afterwards" she pulled him up from his chair, then pushing him towards the door "First we need to get you in dry clothes, before you get sick"
"I'm not getting sick that fast" the marine protested as Serenity dragged him towards his room but she shook her head "You're probably sitting in the infirmary since the storm's over. It's not warm in there and you were soaked to the bone. Even the strongest man has a point where he should get some rest"
She was right. The second the storm was over, he'd walked into the infirmary and had stayed by her side ever since. Ignoring that water was dripping from his clothes and hair.
"Fine" he eventually gave in, though it didn't feel like losing a fight. It reminded him about his parents and how his mother always would take care of her husband when he was sick. Smoker liked the thought that Serenity cared about him the same way.
They had reached the captain's quarters and Serenity pushed him towards the bathroom. "And now I want you to stay in there until you have the temperature of a normal human being" she told him in a stern voice that made the man smirk.
He had to admit he felt the chill in all of his bones, so he stepped in the bathroom without further complains. But before he had closed the door, he turned around one last time "I first want to see your powers"
Serenity rolled her eyes dramatically but then smiled and before Smoker's stunned eyes, her body started to change.
He smirked when she was done and examined her with greedy eyes "Sexy" he eventually said, then closed the door without waiting response. God knows what he would have done when she'd had shown the right reaction. He probably would have jumped her in an instant.
Quickly he undressed and stepped in the shower to let the water spill away the sinful thoughts.
With a deep blush on her face Serenity stared at the wooden between her and the marine. Still she was able to feel his heated gaze on her and it sent chills down her spine. For a second, she was tempted to enter the bathroom to accompany the man during the shower but quickly your common sense took over again. She turned and left the room.
Without knowing where she actually was going, she walked around the ship until she found herself in her own room
With a heavy sigh, she fell on the bed and closed her eyes. She saw the image of Smoker in front of her, his burning eyes caressing her body. Shanking the picture of, she pulled the blanked over her and curled up, hoping to be able to catch some sleep.
Serenity threw herself from left to right and eventually got up again to walk upstairs. The marine who was supposed to watch out was asleep in the crow's nest and snored loudly.
She walked up to the front and just looked up at the starts. A cold wind blew passed her and she shivered, cursing herself for not having brought a jacket or a blanket.
"You shouldn't be out in the cold when after you just were pulled out of the sea" Smoker's voice said from behind her and butterflies filled herr stomach.
Something heavy was trapped over her shoulders and when Serenity looked down, she found it to be Smoker's jacket. It smelled just like him. Cigars mixed with his own pure male scent. He stepped beside her with and as Serenity spotted his completely bare upper body the butterflies went crazy.
"What are you doing out here?" he asked, and Serenity shrugged "Couldn't sleep"
The wind blew harder and she pulled the jacket tighter around her. Smoker noticed and wrapped his arm around her to pull her into him. Their bodies fit together like a puzzle. She feet warmer in an instant.
Serenity looked up at his face, but he was looking straight forward. Like it was embarrassing for him and you she had to giggle. Her laugh caused Smoker to look down and he froze. She looked so beautiful in the moonlight. No, even more beautiful.
Without thinking he leaned down and placed his lips on hers in a gentle kiss. Just as he realized what he had done, Serenity pressed back and answered the kiss.
They shifted, so they were facing each other and Serenity placed her hands on Smoker's broad chest. His other arm joined the first around her waist, bringing them closer together.
The gentle kiss became more heated every passing second and soon his tongue nudged open her lips. She moaned softly as his tongue rubbed against hers, urging her to play with him.
Serenity tasted so sweet and her body felt so soft in Smoker's arms. He growled in pleasure as her hands, that were the soft ones of a woman, yet the callused ones of a warrior started to explore his body. Smoker placed his hand on her exposed back but as his cold skin touched your warm flesh, she jumped and accidently bit down on Smoker's tongue. This caused her mind to clear.
What am I doing here? This man is a marine. I'm a pirate and his prisoner
The small pain also caused Smoker to come back to reality
What am I doing here? I'm a marine. This woman is a pirate and my prisoner.

They pulled apart and looked at each other for a long time. In the others' eyes they could read the same thoughts. Slowly they pulled their hands away and stepped apart.
"I better go inside" Serenity whispered and Smoker nodded "It's cold outside"
With that she walked inside, feeling sadness and pain overflow her heart. She wanted this man and she wanted to be with him. Something that should, that could never happen.

Smoker looked after the leaving woman, then cursed under his breath and ran a hand through his hair. His heart was beating fast and though he stood bare-chested in the cold wind, he felt hot. This woman had been the one to cause this chaos.
Not wanting anyone to see him in this agitated state, he returned to his quarters.
He wanted this woman. In a sexual way, yes. His body was quite clear with that. But he also wanted her in an emotional way. He wanted to be able to hold her in your arms, to call her his, and he wanted her and every other guy to know that she was his.
"Damn it!" he shouted and punched the wall. Since when was he this emotional and possessive? A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts.

When Serenity was about to enter her room she realized that she still had Smoker's jacket. She knew that she should give it back to him. She returned upstairs but Smoker wasn't on deck anymore.
Probably in his room she thought and redirected her steps. In front of his door she stopped and calmed her wild thumping heart. Eventually she knocked and waited until his rough voice barked a "What?!" "It's me. I just want to bring you your ja-"
Before she was able to finish, the door was ripped open and the woman pulled inside. The door slammed shut and Serenity pushed against it, Smoker's strong body pressed against hers. His lips pushed against hers as he kissed her wildly.
Serenity couldn't resist the erotic feeling and moaned out loudly as he thrusted his lower part against her. Wrapping her arms around his neck and fisting her hands in his white hair, she brought Smoker closer and answered the aggressive strokes of his tongue.
They separated for air "Do you know what you're doing to me, woman?" Smoker growled, then latched himself onto her neck. Serenity threw her head back and moaned out loudly as he bit random places.
"Do you think I feel different in any way?" she panted and tucked at his hair to bring him to her lips to kiss him deeply. Smoker crumbled and trailed his hands down her body, towards her tights. He lifted her up and forced her harder into the door. Serenity wrapped her legs around his waist. A ripping noise, the cool air hit the woman's body.
Pulling away, Serenity looked down to find her shirt gone, ripped apart by the marine's strong hands. Smoker looked at her body with greedy eyes, then he lifted her of the door to throw her on his bed.
He kicked off his boots, then removed both their remaining clothes and crawled on top of her, lowering himself down. Both moaned as their heated bodies met.
Following an sudden urge, Serenity pushed him over and set on his hips. Something she knew could only happen because he was allowing her to. That she was sure of.
She ran her hands up his stomach, making warmth and life flood across his body. Her body followed the journey of her hands, until she was lying on top of him, her full breasts squashed against his chest and her heart beating like a trapped thing. She raised a hand and lightly ran a finger around his lips. It was so soft, that touch, yet so arousing. The longing rose in him, sick and strong.

"And just what were your original intentions?" she said softly. Teasingly "Before we had interrupted ourselves?" He wrapped a hand around the back of her neck, holding her still as his lips met hers again. But this kiss was no gentle thing, but rather fierce, filled with all the hunger and desire that was in him.
"Good intensions" she gasped, when he finally let her go.
"That is only just the beginning" he kissed her chin, nuzzled the pulse point at the base of her neck, drawing in the scent of her. The wild muskiness of a woman combined with the sweet freshness of rain on a summer's day. A scent so uniquely her own, a scent he would never forget, no matter what happened between them.
He slid his fingers down her flesh, then wrapped his arms around her and spun them around, until she was on the bottom and he on top.
"Ah, the controlling marine captain strikes again" she murmured, eyes bright with amusement "Can't stand to have a woman in charge and all that"
"As if there's any way to control you" he released her arms and slid down her body.
When he took one nipple into his mouth and sucked on it, she gasped softly, her back arching into him, urging him on silently.
He teased her, touched her, aroused her, until her blood was humming and her body shuddering. All he wanted to do was bury himself deep inside her.
But not yet. Not quite yet.
He rose and claimed her lips yet again, his kiss as urgent as before, filled with the unleashed desire that burned between them.
"You know" she gasped "For a so-called control freak, you're doing a very tardy job of taking what you want"
He smiled at her, his gaze roaming over her features. Features that only showed desire and lust by now "I didn't think that you would appreciate such action, if it means cutting short your own pleasure"
"Trust me, you wouldn't cut short anything"
Smoker shifted position, so that he was between her legs, his cock pressing against her, teasing, but not entering "So you're saying that you would like me to take you?"
"Unless you've got some very important marine stuff to do"
He paused a heartbeat, pretending to consider "No, I don't think I do"
And with that he rammed himself deep inside her. And it was glorious, so glorious. Serenity cried out in pure pleasure as he stretched and filled her. Smoker also let a grunt escape about the way her body enveloped him, the heat of her surrounding him, claiming him with the same sort of urgency that raged through him. There was a completion in that moment, a wholeness that went beyond mere pleasure.
He began to move, and she moved with him, her supple body shuddering with the force of the lust building within her. They could taste each other's desires, taste their need and it only fuelled their own lust to greater heights. He began to move more fiercely, and she was right there with him, wanting everything he could give her.
She gasped, grabbing the bedsheets for support, as his movements grew faster, more urgent. Everything broke, and she was unravelling, groaning with the intensity of her orgasm. Then his own hit, and thought and time stopped as he came, thrusting deep and hard, loosing himself inside her as he sank his teeth into the soft flesh of her shoulder.
She came again, her shuddering rolling across his body.
She was his and she knew it.
He'd make sure of it.    

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